Welcome one and all to MY Homepage
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Since you're here, please read this.

I would like to dedicate this website to my best friends, Dennis Lim and Ong Jinsheng. I also wish to dedicate this website to friends who I hope will continue to be my friends even after our life in Poly together ends. They are Jean Jin Chin Shien (tongue-twister from hell!), Parry Tan, Cynthia Tan (no, they're not related), Aaron Cheong Chu Ming, Robin Wee Teck Seng, Sebastian Yeo and Jasmine Goh. I also cannot forget friends who have known me for quite some time now, Yip Chingyee, Ong Zixuan and Chen Yaoming. Finally, a late addition, Cathy Chung.
Let me begin, by explaining why this webpage was created. I have interest in many things that mostly have to do with Japanese anime and Tokusatsu shows. This webpage will include some information on certain anime, Japanese or non-Japanese(cartoons) anime and Tokusatsu shows.


'What is this?' you ask. Why, it's a rant section about things that I think of. They are my most honest thoughts and nothing beyond that. You may not agree but I don't really care either. It's just an outlet to let my things off my chest.
To enter, click on the Pikachus!

Last updated 16/10/99

To check out my Transformers page, click here.

Updated 3/10/99

To check out my Tokusatsu page, click here.
Coming soon!

To check out my fanfic page, click here.

Updated 3/10/99

To check out my tribute to Ryoko Hirosue, click here.

Updated 26/7/99

To check me out, click here.

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The background seen here is from Background Gallery and the creator has my eternal thanks.

Wanna know when I do a major update like adding a new review or fanfic? E-mail me and tell me to put you on my mailing list.

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I've given up trying to keep track on my counter so I have decided to dispose of it. Anyway at the time of disposal, there was 21,200 people. Thanks. Please sign the guestbook, it is really empty.