The last three episodes of the American version of Transformers took place after season 3. It was little known and almost no one has any information on the final episodes of Transformers. Here, I will give an overview of the final episodes of the Transformers series and then, give information on the first Japanese Transformers series to grace television, Headmasters.

The story takes place almost immediately after Optimus Prime is revived. The story begins with the Decepticons attacking the new Autobot City. They are trying to steal something from the Autobot city. The Autobot double spy, Punch tries to stop them but is unable. Later, the Decepticons leave, victorious and with the object that they seek.

With this part itself, a number of Transformers were introduced.

Autobots:- Punch/Counterpunch (the Autobot double spy)
	   Repugnus (he follows his name sake, he is really ugly!)
	   Grotusque (looks like a merger of a lion and a beaver)
	   Doublecross (a two-headed dragon)
	   Fastlane (a futuristic racecar and identical twin of Cloudraker)
	   Cloudraker (a futuristic jet and twin of Fastlane)

Decepticons:- Pounce (a robotic lion and twin of Wingspan)
	      Wingspan (a robotic eagle and twin of Pounce)
	      Sixshot (a Decepticon capable of six different configurations)

It is revealed that the Decepticons are out to obtain a great power within Cybertron by stealing the key to the plasma energy chamber and using the energy to do the deed. The Autobots race against time to stop the Decepticons. A group of Autobots, who are with a group of Decepticons led by Cyclonus, crash on a planet called Nebulos. A planet inhabited by human-sized, green aliens.

The Autobots meet a group of Nebulan rebels who wish to get rid of their evil masters. Their evil masters led by Zarak are unable to move but have robots to keep the good Nebulans in check. The Autobots deceide to help them fight off the evil Nebulans (Hive). Meanwhile, the Hive have formed an alliance with the Decepticons and the combined forces of the two evils overwhelm the Autobots. Also, Daniel is injured and needs treatment. However, the Autobots are unable to return to Cybertron without a ship making the situation even worse.

The smartest of the Autobots in the group, Brainstorm, proposes that some of the Autobots binary-bond with the Nebulans so that should the Autobots run out of ideas, the Nebulans could help by telling them what to do. With Chromedome, Highbrow, Hardhead and Arcee, he creates a new fighting force, the Headmasters. The new transformation is a success and the Autobots defeat the Hive's machines. To retailate, the evil Decepticons, Wierdwolf, Skullcruncher and Mindwipe also go through the same process and also add five new Decepticons, the Targetmasters. Their weapons are Hivens(?) who can transform into guns. They attack the Autobots and have an easy win. Brainstorm then uses the Targetmaster designs he obtain from scanning one of the Nebulans and creates his own Targetmasters. By this time, Optimus and some Autobots have arrive.

The Autobot Targetmasters and Headmasters battle the Decepticon forces. Led by Optimus, they look certain to win. However, Zarak has created a powerful Headmaster. A giant city called Scorponok. The giant robotic scorpian turns the tide and captures Arcee. The Decepticons then force Arcee to give them the key by threatening her binary-bonded partner, Daniel. The Decepticons go to Cybertron to meet up with the bulk of the Decepticons who are being led by Galvatron. The Autobots follow, leaving Spike and Cerebros behind.

Spike and Cerebros have entered the Hive's abandoned city (before they got machines to do their dirty work). They are immediately attacked by the defenses. Luckily, Spike manages to find the control panel and deactivate the defenses. He then reconstructs the city...

The Autobots are getting trashed by the Decepticons thanks to the timely intervention of the Headmasters and Targetmasters. Zarak then claims that he is the leader of the Decepticons, and with the help of his Targetmasters (the guns anyway), he makes his point clear to Galvatron.

