Spittor looked at the instruction manual as he tried to figure out how to repair the engine. "This is ridiculous! I can't repair this on my own." "There's nothing we can do. I'm only a scientist, not a mechanic." Said Fractyl as he shook his head while looking at the parts. "Whatever it is, if you need help, don't be hesitant to ask." Said Galvatron. "Yes sir." Said Spittor as he began his work. As the other two Predacons walked out of the chamber, Fractyl spoke to his leader Galvatron. "You, of course, understand that the Maximals will try to take the parts back." "I know and that will be the perfect time to deactivate them once and for all." Said Galvatron with a smile. As the Maximals neared the site of the Predacon ship, Packrat finally spoke his mind. "Optimal, I know you're the fearless leader and all that, but you going into battle without any kind of repair is crazy!" "There isn't time Packrat," said the Maximal leader as he flew on, "the Preds are going to get their ship into space and then, we lose them." "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Their ship isn't space-worthy." Shouted Packrat. "It will be once those repairs are done." Said Optimal. "What repairs?" asked Grimlock. "The repairs to the transwarp drive which will allow him to get the ship back into space." Replied Snarl. "That, has got to be bad." Said Packrat. "You got that right, so we can't let that happen." Said Optimal as the Maximal continued his journey. Spittor finally plugged in the last conductor into the transwarp drive. "Finally." Muttered one of the best mechanics on all of Cybertron. "Well done." Said Galvatron as he entered the room. Spittor looked at his leader and bowed. "It is done. The parts the Maximals 'provided' were most adequate for the repairs." "Good, so when can we leave? Every moment we waste, is time that buffoon, Megatron, will be closer to the energon planet." "Immediately if you like but I need to run some test..." before Spittor could finish his sentence, the alarms went off. "What is it?" "Maximal sigs all converging here bossbot." Said Retrax through the communicator. "About time. Prepare to engage. Spittor, start the testing process." Said Galvatron. "Yes sir!" acknowledged Spittor and saluted Galvatron before going off. The Maximals continued their trudge towards the Predacon ship. "This is ridiculous Primal! Spittor should have fixed the ship by now and the Predacons are ready for blast off." Said Snarl. "Snarl, we mustn't give up. If Galvatron is allowed to do whatever he is planning to do, Cybertron and the whole universe could pay for our failure to act." Replied Optimal Primal. Suddenly, a bolt of energy streaked upwards into the air and then down towards the Maximals. "Watch out!" shouted Wolfang as he and the other Maximals scattered. The explosion had created a huge crater. "We've got to stop them or we and all our surroundings will be toast!" shouted Snarl as he picked himself up and ran towards the origin of the blast. "We'll move it Maximals!" shouted Optimal as he and the other Maximals followed Snarl. "Here they come!" shouted Retrax as he took aim again. "Hold them off for a few microcycles and we'll be gone!" shouted Spittor as he pressed a few buttons. "Tell them to them! They're running too fast for these fusion blasters to get a lock on them!" shouted Retrax as another blast of fusion erupted from the cannon and hit ground zero. "Did cha get them?" shouted Powerpinch from his gunner seat. "No!" replied Retrax. Suddenly, the sides of the Predacon cruiser shook. The Maximals had arrived. Wolfang reloaded another missile as he prepared to fire again. Snarl and Packrat were firing shots from their respective weapons continuously in a bid to breach the hull. "This isn't working!" shouted Grimlock as his eye-beams deflected off the laser-shielded hull. "Then we need another way in!" shouted Optimal as he forced his twin sabers into the cruiser's armour. The five Maximals then tried to peel back the armour. Suddenly, the thrusters came alive. "What?" shouted Packrat as he was blown back by the force. "The cruiser's launching!" shouted Wolfang as he soon followed. "Maximal! Pull back!" shouted Optimal as he, Snarl and Grimlock let go of the sabers and distanced themselves from the cruiser. "We've lost." Said Snarl dejectedly