This is the last Transformers series for the eighties and boy was it great. It had the old things that made Transformers great as well as some new twist to keep it interesting. Also, it seemed to be the most violent series of all. Well on to the review of this series.
This story takes place in 2025. Many years after the events in Masterforce. The beginning states that Ginrai defeated Deathsaurus (Present bad-ass Destron leader) and sent him and his Destrons packing. However, Deathsaurus is back. The show then introduces the new leader of the Cybertrons who has taken over the place of Ginrai, Star Sabre.
He is from the Planet V, I presume found by Rodimus Convoy, and is the best fighter of all the Cybertrons with a sabre. It is then explained that he is now in-charge of the first division of Space Garrison. Ginrai being in-charge of the second (Explanation will come later). Deathsaurus's forces is now a shell of its former self. Only six warriors are around. The Dino-force are Deathsaurus only henchmen (at the moment). They are six warriors with Pretender shells which are Dinosaurs. Their leader is a Tyrannosaurus. This team is actually comic relief but they are quite powerful when they have to be. Their mission to destroy the Cybertron moon base. Wingwaver, the leader of the Multi-force (more on that later), tells Star Sabre about it. Star Sabre's second-in-command, Blacker is sent there with his veteran warriors, Laster and Braver to stop them. They then battle the Dino-force and look like their winning.
Star Sabre, who is on his way to the moon, is attacked by the new Destron Leader, Deathsaurus. The two battle as the remaining components of the Multi-force, Dashtacker and Machtackle reach the moon to help evacuate the people on the moon. The Brainmasters (yes, wierd name!) finally defeats Deathsaurus and the Dino-force
and the people are moved to the Cybertron headquarters, a rocket station.
Leozak, Deathsaurus's second-in-command, is ordered to destroy the Cybertrons to prevent him from gaining energy. Leozak gets Goryu (leader of the Dino-force) to lead an attack on the Cybertron base and Galaxy shuttle (nothing to do with Megarangers :>). The Brainmaster veterans try to stop them but the Dino-force merge to form Dinoking (recoloured Monstructor) and kicks the diodes out of the veterans. Meanwhile, the Pretender shells attack the base which is defended by Jan (a human under the care of Star Sabre) and Holi (the first micromaster to appear) along with the Multi-force. The battle looks grim and Star Sabre is forced to battle Dinoking off while Galaxy Shuttle defeats the Pretender shells (Can anyone say Galaxy Mega?). Star Sabre then states that he will defend the Earth with his life to Jan's delight.
The Destrons have arrived on Earth in their spaceship, Thunder Arrow, and want to steal the energy from Earth and kick the Cybertrons butts. The Cybertrons have also arrived and Jan is forced, by Star Sabre, to go to school. The other students are quite shocked by the appearance of Star Sabre and Holi. (It must have been a long time since Transformers have been on Earth.) When the principal (a nun) appears, Star Sabre introduces himself (in his smaller form) and tells her about Jan's origins.
Jan and his family were onboard a exploration ship when the Destrons attacked. Jan's parents launched him into space prior to the fatal explosion. When Star Sabre arrived, he found Jan's escape pod and decided to take care of him. Jan was then part of the Cybertron family. He saw the battles they went through as he grew up.
He was in the care of the Brainmasters, Multi-force and Holi. Later, he formed a bond with Ginrai and Star Sabre.
As Jan begins to settle down in the school, the Destrons, in a bid to kill Star Sabre, attack the school. Star Sabre and Holi are unable to fight back as they do not want the students to be hurt in a fight. Fortunately, the Brainmasters appear and divert the Destrons attention. Dinoforce merges and the Brainmasters merge to form Roadcaeser (Matrix knows why they didn't do that in the previous battle.) Jan then helps by injuring Leozak with the V ship (confirm the name someone). Star Sabre then merges with V ship to form his larger body. He then defeats Leozak and the other students of the school respect Jan for his heroism.