When it seems that all is lost and the plasma energy will be used by the Decepticons, a giant fortress appears arrives to the Cybertron. It is the Hive's city, reconstructed. It is then revealed that Spike and Cerebros have gone through the Headmaster process and then copy Zarak and create a giant Headmaster city. The two then start blasting one another until it seems that there will be no clear winner. Zarak then merges with his mecha to form Scorponok. Spike then seperates from Cerebros and the city then transforms to form a giant robot with Cerebros as the head. It is called Fortress Maximus. The two titans battle and it seems evident that Scorponok will win. Suddenly, Spike appears from a hatch and distracts Scorponok, thus giving Fortress Maximus the chance to turn the tables and defeat Scorponok. The Decepticons then retreat. After this, the plasma energy goes ballistic and threatens to engulf the entire planet of Cybertron as well as the whole solar system. Spike orders the Nebulans to use their Headmaster/Targetmaster suits to harness the energy. Cybertron was then re-energized and returned to its golden age, meaning that the planet has become gold in colour. Cerebros request to be deactivated because he cannot stand fighting anymore. Optimus refuses and even tells him to merge with Spike so that he can see what a wonderful sight Cybertron is now.

As the Autobots celebrated their victory, the Decepticons escaped onboard Scorponok. Inside, Galvatron and Zarak are talking to each other. Galvatron says that he will become the future leader of the Universe and Zarak says, "Is that so?" as if implying that he himself will become the ruler of the Universe instead of Galvatron. Then, the finale of Transformers end.

A number of Transformers were introduced while some of the older Transformers were given new powers.

Autobots:- Headmasters: 
	   Chromedome (a futuristic sports car. Partner is Stylor)
	   Hardhead (a tank. Partner is Duros)
	   Brainstorm (a fighter jet and the creater of the Headmaster technology.
	   Partner is Arcana.)
	   Highbrow (a helicopter with dual rotor blades. Partner is Gort.)
	   Arcee (same as her debut only this time, she's bonded with Daniel)	   
	   Cerebros (a peace loving Autobot. Partner is Spike)
	   Fortress Maximus (the new Autobot city. Head is Cerebros)

	   Hot Rod (the same guy as before. Partner is Firebolt.)
	   Kup (Ditto. Partner is Recoil.)
	   Blurr (Ditto. Partner is Haywire)
	   Pointblank (a futuristic racecar. Partner is Peacemaker.)
	   Crosshairs (a futuristic heavy-duty vehicle. Partner is Pinpointer.)
	   Sureshot (another futuristic race-car. Partner is Spoilsport.)

Decepticons:- Headmasters:
	      Weirdwolf (a robotic wolf. Partner is Monzo)
	      Skullcruncher (a robotic crocodile. Partner is Grax.)
	      Mindwipe (a robotic bat. Partner is Vorath)
	      Scorponok (the new Decepticon city. Partner is Zarak)
	      Apeface (from ape to plane to robot. Triple changing Headmaster.
	      Partner is Spasma.)
	      Snapdragon (from dragon to plane to robot. Triple changing Headmaster.
	      Partner is Krunk.)
	      Cyclonus (same old guy as before. Partner is Nightstick.)
	      Scourge (same old guy as before. Partner is Fracas.)
	      Triggerhappy (a futuristic plane with big side cannons. Partner
	      is Blowpipe.)
	      Slugslinger (a futuristic plane with two cockpits. Partner is 
	      Misfire (a futuristic plane who cannot shoot to save his life.
	      Partner is Aimless.)

The major problem I had with the show was the air. I mean, if this was the end of the Transformers series with no continuation whatsoever, wouldn't have been nice to get some decent art in it? Okay, of course the story should be important but a good story with bad art would give me an eyesore. Another problem was the Nebulans. Fine, they're aliens, they don't have to look like humans as in the comics. But couldn't they have been made another color?! They were grotesque! Sure, looks aren't everything, as long as they're heroes but... arrghhh! Storywise, it was okay but a plasma key? Plot device it is. I mean, there was never any indication that the thing existed and suddenly, 'bang', we have a Universe destroying device on our hands. If it was so destructive, why didn't Optimus dispose of it in the first place. He seemed to know that it existed. Oh, that's right, the Matrix was like that in the Movie too. (Never existed in the first two seasons.) Sigh, even the greatest leader make mistakes, yes? Oh well, that's all I have to say about this.