as the cruiser slowly climbed into the atmosphere. "No, there is still one chance. Snarl, Wolfang, I need your weapons... now!" ordered Optimal as the other two Maximals passed their weapons to him. "What's the plan Optimal?" asked Wolfang as Optimal held his missile launcher firmly in his right hand. "To stop the Predacons, permanently. Galvatron must be stopped, no matter what the cost." Said Optimal as his wings extended slightly, revealing turbo jets. "Wait, Primal, your internal system can't handle the stress. You'll fry your- self before you can catch up and the gravitational stress will kill you!" Snarl's pleas fell to a deaf ear as Primal shouted, "Primal jets! Optimal thrust!" the Maximal commander then jetted into the air towards his intended target. "Ha! We sure left those Maximals in the dust." Shouted Retrax as he reclined into his chair. "Yes, and now, on to planet energon!" ordered Galvatron as the ship's thrusters flared up and boosted the ship's speed. "Me think you had bettel see this!" shouted Powerpinch. Galvatron turned his head towards the main monitor and stared in shock as Optimal appeared on it. "How is this possible?" asked Galvatron. "He has built-in jets or have you forgotten?" Spittor pointed out the fact to Galvatron and the Predacon commander was not happy about this. "Blow him out of the sky!" shouted Galvatron as he slammed his fist onto the control console. The Predacon ship's auto-cannons immediately rose from their hiding places in the cruiser and all of them targeted on the lone Maximal. "Those toys won't stop me Galvatron!" shouted Optimal as he continued his pursuit. It was at that moment that all the cannons fired. Energon bolts rained down on the Maximal. However, Optimal was not the commander of the Maximals for nothing. The Maximal commander easily dodged the barrage of energon blast that streaked towards him. Then, finding an opening in the attack, he raised both Snarl and Wolfang's weapons and blasted the cruiser's outer hull area. The combined power of the two weapons did little damage to the massive ship, as Optimal suspected. However, the weapons were effective to cause enough a small hole in the ship. Optimal then poured on the power and closed the distance between the two. "Hope these work." Muttered Optimal as he took out an energon charge and activated it. He then threw the charge into the hole. Then, as quickly as he could, Optimal jetted away from the doomed ship. "He's flying away!" shouted Retrax triumphantly. "Doesn't that strike you as odd?" asked Fractyl. "He only thing odd was that he even bothered." Said Galvatron as he turned away from the screen and towards Spittor. He then nodded. "Activating quantum cells... now!" An explosion! The entire ship rattled as the energon charge went off, in the engine room. "What? Primal!" shouted Galvatron as it dawned to him the cause of the explosion. "We're losing power!" shouted Retrax as the control panels started to either short out or explode. "It was fun while it lasted." Whispered Galvatron with a smile. Outside, the ship streaked towards the planet, heading for the ocean. "Here it comes!" shouted Snarl as he looked up. "Wait! Where's the bat?" asked Packrat. "Slag!" shouted Wolfang as his visor came down and he looked up. He saw Optimal but the ship was falling fast and Optimal was in the way of its trajectory. "What is he doing?" muttered Wolfang. "Power cells depleted. Prepare for stasis lock." Said the computer's voice. "Well, that's not the 'can do' attitude I want from a computer." Said Optimal. Suddenly, Optimal noticed a giant shadow forming below him. Looking up, the Maximal commander was shocked to see the entire 'Skywarp' bearing down on him. "This is going to hurt." Muttered Optimal to no one in particular as the sound of metal banging against metal was heard. "Ouch." Muttered Packrat as he tried to conceal the shock of the scene that just formed in front of him. The other Maximals did not even try to conceal their feelings as their visors shifted away. "By the Matrix." Muttered Wolfang. "Optimal..." Snarl then went limp and kneeled on the ground. Grimlock just continued looking as the Predacon ship crashed into the ocean. He then turned towards the group of Maximals. The group was silent until Grimlock found his voice again. "It is over."