Welcome to the C-com International Channel. Here, you will be treated to the newest series from the creative mind at C-com. All series will be updated as soon as I finish an episode, which may take some time because I've started school. Please check back here often. Thank you.

Transformers: Season Four

Since a fourth season was never created, I decided to create one myself. I plan on making a total of 26 episodes. If feedback is good, I may consider creating a movie as well. So, please send in that feedback.

Episode 7 - Battle against the Inferno

The files were lost so I plan to use the 20 meg at Fortunecity for something else. The music files will return... eventually.

Transformers: The Beast Wars

We got a look at explorers fighting evil warriors. However, what if it were warriors against warriors? This takes place in another part of the Beast Wars Universe. Many questions will be asked in this series... and probably not as many answers will be given. P.S. since Optimus Primal and Megatron has been taken, I've created my own two leaders using the Op/Meg duo pack toys.

Episode 4 - The End of an Era


Most people should know what OVAs are. Original Video Animation where Japanese cartoons are redone (not all the time) and are longer than the normal 25 minute episode. O.F.S. is the same only it is a much longer fanfic than my usual ones. About 4 to 5 chapters/episodes worth of reading mayhem. May take at least a month to update.

King Of Fighters '95

Yes, yes, I know, you must be wondering what heck am I up to? '98 is already out. However, I always liked Iori and wanted to do a series that introduced him. Originally, this was meant to be a series but since '98 is out, I make this my first O.F.S. ever. Enjoy and please give feedback.

O.F.S. #2 - The bell has rung!
The files were lost so I plan to use the 20 meg at Fortunecity for something else. The music files will return... eventually.

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