The three Pretenders headed from the open field towards the Decepticon structure.
"This is suicide Cloudburst! I cant believe you even thought of this plan!" complained Landmine.
"Even I must agree with Landmine this time." Said Waverider as Landmine gave him a look of bemusement. "You saw what happened to the first team."
"We have to take the risk," said Cloudburst as he turned to face the others, "those Autobots are relying on us to get that structure destroyed. If we fail, the world is doomed."
"Yeah, yeah, save the speech, you sound as longwinded as Optimus Prime did." Said Landmine and the other two Pretenders immediately gave him sharp stares.
"What? What did I say?" shouted Landmine as the trio moved on.
"Three Pretenders only? Im insulted." Said Bomb-burst as he continued to view the Autobots movements.
"We wont even need to use the Inferno. Well destroy them ourselves." Said Skullgrin as he cracked his knuckles.
"Remember, the generator needs time to recharge. Please hurry before the rest of the Autobots figure out that we need that time and attack us." Said Scrapper.
"Right, right, you old windbag." Said Bomb-burst as he, Dirge and Thrust flew out of an opening that slid open mere moments ago.
"Death to the Autobots!" shouted the trio as they flew towards their targets.
"Uh oh." Muttered Waverider.
"What?" asked Landmine as he heard the roar of thrusters. Looking up, he saw the three Decepticon fliers streaking towards them.
"Incoming!" shouted Cloudburst as the trio of Decepticons opened fire on them. The purple energy beams hit the three giants. Although the Pretender shells the Autobots were in were almost indestructible, the continuous battery took its toll on them.
"This is bad." Said Landmine as he found that he and the other Pretenders were not going anywhere due to this interruption.
Suddenly, an explosion was heard and then, milliseconds later, another explosion but this time, near the fliers and this explosion scattered them.
"Who?" exclaimed both Cloudburst and Bomb-burst at the same time.
Looking at the Autobots that gathered just out of range of the Infernos energon field, Cloudburst noticed that Warpath was in tank mode and that smoke was coming out of his turret.
"Looks like help has been warranted." Said Landmine with a smile.
"Lets go." Said Waverider as the trio continued towards their target.
"Good shot Warpath. Autobots, weve got to give the Pretenders as much covering fire as we can give." Said Rodimus Prime as his trailer module converted to assault mode and revealed its laser turret.
All the other Autobots raised their weapons and prepared for the order to fire. Although most of their weapons did not have the range necessary to hit the fliers, the laser fire would unnerve the Decepticons fliers, hopefully, enough to prevent them from attacking the Autobot Pretenders.
"Theyve given us an opening! Lets not lose it!" shouted Cloudburst as he rallied the other two Pretenders to quicken the pace.
"We hear ya!" shouted Landmine as his Pretender shell split and his robot form appeared and then transformed.
"Landmine! What are you doing?" demanded Cloudburst as the other Autobot, with his Pretender shell in tow, streaked towards the Inferno.
"I have a theory!" shouted Landmine as he raced on.
"Hrmph!" grunted Cloudburst until he saw Waverider race by in his hovercraft mode and with his Pretender shell on top of him.
"Oh great, another one." Mumbled Cloudburst as he continued to trudge on.
"Theyre closing in!" exclaimed Motormaster.
"Well, see if you can do a better job than those flyers." Said Scrapper as he continued to monitor the controls.
"Finally, action!" said Dead End.
"Oh right Stunticons, lets kick chrome!" ordered Motormaster as he transformed to his trailer form and rolled out laughing.
"Do you hear that?" asked Landmine as his Pretender shell strained to hear too.
"What?" asked Waverider as he streaked side-by-side with the other Pretender.
"It sounds like laughter." Replied Landmine. Suddenly, burst of energy fire scorched the tall grass that surrounded the other Pretenders, revealing the Stunticons.
"Whoa! Take cover!" shouted Landmine as he transformed into robot mode and his Pretender shell rolled to one side.
Waverider was not as lucky as he crashed into the Decepticon trailer. "Oof!"
"Waverider! You kay?" asked Landmine as he raised his laser rifle.
"My diodes are all in one place. Just worry about the Stunticons."
"Worry not about Stunticons but about Menasor!" boomed the giant combiner, made up of the five Stunticons.
"Trouble does come in big packages." Joked Landmine as he squeezed a few shots before rolling to another area.
"Weak!" boomed Menasor as he pulled out his energon sword and made a swipe at Landmine.
Waverider then got him from behind with his pulse rifle. His Pretender shell slashed the giant robots leg with his axe.
"Arrgh!" screamed Menasor.