Since 'Rebirth' ended the series in America, the Japanese decided to create their own Transformer series. 'Headmasters' came to being. It totally disregarded the 'Rebirth' series. Below, I will give an overview of the first original Japanese series to be shown.


Minor note, the names of the Cybertrons and Destrons will be in Japanese. The name in bracket is their American counterpart, unless the name is the same.

The story takes place immediately after Convoy (Optimus Prime) is revived. The Destrons, led by Galvatron, attack Seibertron. They plan on destroy the Cybertrons for good. He is aided by three new warriors. They are Skull (Skullcruncher), Wipe (Mindwipe) and Weirdwolf. The Cybertrons retaliate. On Earth, Sixshot, a new Destron, attacks the Cybertron forces to prevent them from aiding the Cybertrons on Seibertron. A new group of combiners, the Trainbots appear and fight off Sixshot and his forces. Meanwhile, on Seibertron, Hot Rodimus (Hot Rod), Cha (Kup) and Blurr notice that a gigantic spaceship is heading for Seibertron. They wonder if the spaceship is an ally or enemy. When Wipe puts a large portion of the Cybertron forces to sleep, four robots jump out of the spaceship and confront the Destrons.

The four robots turn out to be Cybertron Headmasters. They are Chromedome, Brainstorm, Highbrow and Hardhead. They battle the Destron Headmasters and win. Suddenly, the Destron combiners attack but are repelled by the spaceship. After the Destrons retreat, the owner of the spaceship appears and Cha recognizes him as Fortress (Cerebros with a different head). Years ago, a group of Cybertron warriors, who were about human sized, left Seibertron and landed on a planet called Master. The survivors of the harsh planetary conditions created four vehicular bodies for their greatest warriors. These warriors could transform into the heads of these vehicles. A final robotic body which was capable of transforming into a giant head was given to Fortress, the reason was revealed later. Something is wrong here. Cha recognizes Fortress but he is definitely different from what he looked like years before. If not just the height (obvious difference)the body and head look different too. The only reason I can think off is that Cha recognized the voice. Go figure.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Blaster and Soundwave fight it out and utterly destroy each other. The Destron tapes carry away Soundwave's body while Blaster leaves a tape filled with beautiful music as his legacy. While this all was going on, Convoy was trying to get to Vector Sigma. Aided by the ghost of Alpha Trion, he managed to get pass most of the defenses. Elsewhere, Galvatron had sent Cyclonus and Scourge to destroy Convoy. On Earth, Hot Rodimus is looking for the Matrix, which would reenergize Convoy and allow him to save Cybertron. The Destrons try to stop him but to no avail. He manages to get to Seibertron. Meanwhile, Convoy is getting the stuffing beaten out of him by Cyclonus and Scourge. Fortress manages to get to Convoy in time to help him. Then, Hot Rodimus and the Cybertron Headmasters appear and help out. Later, Galvatron and Destron Headmasters appear and a battle ensues. Finally, Alpha Trion tells Hot Rodimus to hold the Matrix. Hot Rodimus transforms into Rodimus Convoy (Rodimus Prime) once more and he and Convoy double-team Galvatron. After they trash all the Destrons present, Convoy dies again.

