Transformers: More much more than meets the eyes

The third season takes place after Transformers: the Movie. Many things have changed since that movie. Below, is the overview of the third season of the TV series. The problem is that the season was shown only once on SBC (Singapore Broadcasting Coporation). Thus, not many people remember this season. Oh well, here we go!

The year now is 2005. The heroic Autobots have driven the last of the evil Decepticons of Cybertron and have retaken the planet. Led by the new Autobot leader, Rodimus Prime, the Autobots enjoy the peace that envelopes the Universe. Meanwhile, on the Decepticons' new home planet, Charr, the Decepticons have almost no energy left and are slowly dying. Galvatron, the new Decepticon leader, is missing and the Decepticons are leaderless. It really seems that the Universe will have peace for good. However, a group of three-faced metallic aliens called Quinntessons make their first appearance since the movie. They plan to destroy all Transformers and Cybertron.

Meanwhile, the Autobots have built a new city called Metroplex (sounds like a giant shopping arcade.). However, they have to get a transformation cog from Cybertron to allow the city to transform into its most powerful form... a giant robot. The Decepticons, whose leader Galvatron had returned, were not without their own giant-robot-that-turns-into-a-city in waiting. It was modeled after a Tyrannosaurus. Unlike Metroplex, this giant robot was unable to think independently and was also mega-stupid. He, however, already had a transformation cog and was going to destroy Metroplex and the Ark.

The Autobots Blur and Wheelie head for Cybertron to obtain the cog and the Decepticons try to stop them. Meanwhile, on Earth, Rodimus Prime is trying to get use to being the new leader of the Autobots. Originally a hot-head known as Hot Rod and suddenly the Autobot leader, it is a huge change for him. He also has to worry about the Decepticon forces making a comeback, after Galvatron's return, and trying to wreck havoc in the Universe again. Meanwhile, Trypticon has arrived on Earth.

Blur and Wheelie finally manage to get the transformation cog and return to Earth. Meanwhile, Trypticon attacks the Ark. Its defenses are useless and the small group of Autobots who are there are unable to stop a Decepticon close to 200 times larger than the largest combiner. The Ark is destroyed and the small group of Autobots return to Metroplex as the Autobots prepare to face the deadliest of Decepticons.

The new Autobot City is underattack. The Autobots battle Trypticon valiantly, but it is a wasted effort as the Decepticon is not even scratched. Meanwhile, Blur and Wheelie have returned. Blur hurriedly rushes to the transformer center to install the cog. At that moment, Trypticon attacks Metroplex and tries to crush him. At the most crucial moment, Blur installs the cog and Metroplex transforms to do battle with Trypticon.

The battle is odd as their energy weapons have no effect on each other so they are forced to trade punches and claws with each other. The battle finally ends when Metroplex throws Trypticon into a mountain thus deactivating it. The Autobots win but the threat of the Decepticons remain.

Thus, the five-part introduction to the third season of Transformers ended. Not only had they bring the Autobots who have not died back, they even intergrated them with the new Autobots. This mini-series also marked the first appearance of cities transforming into robots. Below, is a list of Trasnformers introduced in the five-part mini-series. The Transformers who appeared in the movie will be omitted.

The Autobots: Outback (he appeared only once so don't bother about him.)
	      Tailgate (Ditto. He's a race car though.)
	      Hub Cap (he also only appeared once but he looks like Cliffjumper
		       in vehicular form.)
	      Pipes (a mini trailer who led the small group of Autobots against 
		     Trypticon. 'As Optimus would say, transform and roll out!)
	      Swerve (reminds me of Brawn when in vehicular form. Forgettable)
	      Metroplex (the Autobot City. The last form of defense.)

The Decepticons: Trypticon (the Decepticon city and the only one introduced in
			    the mini-series.)

The battle goes on as usual. Autobots trying to stop the Decepticons from destroying the human race and taking over Earth. However, although the series was almost similar to the first two seasons, there are still some major cool points in the third season that should have appeared in the first two.

In the middle of the series, new Autobots and Decepticons, who were not combiners, were introduced. This never happened in the first two seasons. The first is Octane, a Decepticon. He is a triple-changer and can transform into a Boeing 747 and a octane container. Then comes Sandstorm, an Autobot triple-changer. The wierd thing is that he did not appear as an Autobot in the first place. He was an inhabitant of a group of Transformers who had left Cybertron and lived on another planet made of metal. Cyclonus and Scourge try to steal energy from it and befriend Sandstorm, who is capable of transforming to a helicopter and a dune-buggy. Then, the Decepticons invade the planet and Sandstorm finds out he's been betrayed. He contacts the Autobots who help and the planet is destroyed. Sandstorm then becomes an Autobot. Halfway through, Octane runs away from the Decepticons. He gets Sandstorm to help him to defect to the Autobots. It is then that Starscream's ghost (he died in the movie.) returns to seek revenge on Galvatron. He possesses Cyclonus but fails to defeat the Decepticon leader. Cyclonus is freed and Octane becomes a Decepticon again. Another triple-changer, Broadside appeared in the series, although it was briefly and very few times. He could transform into an aircraft carrier and a jet plane.