Three more Destrons are added to the fray. They are the Breastmasters, Jarguar, Drillhorn and Killbison. When the Destrons try to steal energy to revive Deathsaurus's battle station, the Multi-force investigate. They are attacked by the Breastmasters and the Dino-force. The Multi-force show how 'useful' they are by merging to form Landcross and battle Dinoking. He gets his butt kicked, officially telling everyone that he is the most useless of all the Transformers in this series, and needs Star Sabre to save the day.
The rest of the Micromasters are introduced. They are Fire (a fire truck), Pibo (an ambulance) and Boater (a, well, a boat). They are given their first mission when the Destrons attack a futuristic equivilant of Sea World. They save the people there as well as showing how useful Jan is (More useful than Daniel by about 1 million times) by helping in rescuing the people. Of course, the Destrons are sent packing.
The next few episodes are pretty much about how the Destrons try to get energy and how the Cybertrons stop them. Then, a few Destron is introduced. Hellbat! He is able to hypnotize his opponents with his hypnotic waves. However, he seems to be trying to get into Deathsaurus's good books, much to the chargin of Leozak who whacks him on the head every chance he gets. My opinion is that he is a mastermind who just pretends to be stupid so as not to be suspected. He is also comedy relief alongside the Dino-force, Rescue team and Jan.
The series is formilic like the first two seasons of Transformers, but is done so much better that it is entertaining as well as non-monotonous. However, there isn't much to talk about except that the Cybertrons keep foiling the Destrons plans. Nothing interesting until the 'Micro saga'! (Trademarked title by me!) It begins simple enough with a trip by Star Sabre and the Micromasters to the Planet Micros,
the home planet of the Micromasters. They are viewed by another Transformer.
There, Holi catches up with an old friend, a female Transformer, who the other members of the Rescue Force point out that Holi is attracted to. However, she keeps saying that she has no time to meet him. Oh well, it is better to have loved and lost then not to have loved at all... yeah? Anyway, Star Sabre is talking to one of the older Micromasters, a Micromaster sized bot with a mustache. It is revealed that Ginrai is in-charge of protecting Micros but a recent battle between the Cybertron Godmasters and the Destron Godmasters forced him to leave Micros defenseless. There is also a cameo of Ginrai talking to Star Sabre and gang and then he is back in the thick of battle.
As the story progresses, Hellbat and two other Transformers appear and attack a power station. While Star Sabre and the Micromasters are resting, the call goes out for them to mobilize and they do. Along the way, they meet Greatshot, a Transformer that Star Sabre seems to know. Greatshot goes on to explain that the other two Transformers with Hellbat were mercenaries with him until they got too violent for his taste. Their names are Blue Bacchus and Black Shadow. Upon their arrival, Star Sabre does battle with Hellbat while Greatshot takes on his ex-comrades. The Micromasters help put out the fire and save the people.
Greatshot shows off all his six forms and trash the two mercenaries while Star Sabre defeats Hellbat. However, Hellbat tries to destroy the planet by igniting the central power core. Star Sabre manages to get the power core into space before it blows, thus diverting a disaster. However, the trio escape.
It is revealed that the main reason to go to Micros is to rescue a friend from the prison on the moon of Micros. His name is Gaihawk and he is another Breastforce member. They attack the prison and kill many Micromaster guards. Gaihawk uses the distraction to escape. He meets Hellbat who takes him to the prison's power core to re-energize. Meanwhile, the Cybertrons have arrived and are battling the Destrons as well as the inmates. Greatshot then arrives to stop Gaihawk from escaping but is injured and almost thrown into the smelter but Holi saves him and in turn almost falls in. Fortunately, the prison is self-destructing and Gaihawk cannot stay to finish the job. Star Sabre rushes in to save the duo and any hard feelings between the two are resolved.
However, what is the reason for Gaihawk's rescue? All will be revealed in part two of my overview of Transformers: Victory, coming soon!
On to part 2 of my overview Coming soon!
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