Chapter 6: Coming to America
Brian looked at the schedule for the next match. This match would decide which
team would represent America in the King Of Fighters competition.
"Who's in this team, I've never heard of them." Said Lucky as he spun his
basketball on his index finger.
"Obviously a good team. I hear that one of their members is a psycho whose
every opponent has ended up in hospital." Said Brian.
"Yeah, well, we'll kick their butt today." Said Lucky exuberantly.
It was then that Heavy D. entered the room. "Get moving, we're up next." The
trio then walked out to the ring for the final match-up of the day.
Iori looked with disinterest at the happenings around him. 'The audience is
making too much noise.' He thought.
"So, who goes up first?" asked Billy.
"You guys decide." Replied Iori was no interest whatsoever.
"I'll go then." Said Eiji.
Suddenly, the announcer spoke. "And now, the match you have all been waiting
for. The deciding match to see who represents America in the K.O.F. competition!"
The audience muttered to themselves. However, it was obvious to all that the
winners would surely be the All-star Team.
"The first match will be against Brian Battler and Eiji Kisagari!" shouted
the announcer.
"Brian! Brian! Brian!" chanted the audience. It was obvious to all who they
were rooting for.
"You're going down Ninja boy!" shouted Brian and he pointed at Eiji. Eiji
just stood there, totally unaffected by Brian's taunts.
"Round 1! Ready! Go!" shouted the announcer.
Immediately, Brian ran towards Eiji. Suddenly, he thrust his right shoulder
out and shouted, "Hyper Tackle!"
Eiji immediately jumped over Brian. Brian turned his head to face Eiji only
to have Eiji's foot in his face.
"Tenma Kyaku!" shouted Eiji as he continuously kicked Brian in the face. He
then landed in front of Brian and gave him a shoulder charge. Brian reeled from
the two devastating attacks.
"Come on Brian! Whack this loser!" shouted Lucky. Heavy D. just watched the
match in silence.
Eiji grabbed Brian by his shoulder pads and jumped into the air, with Brian
in tow. In mid-air, he suddenly, flipped and redirected himself towards the
ring, once more with Brian in tow.
Many women in the audience covered their eyes after hearing the thunderous
boom. After the smoke cleared, it was clear who the winner was.
"Eiji wins!" shouted the announcer as Eiji stood over his opponent.
"Useless." He muttered.
Elsewhere, in the resting area in Italy, Andy watched the battle. 'He's grown
stronger.' Thought the American Ninja.
"What's wrong?" asked Terry as he stopped his training session with Joe.
"Nothing." Replied Andy.
Suddenly, Joe appeared behind him said jokingly, "He must worried for his
darling Mai."
"Joe!" shouted Andy as he tried to plant a punch to the Japanese's face.
Lucky got into the ring. "I won't be so easy to beat!" said Lucky as he raised
his basketball.
"Lucky, he's fast. Use your speed to challenge him." Said Heavy D.
Lucky turned to his partner and nodded. "Don't worry, I'll kick this three
guys asses."
Eiji just stood there and looked at his opponent. Lucky was definitely taller
than him. This was an advantage in terms of reach but Eiji knew that reach meant
little if you could not hit your opponent.
"Come on!" shouted Lucky as he threw his basketball at Eiji. Eiji immediately
dodged and prepared to retaliate. The problem was, Lucky was not where Eiji
thought he would be.
Suddenly, Lucky appeared behind him. Before Eiji could react, Lucky swung his
legs in a circular stance with 'ki' at the end of his feet. The 'ki' were like
blades and sliced into Eiji's flesh.
However, this gave Eiji a chance to move away from Lucky. 'Ki' crackled from
his right hand. "Kikoh-hou!" shouted Eiji. He then extended his hand at Lucky.
A small 'ki' blast appeared, although it had poor reach, it was enough to catch
Lucky unaware and send him flying towards one of the barriers.
Lucky flipped right-side up and dashed forward, "For Brian!" shouted Lucky
as he smashed his fist into the ring right in front of Eiji.
Before Eiji could react, a pillar of 'ki' erupted from the ground and struck
him. Eiji's vision blanked out as he crashed to the ground, unconscious.
"Our winner is Lucky!" shouted the announcer. The crowd cheered for their
favourite team.
"He's right, he was lucky." Muttered Iori as he jumped into the ring. Billy
looked in shock as Iori prepared for battle.
"I won't lose to you." Said Lucky as he prepared for battle.