The Destrons rebuilt Soundwave into Soundblaster, a recoloured version of his former self. He is ordered to control a new creature that can incapacitate any Transformer life-form. The cassette force are still depress because of Blaster's death. Rodimus Convoy tells them that they will rebuild Blaster. They do indeed and Blaster is reborn as Twincast, a recoloured version of him former self. The creature is destroyed by the Cybertron Headmasters only after Twincast manages to blast the tape controller out of Soundblaster. The Cybertrons welcome Twincast back again. The next episodes are uneventful because all the Destrons do is try various plots to destroy the Cybertrons. Although this has been the original formula, the way the Destrons tried to do it were too stupid for words. It is later when Sixshot is reintroduced do things get interesting. Earth is attacked by six different shadowy figures who threaten to destroy the planet if their demands are not met. The Headmasters try to find the figures and stop them but end up too late to help whenever something happens. Finally, thanks to Daniel, Chromedome recalls that his best friend was killed by a warrior who could transform into six different shapes. Finally, the robot form of Sixshot appears in Japan and the Trainbots go to stop him. They merge to form Raiden and start to beat up Sixshot until Dinosaurer (Trypticon) appears and fights Raiden. The Cybertron Headmasters appear and help out. They finally defeat Sixshot and Dinosaurer. Note that Sixshot was considered a robo-ninja and proved this often by being able to disappear or having the ability to create 'shadows' of himself. Think Gatchaman.

On Seibertron, the Cybertrons have created a new compound called Seibertonuron which is multiple times stronger that Seibertonium. Galvatron finds out about this and wants to use the new compound to aid him in the battle against the Cybertrons. Meanwhile, the Destron Headmasters and Sixshot meet the shadowy Scorponok. On Seibertron, Galvatron defeats Rodimus Convoy and moves on to get the new compound. Scorponok feared that Galvatron would be become too powerful and ordered his Headmasters to plant bombs to blow Seibertron up. Chromedome notices them and follows them to find out what they were up to. He sent a telepathic message to the other Headmasters and they head underground to find out what the Destrons were up to. Wipe finally found Vector Sigma's chamber and sets his bombs. Chromedome and Hardhead try to get the bombs out but are unable to do so. Rodimus orders a total evacuation and the Cybertrons departed. Galvatron arrived at Vector Sigma at the same time the bombs go off and destroys three-quarters of Seibertron. Rodimus Convoy decides to look for a new home planet for the Cybertrons. Blurr and Cha join him. Arcee is ordered by Rodimus to stay with the Fortress, the new leader of the Cybertron forces. With that, the trio left.

From then on, the Cybertrons began a campaign to stop the Destrons from destroying the Universe. The story became predictable, the Cybertrons chased the Destrons around the Universe and waited for them to do evil before trying to stop them. Although Chromedome and Hardhead were more than happy to take the battle to the Destrons, Fortress always stopped them (what a wuss!). However, Fortress hid a great secret from both the Cybertrons and the Destrons and this secret was revealed when a giant killer plant monster appeared in San Fransico. The Cybertron Headmasters got their butts handed to them. Fortress finally revealed the 'Master' sword. It was a red sword with was imbedded in the control panel of the spaceship. Fortress pulled it out and began an incredible transformation sequence. He merged with his spaceship by becoming the head (the form I previously talked about) and his spaceship, the body. The 'Master' sword also enlarged and appeared in Fortress's hand. He then became Fortress Maximus, the strongest Cybertron to date (okay, a powerful wuss!). However, the 'Master' sword had a dangerous weakness. Once used, the user must wait a long time to be able to use it again.

Scorponok feared Fortress's powers but did not want to lose out to his enemy. He lured Fortress and the Cybertron Headmasters to Mars. When the Cybertron Headmasters are in trouble, Fortress tries to help them with the 'Master' sword. However, Scorponok uses a cannon to absorb Fortress's powers before he can merge. Spike deduces that Scorponok used the power which was created when Seibertron was destroyed, to deenergize Fortress. Scorponok then reveals his own giant, robotic spaceship, Megazarak. He uses it to knock Fortress and his spaceship in the molten lava which is appearing due to the explosions on Mars caused by the Destrons. Mars is destroyed in a magnificent explosion. However, this also reenergizes Fortress and he is able transform into Fortress Maximus and escape, much to Scorponok's chargin.

