30/10/99 (Saturday) - Updated My Rants Section.

16/10/99 (Saturday) - Updated My Rants Section. Updated the main page as well.

6/10/99 (Wednesday) - Updated My Rants Section.

3/10/99 (Sunday) - Archived the next three episodes of Transformers: Season 4 in the Fanfics section and The Transformer Station. Updated My Rants Section.

31/08/99 (Tuesday) - Updated My Rants Section.

29/08/99 (Sunday) - Added a new part called My Rants Section. Please look at it.

28/08/99 (Saturday) - Added Episode 7 of Transformers: Season 4 in the Fanfics section.

16/8/99 (Monday) - Reformatted the Transformer Station

5/8/99 (Thursday) - Updated my links section.

27/7/99 (Tuesday) - Updated my links section.

15/7/99 (Thursday) - After a looong time, I decided to dispose of the Anime section for the simple reason that I can't be bothered to create it now so the Transfomers gets a direct link.

7/6/99 (Monday) - Added Episode 6 of Transformers: Season 4 in the Fanfics section.

22/5/99 (Saturday) - Updated the Fanfics section.

14/5/99 (Friday) - Disposed of the counter.

3/5/99 (Monday) - Finally came up with a critiria on how other people's fanfics can be sent here. Please click here to find out how.

25/4/99 (Sunday) - Added Episode 4 of Transformers: Beast Wars in the Fanfics section.

11/4/99 (Sunday) - Updated my my tribute page to Ryoko Hirosue.

7/4/99 (Wednesday) - Added Episode 5 of Transformers: Season 4 in the Fanfics section.

6/4/99 (Tuesday) - Updated my links section.

31/3/99 (Wednesday) - Updated my links section.

27/3/99 (Saturday) - Added Episode 3 of Transformers: Beast Wars in the Fanfics section.

22/3/99 (Monday) - Due to a forgetful mind, I have decided to forgo the count down of the Star Wars movie until ten days prior. Instead, the release dates will just be on the main page

13/3/99 (Saturday) - Archived the first three episodes of Transformers: Season 4 in the Fanfics section and The Transformer Station. Also added the countdown to the release of Stars Wars: The Phantom Menace on the Main Page.

11/3/99 (Thursday) - Updated my links section.

4/3/99 (Thursday) - Updated my links section.

21/2/99 (Sunday) - Have completed my tribute page to Ryoko Hirosue. Check it out by clicking here. Enjoy!

20/2/99 (Saturday) - Finally added my Transformers:Victory overview to The Transformer Station

19/2/99 (Friday) - Updated my links section.

15/2/99 (Monday) - Added Episode 4 of Transformers: Season 4 and Cybercentury Ghost in the Fanfics section. Updated my links section.

14/2/99 (Sunday) - That's it. The Choriki Theme Site is permenantly down. No more, splut! Oh well.

10/2/99 (Wednesday) - The world has gone mad! The Choriki Theme Site is down due to the server's fault. I'll update you once its back up, sorry for the inconvinence. However, I'm almost ready to put down my Tokusatsu site. Expect it around March. Til the next update.

2/2/99 (Tuesday) - Redid The Transformer Station, should no changes from now on, except for updates.

29/1/99 (Friday) - Redid some area of my webpage. Nothing major nor noteworthy.

22/1/99 (Friday) - Redid The Transformer Station format and corrected some information on the Headmaster series.

21/1/99 (Thursday) - Updated my links section.

18/1/99 (Monday) - Updated my links section.

16/1/99 (Saturday) - Added Episode 3 of Cybercentury Ghost in the Fanfics section.

14/1/99 (Thursday) - Added Episode 3 of Transformers: Season 4 in the Fanfics section.

28/12/98 (Monday) - Added Episode 2 of Cybercentury Ghost in the Fanfics section.

26/12/98 (Friday) - Added theme songs to my Fanfics section, both new and archived.

22/12/98 (Tuesday) - Added Episode 2 of Transformers: Beast Wars in the Fanfics section.

21/12/98 (Monday) - Added Episode 2 of Transformers: Season 4 in the Fanfics section. Updated links.

17/12/98 (Thursday) - Updated links as well as change some cosmetics for better look.

9/12/98 (Wednesday) - Updated my links.

8/12/98 (Tuesday) - Nothing major, just a few cosmetic changes

4/12/98 (Friday) - Added a new section to my Fanfics page.

29/11/98 (Sunday) - This website, that's what.