"You don't have a choice." Replied Iori coldly as the announcer started the
Lucky rushed forward, stopped and did a roundhouse kick to Iori's face. Iori
ducked and then jumped upwards with arms outstretched and purple flame surrounding
Both Lucky and Heavy D. were shocked as the move was similar to Kyo's own
flame attack. Lucky had only a microsecond to be shocked as the flame burned
his skin. Iori then landed and rushed forward, grabbing the stunned Negro and
slamming him to the ground. Then, with a thought, Iori engulfed Lucky in flame.
Iori stood over the unconscious form and pointed at Heavy D. "Your turn."
Said the red-haired Japanese.
Heavy D. jumped onto the stage and prepared to do battle with the red-haired
Japanese. "You are strong and fight similarly to Kusanagi... why?"
"That is none of business Gaijin. However, you may die now."
"Round 4! Ready! Go!" shouted the announcer as the crowd cheered for Heavy D.
Heavy D. immediately rushed forward and shot a punch at Iori. The red-haired
teen slid to the left and totally avoided the punch. However, Heavy D. was not
going to give up just like that and he swung a left hook. This attack forced
Iori to duck under the punch and then jump backwards.
'He's good.' Thought Iori as purple coloured flame engulfed his hand. With
a wave of his hand, a wave of purple flame streaked towards Heavy D.
'Similar to Kusanagi's attack.' Thought Heavy D. as he struck the ground below
him. Immediately a burst of energy enveloped himself partially and dissolved
the purple flame.
As Heavy D. looked up, he saw that Iori had jumped into the air and was striking
down on him with a tomahawk strike.
Heavy D. managed to block the attack, barely. He then shot an uppercut at
Iori, which struck Iori in the face.
Billy was shocked that Heavy D. managed to hit Iori. However, he expected
Iori to retaliate.
He was right. Iori immediately recovered and grabbed Heavy D.'s shoulder and
sent him flying backwards slightly. He then clawed the large American three
times before giving a left hook and then a right hook. Finally, he jumped into
the air and struck down on Heavy D. with both arms.
This last attack struck Heavy D. to the pavement. Blood splattered everywhere
and women could be heard screaming.
The judge looked at Heavy D. before saying, in a subdued tone, "The Yagami
Team wins. They get to represent America in the K.O.F. '95 competition."
Iori then turned to look at the camera in front of him. "Kusanagi, you're
going down."
End of Chapter 6
Chapter 7: The Yagami Team
Billy picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. After a few rings, the
line was picked up at the other end.
"Yes, we've entered the King Of Fighters competition as representatives of
America." Said Billy to the unknown individual. After a short while, a weird
expression formed on Billy's face.
"I understand." Said Billy as he shut off the cell phone. "Shit!" shouted
the godson of Geese Howard as he threw the cell phone on the sofa in front of
He then thought back to the events in which he was teamed up with Iori Yagami.
Someone whom he thought was entirely insane.
Geese Howard heard of Terry's defeat at the hands of a newcomer named Kyo
Kusanagi. After much research, he found out that Kyo's fighting technique was
called, 'Kusanagi no ken'. It had been passed down from generation from generation.
Geese's interest turned into obsession after his second defeat at the hands
of Terry Bogard. After much research, he found out that the Kusanagi clan had
formed this kind of fighting technique with the help of another clan called
Yagami. The Yagami only had one descendant, Iori Yagami.
Geese then contacted Iori and talked him into competing in the King Of Fighters
competition. Then, he got his godson, Billy, to team up with him as his own
injuries had not healed. Billy protested but obeyed his godfather nonetheless.
Eiji looked on as Andy Bogard defeated his opponent. 'The Gaijin Ninja has
improved since the last we met.' Thought Eiji as he disappeared in a puff of
He then reappeared just outside the arena. He then thought to the events that
made him a member of the Yagami team.
Mr. Big had employed him to kill Geese Howard. However, Howard was too strong
and Eiji proved to be no match for the senior. Geese Howard then made a deal
with the Ninja and got him to leave Mr. Big and work for him instead.
After finding Iori, Geese then got him to compete in the K.O.F. competition.
With nowhere else to go, Eiji was forced to do as the underground lord ordered.
Now, he was teamed with the ultimate psycho as well as Geese's godson, Billy
"How did I get myself into these things?" thought the Ninja out loud.
Iori looked at the mirror in front of himself. What he saw was everything
that Kyo could have been if fate had destined him to be so.
He remembered vividly how his father had died. The pillar of flame emitted
from Seisyu, Kyo's father, was unlike anything that his father was capable of
doing. That, in Iori's opinion, was the cause of his father's downfall.
'He was weak.' Thought the young Yagami. 'However, I am not and I will destroy
the Kusanagi clan as they destroyed mine."