A few episodes later, Galvatron returned as the leader of the Destrons, once more, much to Scorponok's chargin. The story continued to be predictable. The Cybertrons would wait for the Destrons to do something evil and then try to stop them. This went on for quite awhile. Needless to say, a few Cybertrons and Destrons were introduced. The saddest part of the series occurred when Ultra Magnus, one of the most heroic Cybertrons, was killed by Sixshot. This made Chromedome even more angry at Sixshot. The next 'famous' Transformer to get knocked out of the picture was Galvatron. Upon trying to turn the Earth into his new body, Galvatron is confronted by the Headmasters who get their butts kicked. Finally, Twincast reveals that Galvatron's weak point is his head. The Headmasters make good use of that information and manage to bury Galvatron under tons of ice, thus knocking him out of the picture.

With Scorponok as the new Destron leader, the Cybertrons' lifes are even harder than when Galvatron was leader. However, three new Cybertrons were introduced. They were the Miracle warriors, Pointblank, Sureshot and Crosshairs. They are veterans in the Cybertron forces and are sent to help the present Cybertron forces. When the Headmasters find bombs, they try to defuse them. Pointblank and the other Miracle Warriors decide to take the bombs to outer space. However, a group of refugees appear. They are being attacked by the Destrons, Slugslinger, Misfire, Triggerhappy and Sixshot. After being saved by the Cybertrons, they decide to remove the bombs while the Miracle Warriors do battle with Slugslinger and co. However, in the middle of the battle, the bombs go off.

After the explosion, it is revealed that three of the six refugees have merged with the hands of the Miracle Warriors, becoming their weapons and thus creating the Targetmasters. Meanwhile, the Destrons also get new Targetmaster warriors. Tension between the Targetmasters and Headmasters rise as Chromedome and Pointblank do not see eye-to-eye. Soon, Scorponok discovers a metal called 'G Metal'. He uses it, combined with the secrets of the 'Master' Sword to create the Zarak shield and thus causing Fortress Maximus to have the first defeat ever at the hands of Megazarak.

Near the end of the series, the Cybertrons gain a new ally, Sixshot, thanks to Daniel. After being marooned on an unknown planet, Sixshot and Daniel form an unusual friendship and manage to escape from the planet. From then on, he makes it his mission to protect Daniel from harm.

Finally, Scorponok and the Destrons arrive on Earth and begin plans to destroy Earth and use its energies. Its utter mayhem as the Cybertrons battle the Destrons on Earth. Finally, the Cybertrons go to the Arctic to battle the Destrons. Fortress Maximus is tricked into attacking Megazarak with his 'Master' Sword. The plasma energy is accumulated and discharged into a beam of destruction which blast Fortress Maximus and the empty shell of Megazarak. Sixshot, who saves Daniel from Flywheel and Menasor, reminds Daniel that friendship will conquer all. With that, Daniel rallies the other Cybertrons to join the Headmasters in a bid to recharge Fortress Maximus. Fortress Maximus manages to free himself and destroys the satellite, which accumulated the plasma energy, and slice Megazarak into two pieces. Peace finally reigns supreme on Earth. The Cybertrons leave and that is the end of Headmasters.

That marked the end of the first Transformer series by Japan. The names below are the Transformers who were introduced in the series.

