RANT #6 (30/10/99)
For those who still probably don't care, I'm back to being depressed. This time, add heartbroken and you've got what totally defines me right now... I'm just a glutton for punishment ain't I? First I get into depression barely two weeks before examinations start and now I'm back into depression and heartbreak in the middle of exams! Arrgh!!!!
'Why?' You ask? Well, first, the girl from Rant #1 already does not really a lot of interest in me and what do I do? I ask her to be my girlfriend! It's like a nightmare waiting to happen. Of course, not having done this before, I kinda goof up but she gets my meaning and she also has never rejected a person and did not give me a straight answer... at first but now I'm pretty sure. No chance whatsoever. Alas, woe is me.
I know, it's not much of a rant but so what, its my webspace and I have not talked dirty nor insulted you, the reader, so there. I will now be going into sulking so don't expect much updates until this site's one year anniversary on the 29th of November. So til next time, don't fall in love!
RANT #5 (16/10/99)
For those who care (which can't be many), I'm back to normal. Yes, yes, no more, I'm depressed til sleep is deprived crap. I'm back to normal... somewhat, now only have those upcoming exams to worry about and a few family problems.
I'd like to thank Cathy Chung, a girl I met on the internet but have never seen face to face. She sent me words of encouragement, no matter how hilarious, they turn out in the end and I am glad to have a friend like her. If you're reading this Cat... thanks.
Ah... but this isn't everything, today's topic is about examinations and how useless they are. What are examination? It's just a way to test a person's understanding of a topic/subject. Granted, it is a very efficient way of doing so but it also has enough holes in it to fit the 'Artdessei' cruiser from the Ultraman Tiga series through. I mean, if we're going to use our knowledge for work in the future, wouldn't more practical and less thoery be more... well, practical?
Ah, that's right, theory is for the books and don't always work in real life so, let's get more real life practical situations into the education system. Thank you and have a nice day.
RANT #4 (6/10/99)
I'm depressed. Very, very depressed. Remember I said that I liked a girl but didn't tell? (See Rant #1) Well, I did but not under the best of conditions. Now... it's just a question where we go from here.
I've been talking to a very, very close friend. You can say we're pretty thick, being with each other for 13 years. He says that I'm an idiot and that I should just forget her. Well, I've got something to say... it's not that easily done.
I've finally learnt how it feels to have your heart ripped out. I've also found out about jealousy. It hurts and I mean it. I didn't sleep a wink last night and my new nickname is 'Panda man'.
Sure this isn't the most constructive way to use this web space but it sure is a great place to vent out a little fustration and keep some sanity. In the end, it's very depressing and... I really have nothing more to say but this. Love hurts... if it doesn't go your way. Listen from someone who knows.
RANT #3 (3/10/99)
Note: Originally written to coincide with my watching of the Japanese flick 'Love Letter' but I got a little lazy. However, this rant will be like two rants in one.
Okay, let's be serious, I love romance-comedies. They're great, especially if they are also touching but not to the case of crying buckets. A little crying is fine, mind you, but if I have to cry buckets full, I'd rather leave the cinema.
'Love Letter' is about a woman who finds out that her dead fiance had a junior high classmate with the same name. What is even more amazing is that she looks like that classmate. So the story goes on that she sends letters to her fiance's namesake (Fujii Itsuki) and ask about how her fiance was like in Junior High School.
We are then treated to flashbacks about how having the same name as a guy can be a horrible thing for a girl especially if there is no relationship between the two. In the end, we find out that the main reason why the guy picks the other girl to be his fiancee is because she looks like his namesake who he had fallen in love with.
So, how well, do you know your 'other'? Be it your boy/girl friend, husband or wife, fiance or fiancee. Was there a reason for you to choose each other? Is there a memory of a previous love like your present that made you make that choice? That is a question you have to ask yourself... isn't it?
That goes into my other rant. I noticed that the world has not been treating me well, when it comes to relationships. Call it fate, destiny, whatever you want. I call it a big, fat joke!