He then thought back to the events that caused him to join the competition
in the first place.
After defeated Kyo almost four months ago, Geese Howard, the ultimate crime
lord in South Town, came looking for him. He asked the teen to compete in the
King Of Fighters competition.
Iori felt little interest in the competition until Geese told him that his
sworn enemy, Kyo Kusanagi was in the competition. Iori immediately felt the
urge to show everyone, including Yuki, the love of his life, that he in fact
was the real King of Fighters, not Kyo.
Iori then turned away from the mirror and put on his clothes. 'Soon Kusanagi,
very soon, you will die.' Thought the young Yagami.
End of Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Let the games begin
Before we begin, the sixteen countries in the competition are; Brazil, Japan,
America, Italy, New Mexico, England, Korea, China, Africa, France, New Zealand,
Netherlands, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and Germany.
The building bustled with activity as the media converged on the second most
exciting event in the entire competition. The pre-competition dinner! Here,
all the competitors would appear to decide which country would fight which country.
"This is going to be bigger than last year." Commented one of the reporters.
"Of course, last year was exciting as it was. This year, it's bound to get
better." Said another one.
Suddenly, there was a shout. "They're here!"
The crowd of reports turned to check out the sixteen teams that were appearing.
One-by-one, each team came in. Some with all their members, some with only
two representatives.
"Oh! It's the Garou Densetsu Team, last year's runner-ups!" shouted one of
the reporters and all the cameramen aimed their cameras at the trio that just
entered behind the Netherlands representatives.
"Take this side, my left profile looks better." Said Joe with a big smile as
he turned his face to face the cameras. All the reporters laughed at Joe's joke.
"Andy, I know that you feel comfortable in a tux," said Terry as he pulled
his cap over his eyes further, "but I'm not!"
Andy just smiled as he looked at his brother. Terry was wearing a black jacket
over his white outfit. He looked great in the tux if not for his cap.
"Just get rid of the cap bro. and you'll look great." Said Andy as he snatched
the cap away and hid it in his pocket.
"Wow! Look at Terry and Andy Bogard, aren't they dashing?" said one of the
waitresses there.
"Yeah, they're just dreamy." Said one of the female reporters who was within
Suddenly, a voice rang out. "The Ryuko no ken Team is here!"
The trio of karate experts entered the room. Ryo and Takuma in their trademark
outfits but Robert was in an expensive Italian outfit which fitted his rich
A group of the reporters started to talk to the trio as another group interviewed
the Italian representatives.
A bunch of whistles could be heard upon the arrival of the Heroine Team. All
three ladies looked stunning in their respective outfits. While both Yuri and
Mai wore gowns, King wore her regular bouncer uniform.
Andy immediately ran up to Mai. Upon his arrival, Mai grabbed him and kissed
him on the lips, in full view of all the cameramen. Andy immediately pulled
back in embarrassment but could not hold down his smile.
Yuri had immediately gone up to her family, Takuma and Ryo and was chatting
to them. Laughter erupted from the trio.
King walked towards the table and started to pick some of the exotic food to
eat. Suddenly, she felt another presence behind her.
She immediately turned and saw that Terry was standing behind her. She also
noticed the tux and a smile appeared on her face.
"It's this blasted outfit right?" asked Terry as his face turned red in
King noted Terry's embarrassment and immediately said, "No! You look dashing
in that tux."
"I do?"
"Yeah, you look great." Complimented the ex-bouncer with a smile that melted
Terry's heart.
Meanwhile, Ryo had noticed all this and was not incredibly happy about it.
Ryo then thought back to the first time that he had met King.
It was almost three years ago. After Yuri had been kidnapped, Ryo and Robert
both tried their best to find her. The trail led to Ryo's first meeting with
a bouncer who he thought was a guy. However, after the fight, he found out
otherwise. From then on, King and Ryo have had a love-hate relationship since
Terry could 'feel' Ryo's eyes bearing down on him. Terry returned his stare
with a stare of his own. All, who were fighters, in the room could feel the
Legendary 'Hungry Wolf' and the 'Strongest Dragon'.
It was only with the arrival of the Japan Team did the feeling subside.
The announcer picked up the microphone and announced, "Now, a representative
from each team will come up to decide which teams will do battle."
With that, two ladies wearing bunny outfits which revealed their 'assets'
appeared on stage and a screen lowered from the ceiling and showed the matches
that would occur once the dueling teams were decided.
One-by-one, the team representatives walked onto the stage towards the white
box in the middle. From there, the representatives would pick their battles.