I mentioned that Starcream reappeared. Anyway, he reappeared again. This time, he was going to help rebuild Unicron by connecting Unicron's head to the planet Cybertron. He did so by stealing both Metroplex's eyes (he breaks one.) and one of Trypticon's. Later, Unicron gives him a new body so that he can complete the connection but Starscream leaves before doing so and this causes Unicron to be angry. He blasts Starscream who is sent flying into the furthest reaches of the Universe. Unicron floats off, failing to reanimate himself.

The first season three combiners appeared thanks to an anti-electron jolt that causes Grimlock to have super-intelligence. The most hilarious thing of the episode is when Grimlock switches off a booby-trap by by-passing its circuit codes. When Rodimus, Springer and Ultra Magnus see this, Springer says, "He didn't use his teeth?" Anyway, Grimlock constructs five Autobots who have the best technological advancements in the whole Cybertron. Meanwhile, the Decepticons have built the most powerful Decepticon combiner, the Terrorcons. Grimlock then gives his intelligence to his creations and the Technobots are born. They form Computron who was supersmart and defeated Abominus (the Terrorcons.) everytime with his intelligence. Grimlock was reverted to his dumb self again.

The Autobots:	The Technobots
		Afterburner (a futuristic motorbike)
		Nosecone (a drill)
		Lightspeed (a futuristic racecar)
		Strafe (a small space fighter jet)
		Scattershot (a large space fighter jet and leader of the Technobots)
		They form Computron, the smartest Autobot yet.

The Decepticons:   The Terrorcons
		   Rippersnapper (his white and looks like an overgrown 
		   Blot (blue and really wierd-looking)
		   Sinnertwin (two-headed yellow-coloured creature)
		   Cutthroat (flying green and yellow monster)
		   Hun-Gurrr (BIG two-headed greyish monster and leader 
			      of the Terrorcons.)
		   They form Abominus, the strongest Decepticon combiner.

Later, while the Decepticons attack Japan, the Autobots go there to help. Rodimus feels that the leadership is too much stress for him. Two of the Stunticons, Dead End and Wildrider steal the Matrix, reverting Rodimus Prime back to Hot Rod. Scourge then uses the Matrix to lead the Decepticons to do battle with the Autobots. In the process, he becomes puffy and really ugly, like he got a bad case of acne. Springer manages to talk Hot Rod back into battling Scourge and get back the Matrix. Although Scourge has the Matrix, he is floored by one punch from Hot Rod, who takes back the Matrix and transforms back to Rodimus Prime.

Finally, the most historical event in Transformer history happened. Two scientist find Optimus Prime's body along with some hate-inducing spores. One of the scientist hates the Transformers so much that he uses Optimus Prime's body to lure the Autobots into a trap. This causes the Autobots to hate each other and duke it out. Bumblebee is badly damaged. He is then rebuilt in a different form but still retaining his old personality. He became 'Goldbug'. The spores then go onto all the Autobots, except for Sky Lynx and the reanimated Optimus Prime. The spores finally reach all Decepticons except Galvatron and humans as well. Even the Quintessons are infected. Later, the remaining Transformers find out that the spores cannot affect them if they are covered by ash, or something like that. After Sky Lynx and Galvatron are infected as well, only Optimus Prime is left to save the Earth and he does, by using the Matrix to destroy the spores with the wisdom within. The Matrix is then left empty. Optimus returns to his post as Leader of the Autobots and the third season of Transformers end.

That ended the best episode of the third season. With Optimus Prime's resurrection and return to the leadership. However, Optimus's return was just the icing of the cake for what was to come, in rebirth.

A group of mini-Autobots were introduced in the final two episodes of Transformers, they were the Throttlebots. Small yet fast, they were force to reckon with but they had a short appearance time, quite unfortunate.

Autobots:- Chase (a red coloured racecar)
	   Searchlight (a white racecar)
	   Wideload (an excavator)
	   Freeway (a blue racecar)
	   Goldbug (a gold volkswagon)
	   Rollbar (a green all-terrain vehicle)

Well, I don't have so much negative thoughts with the season 3 of the series. The fact that Rodimus was not as great a leader as Optimus made the story more 'human'. However, the sad thing is that Galvatron, who is Megs, was unable to use this against the Autobots. It would have been cool to see some Decepticon victories from time to time. I guess not much problems with season 3 except that episode that 'Cobra Commander' cameo in and the fact that Wheelie was an honourary Autobot.

In the Japanese version of the series, the title was called 'Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: 2010!' Oddly, while the American version was in the year 2005, the Japanese version was in 2010. Other than that, there was not much difference. Rodimus Prime was known as Rodimasu Konboi (Rodimus Convoy) and as Hot Rod, he was called Hotto Rodimasu (Hot Rodimus). The mad Galvatron was known as Garubatoron (Galvatron).Some other names were also changed. The series was almost exactly the same, except for the cuts and editing made for Japanese viewing. The more exciting parts only began in the next season. While it was entitled 'Rebirth', in America, the Japanese created their own Transformer series called 'Headmasters'.

On to the fourth season of the Transformers series

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