Transformers: The Movie

Here is information on the first and only movie made of the great television series, Transformers. Here, I will give an overview of the movie. However, since my only copy had fungus infection and I cannot find one in Singapore at the moment, I'm forced to tell the story by memory. However, it is a fairly accurate overview as my memory on my favourite cartoons is usually near-perfect. However, a few names may be missing, so check out my links to find websites with information on this great movie. Also note that the names of new Autobots will appear in yellow while new Decepticon names will appear in blue.
The year is 2005. The Autobots have lost Cybertron to the Decepticons. However, they have built two moonbases which orbit around Cybertron. They have done so, so that they can plan their attack to retake Cybertron. However, unknown to them, a metallic planet is moving towards Cybertron and devouring all planets in its way. Meanwhile, Optimus orders Brawn, Ratchat, Prowl and Ironhide to take one of the Autobots space cruisers to Earth.
Laserbeak, the Decepticon spy gets wind of this and informs the Decepticons. Megatron prepares a plan that will destroy the Autobots on Earth.
Megatron attacks the space crusier and transforms into his gun mode. Starscream uses him to blast Brawn in the shoulder and Brawn is killed.
Prowl swerves around to meet the enemies but is blasted in the chest and he too dies. Ratchat and Ironhide valiantly battle the Decepticons but are shot multiple times through the body. It is not a pretty sight. Megatron then explains he will use the Autobot cruiser to enter Autobot City undetected to destroy it and all its inhabitants. Ironhide grabs his leg in a feeble attempt to stop him and is blasted in the head for his trouble.
On Earth, the Autobots have created a city somewhere in America. It is meant to defend Earth and house the Autobots that were thrown out of Cybertron. At a lake closeby, a young Autobot named Hot Rod and Spike Witwicky's son, Daniel, are fishing at a nearby lake. Hot Rod manages to catch a big (by human standards) fish. It is then that the Autobot space crusier appears. Daniel wants to see it land in Autobot City. Daniel then rides his hover-board (a floating skateboard) while Hot Rod runs behind him. Of course, Daniel crashes into the side of the trail and falls back, landing in Hot Rod's hands. Hot Rod then transforms into the sleeks vehicle of the whole movie and drives Daniel to see the ship land. When Daniel wants Hot Rod to stop, Hot Rod tells Daniel that they should go to 'Lookout Mountain' to get a better view. He also crashes through a barrier being created by some of the Autobots who first landed on Earth and Kup one of the oldest Autobots around.
Through the powerful optic lens at the top of the mountain, Daniel notices a hole in the shuttle and tells Hot Rod. Hot Rod uses his long-range viewer to confirm this and sees the Decepticons in the shuttle. He attacks and the Decepticons fire back.
The Decepticons then abandon the shuttle and destroy the ramp on 'Look-out Mountain'. Hot Rod and Daniel make a mad dash for it. They are saved by Kup from Bliztwing and who then catches up with them and the duo head for Autobot City.
Meanwhile, in the city, Ultra Magnus, Springer, Arcee (a female Autobot.) , Blur (he speaks ultra fast and moves ultra fast too.) and Perceptor see the danger of the Decepticon attack. Ultra Magnus orders Perceptor to tell Blaster to contact 'Moon Base 1' and tell Optimus Prime about the attack and then, he orders Springer and Arcee to transform Autobot City to battle mode. Arcee hesitates as Daniel, Hot Rod and Kup are still outside the city and would have no way of entering should the transformation be completed. Springer then tells her that both of them will have to take care of themselves. The two then dash off to transform Autobot City.
Springer and Arcee run towards the transformation core of the city. After barely avoiding laser fire from Starscream, they manage to begin the transformation sequence. Cannons appear out of buildings and... well, you have to see it to believe it. In one of the tallest towers in Autobot City, Blaster is using the cannon there to attack the Decepticons outside. Perceptor appears and Blaster says the most memorable phrase of the movie, "Hey, Perceptor, what's shakin' other then this fortress?" Perceptor then goes on to tell Blaster of Ultra Magnus's orders. Blaster transforms into his radio mode and begins to send the transmission to Moon Base 1. Megatron then orders Soundwave to jam the transmission. Soundwave sends Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage and Laserbeak to attack and destroy the tower. They manage to destroy the radio transmitter and attack Perceptor.
