Chapter 1: The end of '94

  Flame engulfed the room almost immediately. Smoke filled the room and coughs 
could be heard. Suddenly, a blast of 'ki' ripped a 'hole' through the smoke, 
forcing it apart.
  Blood burst across the room and onto some of the machinery that 'decorated'
the room. After the smoke cleared, four figures could be seen.
  In the corner, there was a large figure and a thin shorter one. The large 
figure was Goro Daimon; the world-renowned Japanese wrestler and the shorter, 
thinner one was Benimaru Nikaido; one of the best fighters in Japan.
  In the middle of the room, kneeling on the floor was a young, dark-haired 
Japanese. He had a thin white cloth wrapped around his forehead. He was dressed 
in a dark jacket with a sun symbol at the back. He wore a white T-shirt under 
and jacket and dark-brown coloured pants. He stayed in his position with blood 
dripping from his lips. 
  Directly opposite the young Japanese was an older man. He had blonde hair and 
a mustache. He wore a green vest and red pants. Finally, the silence was broken 
when the blonde-haired man spoke. "You are worthy of being my most prized 
possession, Kyo Kusanagi."
  Slowly, the young Japanese named Kyo, stood up and replied, "I will not be 
turned to a statue nor let my friends and any of the world's greatest warriors 
become a trophy for you Rugal." Then, he raised the index finger of his left 
hand and flame started to engulf it. Oddly, Kyo did not feel its heat.
  "Die!" shouted Rugal as energy crackled around both his hands. He then pushed 
forward and a huge energy blast streaked towards Kyo.
  As the energy blast streaked towards Kyo, the flame around his finger continued 
to intensify. Then, with a shout, Kyo swung his hand out at the energy blast. 
Flame streaked out and surrounded him. The energy blast exploded, taking some 
of the machinery with it.
  Meanwhile, Rugal burst into flames. He screamed in pain and rolled on the 
floor to extinguish the flame. Finally, the flame disappeared and Rugal lay on 
the ground, burnt and seriously injured.
  "Concede defeat?" asked Kyo as he blew the flame off his index finger. 
  Rugal looked up at the youngster and gave a shout, "How could I lose? I am 
invincible! I will kill you!"
  Kyo just turned around, ignoring Rugal. Suddenly, he heard a 'click'. He turned 
and saw that Rugal had pressed the self-destruction button on the console behind 
him. "I will take you with me!" shouted Rugal triumphantly and started laughing 
  "Kyo!" shouted Benimaru, "Let's get out of here!" 
  As Kyo started to run, his legs went wobbly and fell to the ground. "Kyo!" 
shouted Goro as he ran up to his friend.
  "I can't move... looks like my days are numbered." Said Kyo as sweat started 
pouring down his face.
  "No way, we're not leaving you Kyo, just hold on." Said Goro as he carried 
Kyo over his shoulder.
  The trio finally reached the shores of Japan. In the horizon, they could see 
the aircraft carrier sinking as a fury of explosions shook what remained of its 
  "So, the evil man has died with his evil ambitions." Said Goro as he let Kyo 
down from his right shoulder.
  "Yeah Kyo, you really kicked his ass." Said Benimaru with a smile and wink.
  Kyo looked at the sunset as the wind blew against his face. He then raised 
his left arm into the air, "Yeah, we're the king of fighters!"