"We can hurt him, we can take em." Said Landmine as his Pretender shell jumped into the air and slashed down with his sword.
The sword ripped into Menasors shoulder, revealing electronic components. Menasor muffled a scream and instead grabbed Landmines Pretender shell and slowly began to crush it.
Landmine screamed in pain as the shell began to crack. Waverider looked shocked, as the shell was not meant to affect its owner. "Better save Landmines metallic butt."
Suddenly, a blue whip lassoes around Menasors leg and tripped him. Menasor then released the Pretender shell.
"Hey! That hurt!" shouted Landmine as he fired continuous shots at the fallen giant.
Suddenly, a hand grabbed his rifle and lowered it. Landmine looked up to see Cloudburst with a blue whip in hand. "Save it, hes out." Said the Pretender leader as he pointed towards the unconscious giant.
"Lets move." Said Waverider as he rejoined his Pretender shell.
"Yes, lets." acknowledged Cloudburst.
"Well, Menasor was a big failure." Said Long Haul as he continued to monitor the Autobot Pretenders movements.
"Then well have to use the Inferno." Said Scrapper as he started the discharge sequence.
"What about Bomb-burst and the fliers?" demanded Skullgrin.
"Oh theyre be out of range, dont worry you moron." Said Scrapper although he knew that was not true. So what if they fall? Less chromeheads to bother me. Thought the leader of the Constructicons.
"The structure is powering up!" shouted Perceptor as he reverted to his robot form.
"Now we see if your theory works." Said Rodimus as the energon burst ignited the surroundings in purple light.
The purple energy wave swept over the trio of Autobots and the three screamed in pain as the wave ripped through their diodes.
"The pain is incredible." Groaned Landmine.
"Totally agree." Groaned Cloudburst.
Suddenly, the wave stopped and the three Pretenders stood up. "Incredible." Muttered Waverider as he recovered from the pain.
"Tell me about it. Perceptor was right." Said Landmine as he checked for his shell for damage.
"Lets not waste time," said Cloudburst, "lets move Pretenders."
Scrapper could not believe his optics. "They survived." Mumbled the Constructicon.
"So it isnt fool-proof." Said Skullgrin.
"It is still a formidable weapon. You six get your butts out of here. Well handle this." Said Submarauder.
"Understood." Said Scrapper as he and the other Constructicons prepared to move the Infernos core.
"Lets move Predacons." Said Skullgrin and the five Decepticon animals roared in unison.
Some of the Autobots rolled into the battlefield to help their fallen comrades.
"Hurry before a third shockwave hits." Said Hot Spot as he and the other Protectobots lifted Ultra Magnus up.
"I have to help them." Said Rodimus as he continued driving towards the Inferno.
"Prime! Dont!" shouted Springer as he followed in his helicopter mode.
"Stop you two!" shouted Arcee as she chased after the two in her slick pink vehicular mode.
"Upstarts!" shouted Kup as he lifted Pipes over his shoulder.
With a roar, Predaking ripped through the Infernos exo-structure and charged into battle against the Autobots.
"You have got to be kidding!" shouted Landmine as he started firing away on the massive Decepticon.
"It means that the energon wave cannot be initiated. Cut lose Pretenders!" shouted Cloudburst.
Immediately, the three robots within the Pretender shells shot out and transformed into their respective vehicular forms and attacked the giant Decepticon side-by-side with their shells.
"Just in time to join the fun." Said Rodimus Prime as he sped up and flew into the air and transformed with a somersault and landed with his laser rifle blazing.
"Prime?" shouted Cloudburst over the roar of the laser fire.
"Did I miss anything interesting?" asked Rodimus as he continued firing at Predaking.
"Only the most interesting trekking in the entire Cybertronium history." Joked Landmine.
Suddenly, missiles struck Predaking on the side of his head.
"Ah, back-up." Said Rodimus as Springer transformed from his helicopter mode to his robot mode and raised his right arm. A small energy blaster appeared and shot a beam of energy in Predakings face.
The giant robot staggered a bit but regained his footing quickly. It was then that Arcee appeared and transformed into her robot mode, landing gracefully and raising her blaster.
She squeezed off a few shots. Each shot struck the five joint areas that merged the super robot. With those shots, the giant robot fell apart.
"Retreat!" shouted Ramhorn as the five Predacons dashed off.
"Great work team." Said Rodimus as he gave the group of Autobots a smile.
Ultra Magnus and the other Autobots were up and going by the time Rodimus left for Cybertron.
The Autobot Pretenders were also on their way for space. The team had been given permission by Rodimus Prime to start an expedition team that would go to other planets and help them combat any Decepticon threats.