What's new?
Well, what is a webpage without a few links? Here are links to sites that have loads on information on my favourite stuff, Anime and Tokusatsu. These sites are frequent by me and one or two have stuff by me as well. Check 'em out, they're worth the time, trust me. Also, please inform me if any of the links don't work by clicking here. Thanks.
My School:
The Singapore Polytechnic Website
For Transfans:
Beast Wars Transformers (Unofficial) FAQ Page. - By Ben Yee, it is the ultimate Beast Wars resource.
Rob's Transformers Page. - Great site with cool stuff like the Japanese Transformers continuity and the Trannies awards!
International Transformers Tech Spec Archive - The place to go to download tech specs you lost from your original Transformer toys.
THE DEVASTATOR HOMEPAGE - Hey! What do you know? Another Tripod member. A site dedicated to the original combiner.
Raksha's Page - The Beast Wars hater. Her site has got a few fanfics and I'm not afraid to say that I am less than impress about her website.
Dave's Beast Wars Transformers Page - Another great resource for BW stuff. Second only to Ben Yee.
David Lau's Second Beast Wars Page! - A fellow Singaporean. Not as updated as his first page but a great page nonetheless.
Welcome to Lewis M. Brooks, III' - Ever wondered what would have happened if Hot Rod hadn't got in Optimus's way? Lewis has an idea.
TRANSFORMERS - A shrine to Galvatron... sort of. The main page is far superior than this one. Check it out.
TF AutoDecep Net - A great page. Check it out now!
Axalon: Underground - A nice page to get Beast Wars info. Take a look or regret it.
Rockman's Robots In Disguise - A great place for downloads. I got Scramble City and TF: Zone from here and they will be reviewed soon.
TF UG Main Page - A cool fanfic page to further expand the Transformers Universe. Check it out!
For Sentai fans:
Power Rangers Online Archives - Need to know everything about the Power Rangers? Well, go here. Great format but has been slow on the updates recently.
Sentai World - Has info on all the newer Sentai series but has little information overall.
Tokusatsu Wormhole - A great site for info on Tokusatsu.
The Shrine of Momo - A great site dedicated to Oh-pink from Choriki Sentai Ohranger!
The often imitated, but never duplicated, Power rangers Central - Another great Power Ranger resource site.
The Power Core - Cool site for Power Rangers info.
The 6th Dimension of Time - A great place to read some really good Power Ranger fanfics along with some Sailormoon ones. My PRZ fanfics were sent here first.
Power Rangers eXtreme - Cool dude with a great fanfic site on his own Power Rangers from an alternate universe.
MegaRed is proud to present... - An interesting page on both Power Rangers and Sentai.
For the Ultrafans:
The Ultra[man] FAQ - Need to know anything about Ultraman? Look no further. Note: if it doesn't have my name, almost anything in bracket was supplied by me.
T.P.C. (Official Ultraman Page) - English version of the official Ultraman Webpage (Recently changed)
For the Kamen Rider fans:
The Kamen Rider Forever - Cool page with info of the bug warrior.
Kamen Rider V3 Home Page - Dedicated to the third bug wonder, Rider V3.
For the Ryoko Hirosue fans:
Ryoko Hirosue "Daisuki!" Page - Dedicated to one of the cutest Japanese singer now.
Ryoko Hirosue Photo Page - Photos of her cuteness. Very extensive.
Ryoko Hirosue Photo Collection - A very nice site. Check it out.
For my friends:
Land of Ash - By one of the spunkiest girls in my class, Cynthia Tan.
SPEED - By another polytechnic student. Check it 'cos I've got credit in it.
Realm of Tetty - A polytechnic student with an unhealthy obsession with Ricky Martins!
The Page - By a classmate, Parry Tan. It is downright wierd...
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