  8 months later...
  "Arrgh!" the school shook as the scream echoed down its corridors.
  "That's right young Kusanagi," said the male teacher, "you flunked math again. 
One more time and you can forget about graduating this year."
  Kyo held the piece of paper in his hands as tears flowed down his eyes. "Too 
bad Kyo," said Kyo's classmate, Daigo, "you should have studied harder."
  "Thanks for nothing." Said Kyo as he burned the piece of paper with his hand.
  "Study harder or you can forget about being my boyfriend." Kyo turned to face 
the owner of the voice with tears flowing down his eyes once more.
  "No!" shouted Kyo at the girl in front of him. She had orange-coloured hair 
and was slim and very pretty.
  "Ha, maybe that will get him to study Yuki." Said Daigo with a laugh.
  The bell rang at that moment. "Ha! Saved by the bell." Said Kyo as he grabbed 
Yuki by her arm and ran off with her in tow. 
  As the two ran out, Yuki continuously tried to smack Kyo's head. "Stop pulling 
me!" she shouted. Suddenly, Kyo stopped and she banged into him. "Ouch!"
  She looked up and saw that Kyo was standing rigidly and was sweating. He then 
muttered something. Although she could not hear what he said, she used her 
common sense and looked in the direction he was staring at.
  There, stood a familiar person. He was Kyo's age and had red hair. He wore 
a white shirt and a black jacket over it. On the back of the jacket, there was 
the symbol of the crescent. He wore red jeans with a belt tying to the legs.
  "Iori!" she shouted. The other teen looked at her and suddenly, from a look 
that could kill a lion, the face softened. Slowly, Iori walked up to Yuki.
  "How are you Yuki?" said Iori with a smile. 
  Yuki smiled back and said, "I'm great, you?"
  "I'm just fine. Could you give me a moment with your boyfriend?" asked Iori. 
Yuki nodded.
  "Kyo, I'll go home on my own, you two having some catching up to do." Said 
Yuki as she ran off.
  Iori placed his arm around Kyo's shoulder. "Yes we do." 

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Ryuko no ken, the Fist of Dragon Tiger.

  Robert struck the sandbag in front of him. The bag was sent flying into the
air. The chain holding it suddenly snapped and flew towards the Dojo window.
  'Die!' thought Robert as he tried to prevent the ruining of the window. 
Suddenly, the bag exploded. Robert turned to see his Sensei standing at the Dojo door 
with his hand facing where the sandbag exploded.
  "Robert, stop playing around." Said the older man.
  Robert nodded and apologized. "Sorry Takuma Sensei, I did not mean it."
  Takuma nodded and walked pass the Italian. He then started to don his Dojo 
suit. "How is my son?" asked Takuma.
  Robert looked at Takuma and sighed. "No change... since his defeat at the 
hands of Kyo Kusanagi, Ryo has been pretty depressed."
  Takuma nodded and sat down cross-legged on the tattami mat. "Where's Yuri?" 
  "She's teaching the new group of students." Replied Robert as he replaced the 
destroyed sandbag with a new one.
  Takuma smiled. Since she was kidnapped by Mr. Big, she had trained hard to 
be able to defend herself. The fact that her team managed to be the last four teams proved that she had improved immensely. 
  Suddenly, the two felt a new presence in the Dojo. "Excuse me gentlemen, are 
you part of the team that represented Mexico in the '94 King of Fighters competition?"
  "Who wants to know?" asked Robert as he turned to face the voice. There stood 
a young man wearing a business suit. He had a red and white cloth wrapped around 
his head. He held a staff in his right hand.
  "I am Billy Kane. My boss wishes to meet you." Replied the man.
  "Who is your boss?" asked Robert.
  "Geese Howard." Replied Billy.
  Suddenly, Takuma zipped out of his seat and struck Billy with an uppercut. 
Billy reeled from the attack. He swung the staff at Takuma. Takuma ducked and 
swept Billy Kane with his leg. Energy then cracked in his right hand.
  "Ko-oh Ken!" shouted the older man. He then thrust his hand at Billy Kane and 
an energy ball streaked out of his hand and flew towards Billy.
  Billy immediately spun his staff around as quickly as he could. The fireball 
dissipated immediately. Before Billy could recover from the first attack, Takuma 
had grabbed his head and was striking his body with his kneel repeatedly.
  Billy knew he could not take much more punishment and immediately swung his 
staff again. This time however, flame engulfed the staff. Takuma was forced to 
jump back due to the heat.
  The flame then left the staff and flew towards Takuma. Takuma wasted no time 
in concentrating his 'ki' into both his hands. He then thrust them outwards and 
shouted, "Ha-oh Sho-ko Ken!" a huge energy wave erupted from his hands and blew 
up the flaming attack Billy had launched.
  Robert suddenly entered the fray and gave Billy Kane a jump kick. Billy Kane 
reeled backwards and used his staff for support. "What was that all about Sensei?" 
asked Robert.
  "Geese Howard is who has been controlling Mr. Big and most of the secret 
societies in South Town." Replied Takuma.
  Robert immediately understood. It was not Mr. Big who ordered Yuri's capture, 
but Geese Howard. He pointed at Billy Kane and said in anger, "You tell your 
boss that we will never come and see such a scum bag like him."
  Billy wiped off the blood from his lips and smiled, "I will. And then, we'll 
see you in hell." With that, Billy walked out of the Dojo.
  "Good riddance." Suddenly, Takuma tumbled to the ground.
  "Sensei?" asked Robert concernedly as he ran up to Takuma.
  "I'm fine, just tired... that's all, a short rest and I'll be back on my feet." 
Replied Takuma as he sat down once more.
  Robert looked at the limousine leave and thought, 'Ryo, get your thoughts 
together quick. We're going to need you soon.' 