I mean, my personal taste in the opposite sex is someone who can talk to me without making me feeling restricted. Someone who can understand my sense of humour (which isn't always slapstick or otherwise), someone who I can relate to. Mind you, there aren't that many girls of that type in Singapore. (I may have better luck marrying a Japanese)
Most girls I know just aren't my type. I have to explain jokes to them. What's the point? They love to go to discos. Personally, I revile those places. They lack the ability to understand the obvious and that is infuriating.
So you can see my dilemma. Oh, this is leading to somewhere. Every now and then, a girl that fits the bill appears. However, the bad part becomes that they have no intention of having a relationship with me. They end up being very close friends... only. Ah well, maybe I'll stick to being a single. It's more fun and lacks obligations. I guess.
RANT #2 (31/08/99)
Note: This was written after watching 'Rajio no Jikan'. Otherwise known as 'Welcome Back Mr MacDonald'. It is a very interesting and funny show that should be watched by all in Singapore. Hurry, it ends on 19 September 1999.
A new rant and so soon as well. Oh well, something new everyday yeah? Well, this rant is on working. That's right, work.
In the movie 'Raijo no Jikan', it shows people working in a radio station and having problems with the voice actors for a radio drama. Some of the actors wanted their roles glorified and this caused the story to be changed until it was merely a shell of its former self. Of course, the writer was furious by the producer could do nothing but give in to the demands.
'Now, how does this relate to work?' you ask. Well, it does, profusely. When the story was threatened to have its ending changed as well, the writer was in tears and begging them to either not change the script ending, or leave her name out. The producer then gave a speech.
'Do you think I like to do this? No, but I have to. No matter how bad it is, I have to see it to the end. I have to compromise. There are times that I don't even want my name on the credits because I know its a bad piece, but I have to. The only consolation is that one day, I will have a drama that has made me proud. However, this isn't that piece.'
I have to agree with him. You have to make compromise at work. No matter how much it urks you to do it, you have to. No matter how much it goes against your conscience, you have to do it. (Unless you don't mind losing your job.) In work, the boss is always right. Even though he isn't in real life.
After watching 'Raijo no Jikan', the fun factor was surely due to the comedy and wit of the script. However, it is really the background story that will stick to you. Well, if you catch it, anyway.
RANT #1 (29/08/99)
Note: This was written after watching 'Runaway Bride'. Watch it, I give it 5 stars!
My rant of the week/month/year, whatever, is about love. Yes, a very touche issue. However, it exist in everyone, whether you're young or old, male or female, it exist. Then, of course, there are different types of love.
Platonic, BGR (Boy-girl relationship), family, fatherly, motherly, I think you get the picture. So, what am I talking about today? Err... sad to say, it's more on unreciprocated love.
'Who?' you ask. Is it the owner of this webpage or someone else? Well, since this is a rant page and I really don't expect anybody to take this seriously, nor do I think anyone who knows me will read this, it's me.
So, what do I mean? Well, there's a girl (whose name will remain anonymous) who I have liked for about over two years. However, I am pretty sure she doesn't want a relationship anytime soon. However, it's hard not to like her and although we do not have a BGR, we do have a solid friendship, in a sense that we can tell ALMOST everything to each other and I'm sure that this friendship will last... I'm just not sure whether it will exceed beyond that.
Okay, you ask, if I like her so much, why don't I tell her? Err... not that I am a SNAG (Sensitive New Age Guy) or anything, I'm just a little weak on rejection. Or, in other words, I can't stand it. Yes, that's right people, I have not had a relationship yet! (Note: I am not gay!)
Okay, so I'm a loser. I understand that most people would think that but actually, it's more like I'm waiting for a sign. What that sign is, I'm not entirely sure but I'll know when it arrives... I hope.
'I guarantee that there will be problems,
and I guarantee that either or both of us will want out,
however, I also guarantee that if I don't make you mine,
I will regret it for the rest of my life.'
Tell me what you think by sending me
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