"Indonesia representative please!" shouted the announcer. The Indonesian
representative put his hand into the box and pulled out a number.
"Number 12!" shouted one of the girls and the word 'Indonesia' appeared on
the screen over the number 12 spot.
This went on for all the other teams until all the teams had gotten their
"Here are the battles to take place!" shouted the announcer once more.
On the screen, the battles were listed out one-by-one in descending order.
Battle one: Thailand vs. Italy
Battle two: China vs. England
Battle three: Africa vs. Korea
Battle four: Australia vs. Germany
Battle five: America vs. Brazil
Battle six: France vs. Indonesia
Battle seven: Japan vs. New Zealand
Battle eight: New Mexico vs. Netherlands
Elsewhere, in the shadows of an unknown place, a metallic hand tapped against
the table. "So this is how the competition will go." Said the mysterious man.
From out of the shadows, a brunet appeared and bowed to the man. "All is
ready my master."
"Very good Vice. I must watch the battle of these groups of fighters. Then,
and only then can I have my revenge over Kusanagi."
End of Chapter 8
Chapter 9: The Thai-boxing champion
Writer's note: I am unsure how Thai names should be so if any Thai friends are
reading this, I am sorry for any offence.
Terry, Joe and Andy slowly walked to the stage. Their opponents were already
there, waiting for them.
"So Joe, how does it feel fighting the same martial arts you were trained in."
asked Andy.
Joe turned to face Andy and said, "I'm not sure, I just have a feeling that
'he' will be there."
'He?' thought Andy as the trio reached the stage.
Joe looked at the team that represented Thailand. Two were unfamiliar faces
but the last one had covered his face with a hood. However, Joe already knew
who he was.
'So, he did make it after all.' Thought the Japanese.
"The first battle of the King Of Fighters competition is between Thailand
and Italy!" shouted the announcer as the crowd cheered.
"This year's Thai representatives are a totally new group of people while
the Italy representatives are the same as last year, the first-runners up of
the last K.O.F. competition, the Garou Densetsu team!"
Again, the crowd cheered. The trio's names could be heard clearly through
the ruckus.
"Now, Andy Bogard will go up first to face his opponent!" the announcer looked
on as Andy flipped into the ring.
"His opponent is Chulankok. One of Thailand's best Thai Boxers to date. He
has had an unbeaten streak of 12 matches." The announcer immediately withdrew
from the stage the minute the Thai boxer jumped into the stage.
The referee walked towards the duo and said, "Let's have a good match chaps.
Now, fight!"
Chulankok immediately jumped backwards and took up a defensive position while
Andy raised his hands into his usual fighting stance. With a shout, the duo
engaged in combat.
Terry nudged Joe and asked him, "Do you know who the hooded guy is?"
Joe nodded and said, "He is considered champion of Thai Boxers."
Terry looked at the hooded guy in shock and then looked at Joe, "I thought
you were."
Joe just smiled and said, "That person is called Shiro Kitaro. A Japanese,
he joined the Thai Boxing Federation and was champion is less than 6 matches.
I took 12 matches before being crowned champion and that was only after he left
the federation as there was no one to compete against him."
Terry nodded his understanding. Joe was looking forward to this match. All
fighters wished for opponents who could challenge them and this was Joe's chance
to find out if this Thai Boxer was really the best.
"Shoryu-dan!" shouted Andy and he jumped into the air with his arms stretched
out and spinning his body. Only a red blur could be seen and his opponent was
sent flying into a corner. Blood flowing out of his mouth.
"Andy Bogard wins!" shouted the announcer as the crowd cheered.
"Next up from the Thai team, Pokulangko!" shouted the announcer.
The other young man climbed onto the stage and bowed to the crowd. He then
nodded to Andy who in turn bowed to him.
The referee then raised his right hand into the air, "Fight!"
The Thai Boxer rushed at Andy and shot punch after punch at him. Andy either
dodged or blocked the punches and was about to retaliate when Pokulangko surprised
him with an uppercut.
The uppercut struck Andy in the chin and knocked him backwards. Before Andy
could recover, Pokulangko gave him a kick to the ribcage.
Andy spat blood out but was able to pull back far enough so that the Thai
could not continue his onslaught.
"That guy is pretty good. You know anything about him?" asked Terry as he
looked on at the battle that unfolded before him.
Joe shook his head. "Never heard of him. Could be after I left the federation
that he joined."
Terry nodded and just continued to watch the match.
"This is what Thai Boxing is all about!" shouted Pokulangko as he unleashed
a barrage of punches that struck Andy repeatedly on every part of his body.