Cybertrons:- Fortress [Futorasu](the leader of the Headmasters and later leader 
	     of the Cybertrons)
	     Chromedome [Kuromudomu](field leader of the Headmasters and later 
	     the Cybertrons)
	     Hardhead [Hadohedo](a tempermental soldier who likes to sing 
	     Highbrow [Haiburaon](the genius of the group and the person who 
	     discovered Megazarak's weakness)
	     Brainstorm [Burainsutomu](smart, but not as smart as Highbrow)
	     Fortress Maximus [Futorasu Masimasu(the ultimate Headmaster, 
	     largest too)
	     Doublespy [Dabarusupai](the Cybertron's spy in the Destron forces)
	     Repugnus [Ripugusu](appeared once and then never again)
	     Grotusque [Gurotasu](ditto)
	     Doublecross [Dabakurossu](ditto)
	     Pointblank [Pointoburanku](leader of the Targetmasters)
	     Sureshot [Suwashoto](a little overconfident but does not have a 
	     solid personality)
	     Crosshairs [Kurossuhasu](does not have a solid personality)
	     Fastlane [Fuasuranu](twin of Cloudraker)
	     Cloudraker [Kuraodoraika](twin of Fastlane)
	     Trainbots (six Cybertrons who transform into trains) [I do not know 
	     their names. Anyone with information will be appreciated.]
	     Raiden (the robot after the Trainbots merge)

Destrons:- Scorponok [Sukopunoku](leader of the Destron Headmasters and later 
	   the whole Destron forces)
	   Weirdwolf [Wuedowufu](field leader of the Headmasters, not too bright)
	   Wipe [Wuaipu](able to hypnotise his enemies)
	   Skull [Sukaru](the strongest Headmaster, not too bright)
	   Megazarak [Meegazaraku](the ultimate Destron, largest too)
	   Sixshot [Sesushoto](Destron Ninja. Most powerful of the regular 
	   Apeface [Epubasu](duo-Headmasters, extremely powerful)
	   Snapdragon [Sunapudoraigon](ditto)
	   Pounce [Puaounsu](twin of Wingspan, killed by Sixshot)
	   Wingspan [Wuingusupan](twin of Pounce, killed by Sixshot)
	   Triggerhappy [Toraigaahappi](leader, I'm not sure, of the Destron 
	   Slugslinger [Suragusuringa](not too bright and overconfident)
	   Misfire [Misuhaiya](not like his name, is quite a good marksman)

The first Transformer series from Japan was not the best of the three. (Not counting the 2 OVAs) It had art similar to the original American art, although Fortress Maximus transformation was a treat, and had a storyline unlike any seen in Transformers. A battle with a scale of Universal proportions. First up, some Transfans have complained that Convoy (Optimus Prime) died too quickly. This is part of a larger picture in my eyes. If Convoy hadn't been knocked out of the picture, the legendary leader would still be around and prevent the destruction of Seibertron and then, Fortress would never become leader of the Cybertrons. It was all part of a great plan to gear the leadership to Fortress and I liked the way it turned out. I liked it even better when the Headmasters' heads weren't Nebulans but the robots themselves. It also seemed to me that it was a backstory to introduce the Micromasters in Victory. ^_^ I also liked the way Ultra Magnus turned into a great commander instead of the adviser in the American version. It made his sacrifice even more heroic when he died. The tension between the Headmaster warriors and the Targetmasters also was interesting as it made the Transformers more human in the sense that even the good guys didn't neccessarily liked each other. The ending was a good job but the 'power of friendship' just seems so out-of-place in the series. That's all for the good part, now the bad parts.
The Cybertron Trainbots. An interesting addition to the ranks of the Cybertrons but for god sake, couldn't they have gotten personality chips or something? I mean, these guys had a large amount of airtime but had almost no characterization. I didn't even learn all their names from the series. Also, the destruction of Seibertron and the planet Mars! Wow, those are high stakes and stakes that seemed to continue into the series for with Mars destroyed, the Space Bridge cannot work. However, it seemed so stupid that the explosions on Mars could reenergize Fortress's space cruiser. Oh yeah, plot convenience. Finally, just as Ultra Magnus got interesting, they killed him. How do you like that? Oh well, it wasn't a perfect series but a good first attempt. Luckily Takara redeemed themselves with Godmasters.

With the end of 'Headmasters', Takara went on to create another Transformer anime, 'Godmasters'. This series was one of the best series because of its great storyline. The only drawback was its animation was a little inconsistent although not as badly so as Headmasters.

On to my Godmaster page

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