Blaster immediately sends his own cassette squad. Steeljaw (a golden lion), Ramhorn (a red rhino), Rewind and Eject (these two look the same but have different colours). They attack the Decepticon cassette squad.
Later, Hot Rod and Kup just manage to use the Insecticons to enter the city, thus, they are not locked out of the city. The battle is grim for the Autobots. Arcee and Springer drag the corpse of Wheeljack and Windcharger out of the battle field. Another two more Autobots are counted among the fatalities. Then, Springer shifts a launcher towards the Decepticons. He is helped by Arcee, Kup and Hot Rod, along as Daniel. Megatron then orders the Constructicons to merge and form Devastator. He goes on to destroy the launcher. The next day, the Decepticons renew their attack. It is then that another Autobot spacecraft flys overhead. It is Optimus Prime and the Autobots from Moon Base 1. Seeing that Devastator is turning the tide of the battle to the Decepticons' favour, Optimus Prime orders Grimlock and the other Dinobots to attack Devastator. They gladly do so.
However, they get their butts handed to them by Devastator.
Optimus Prime leaves the spaceship and says that to end the war, Megatron must be stopped... no matter what the cost. He then transformers into his vehicular mode and attacks a group of Decepticons so that he can get to Megatron. In a scene that, once again, must be seen to be believed, Optimus Prime single-handedly attacks all the Decepticons and trashes them soundly as well. He then goes on to battle Megatron, one-on-one.
Optimus Prime finally meets Megatron and prepares to battle. They have some pre-battle dialogue and then, the battle begins. Megatron immediately gains the upperhand by impaling a small piece of metal into Optimus's side. He then activated a light-sabre and attacks the great leader. Optimus waste no time in pulling the piece of metal out. He uses it to battle Megatron and manages to slash the Decepticon leader. The battle goes on and at first, while it looks like Prime will lose, he manages to turn the tables and strike him to the ground. Megatron notices a gun (how convenient) behind a piece of metal and Prime cannot see it. It then goes on to beg Prime for mercy but Prime still seems adamant about disintegrating him. As Megatron reaches for the gun, Hot Rod (that idiot) sees it coming and attacks Megatron, Prime cannot shoot as he dare not risk killing Hot Rod by accident. Megatron, being stronger that Hot Rod, overpowers him and uses him as a shield.
He then starts blasting Optimus Prime with the gun. After Prime strikes the ground, almost dead, Megatron tosses Hot Rod to one side and walks up to Prime, planning on finishing him off. As he is about to do so, Prime gives him a final strike and knocks him down about 3-4 storey to the basement area of the city. The remaining Autobots then run to aid the fallen leader. As do the Decepticons. After that, Starscream orders a retreat and the Decepticons leave.
On Earth, Perceptor examines Prime's injuries and tells the Autobots the sad news that Optimus cannot be saved. As the Autobots moan over the lost of their leader, Optimus Prime tells them of the Leadership Matrix.
He opens his chest cavity and reveals a white and orange object with a blue crystal within it. Optimus Prime then goes on to explain that there is a prophecy that 'one will rise among our ranks and use the matrix, to light our darkest hour.' He passes the Matrix to Ultra Magnus but drops it to the ground halfway. Hot Rod grabs it and it glows brightly in his hands before Hot Rod passes it to Ultra Magnus. Ultra Magnus then places it into his chest cavity. Not long after, Optimus turns black in colour, as the great leader... dies. 
That is the end of part one of my overview of the movie. Part two will be coming up soon.
On to part 2 of my overviewTo be completed
On to the third season of the Transformers series
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