Andy reeled back as blood flowed from his wounds. He then pulled back his
right arm and energy crackled around it.
"Hisho-ken!" shouted Andy as he unleashed the energy blast.
The blue energy connected against Pokulangko. Knocking him onto the ground.
Andy then followed up his attack with a dashing elbow.
It was Pokulangko's turn to spit blood as the elbow connected to his abdomen.
Andy then somersaulted and shot his legs into the air, aiming at Pokulangko
and thrust himself towards the Thai.
Pokulangko had no chance to retaliate as Andy's feet struck his face and
knocked him out. Pokulangko lay on the ground, blood flowing freely from his
"The winner, Andy Bogard!" shouted the announcer.
Mai jumped for joy as her beloved won for the second time. Yuri just smiled
while King closed her eyes and nodded. 'Good fight Andy.' She thought.
"The King of Thai Boxers, Shiro Kitaro!" shouted the announcer as Shiro shrugged
off his hood and showed off his finely chiseled and tanned body. The women in
the crowd 'wooed' at him.
"I advice you to surrender, you are in no shape to continue." Said Shiro
"I won't give up till I'm K.O.ed." Said Andy as he panted. Fighting two
strong fighters in a row was taking its toll on him.
"Is he really that strong?" asked Terry as he looked at the Japanese.
"He didn't get such a reputation by lying, trust me Terry." Said Joe.
"Fight!" shouted the referee and Shiro dashed towards Andy.
Andy was taken aback by Shiro's speed and was unable to avoid the uppercut.
What shocked Andy even further, was the fact that the uppercut's strength was
ten times more devastating than Pokulangko's own.
Andy's vision blurred and then, he collapsed, unable to fight anymore.
The crowd stared speechlessly as Terry and Joe helped Andy to the side. Finally,
the silence was broken by the voice of the announcer, "The winner, Shiro Kitaro!"
Mai ran out of the waiting room to check on Andy. Tears flowed from her eyes
and she remembered seeing Andy vomit blood onto the floor seconds before collapsing.
'Andy, waited for me.'
Joe Higashi stepped into the stage and shifted to his fighting stance, as did
"I heard you are the Thai Boxing Champion of the world Joe Higashi. I wish
to find out how strong you really are."
"You're welcome to try, but you'll find that I'm not so easy to defeat." Said
Joe as the referee started the fight.
Shiro shot forward and swung an uppercut into Joe's face, however, Joe dodged
the uppercut and swung a kick to Shiro's rib area.
Shiro blocked the kick and elbowed Joe in the face. At the same time, Joe
shot a punch to Shiro's stomach. The two Japanese broke their engagement to
recover from their injuries.
Joe recovered more quickly than anticipated and sent a hurricane towards
Shiro. Shiro just smiled a response to this attack and dashed towards the hurricane,
much to Joe's shock.
Upon hitting the hurricane, Shiro forced his way through and shot a punch at
the stunned Joe Higashi.
Joe spat blood as Shiro's punch struck his chest. However, Shiro was not too
well off either as the hurricane had injured him as well.
Terry looked on as Mai tended to Andy's injuries. "He's strong, isn't he?"
asked Mai in a rhetorical form.
"Yes, I've never seen such a fighter who is able to attack even after getting
hit by Joe's 'Hurricane Upper'." Replied Terry with a smile.
The two Thai Boxers battled on and on. Punches either connecting or being
blocked. Neither boxer held back or ran from the fight. The crowd could feel
the intensity of the fight and cheered more loudly than ever before.
Joe smiled, 'The legend is true, he is the strongest Thai Boxer I've ever
met... but, that doesn't mean that I will lose to him happily.'
With that thought, Joe began to raise his 'ki'. Upon seeing Joe do so, Shiro
also raised his 'ki'. When both reached their peak, the onslaught began anew.
Blow after blow struck repeatedly on each fighter when finally, Joe swung
his right arm in an uppercut motion.
"Screw Upper!" shouted Joe as a red hurricane erupted from the ground in a
form of a pillar.
Shiro was immediately engulfed by the hurricane. However, he suddenly shot
out with a 'ki' filled punch. Joe looked in shock as he could not believe anyone
could attack through his most powerful attack.
Pulling off the move and hesitation proved costly as Shiro's fist connected
with Joe's face. Joe flew across the ring and crashed onto the ground. Shiro
finally fainted due to his injuries.
With Terry being the only person left, the battle was won by the Garou Densetsu
team. However, Joe would never forget the Japanese Thai Boxer who should still
be the strongest in the world, Shiro Kitaro.
End of Chapter 9