End of Chapter 2

Chapter 3: Garou Densetsu

  Music boomed from the German castle of Krauser. The music blasted out of a 
hole in the side of one of the towers. In that tower, one of the most exciting 
fights took place. The fight was between the clan of Krauser's best fighter yet, 
Wolfgang Krauser and one of the strongest street fighters around, Terry Bogard.
  Terry stood at the front door of this great castle once more. He slowly opened
the door and walked in. At the other end of the long hallway, Krauser played 
his beloved piano.
  Terry noticed that not only had the piano been rebuilt, it was even grander 
and larger than the one before, if that was possible. Suddenly, the music stopped.
  "So Terry, you have defeated Geese again I see." Said Krauser.
  "Yes," replied Terry, his cap hiding his eyes, "but he escaped..." Terry was 
not too happy at seeing Geese Howard again. After 'killing' him five years ago, 
Terry thought he had finally avenged his father. He was wrong. Now, he would 
work hard to find Geese again and then kill him, for real.
  "So, now you come to challenge me?" 
  "Yes, and I will defeat you once more." Replied Terry.
  "I'm will be harder to defeat than two years ago, King of Fighters." Replied 
  "That name belongs to another." Replied Terry calmly. It really did, he had 
lost to Kyo Kusanagi in the King of Fighters competition held eight months ago. 
  "No matter, you will still fall to me and I will regain the lost dignity of 
my family." Said Krauser as his armour shattered and crumbled to the ground 
  Terry took up a defensive position, as did Krauser. Suddenly, Krauser jumped 
into the air and stretched his right leg out. He came crashing down in Terry's 
face. Terry immediately jumped to one side to avoid the attack. 
  When Krauser landed, Terry charged at him and shot a punch at his face. Krauser 
immediately caught Terry's fist, but the 'ki' from Terry's attack struck through 
Krauser's hand onto his shoulder. Krauser immediately slammed Terry into the 
ground, causing the ground to shatter.
  Terry shot both his legs up at Krauser and Krauser immediately jumped back. 
Terry then flipped to his feet, blood on his back. Krauser smiled and then 
laughed. "Good Terry Bogard, I haven't had such a good fight for quite a while." 
  "Thank you Krauser, same here." Replied Terry as he wiped the blood off his 
lips. He then struck the ground with his fist. Energy crackled around his fist 
and then onto the ground below. From there, the energy streaked towards Krauser 
like a wave.
  Krauser waved his hand and a ball of flame streaked towards Terry's 'Power 
Wave'. A spectacular explosion occurred and lots of smoke was caused in the 
aftermath of the explosion.
  To Krauser's surprise, Terry immediately ran through the smoke and renewed 
his attack. Krauser blocked off the wave of punches Terry threw. Suddenly, Terry 
jumped into the air. In mid-air, he somersaulted and extended his right leg out. 
The kick struck Krauser on his right shoulder.
  Krauser suddenly grabbed Terry with his left arm and slammed him onto the 
ground once more. Terry spat out blood but managed to flip away from Krauser's 
next punch. Krauser then jumped into the air and landed behind Terry.
  Before Terry could react, Krauser grabbed him around the waist and flipped 
him over his shoulders. Terry crashed into the ground below him with a 'thud'.
  Terry then struck Krauser's legs with a sweep, causing the giant to lose his 
footing. Terry immediately made use of this weakness to charge his 'ki'. He 
then struck the ground below him and discharged all his 'ki' in front of him.
  The result was that of a giant explosion which engulfed Krauser and sent him 
flying backwards. After the smoke cleared, it was clear to see that Terry had 
won as the legendary 'Hungry Wolf' walked out of the castle.
  'Kyo, I'm ready to take you on again.' Thought Terry as he left the castle 
far behind.

End of Chapter 3

Chapter 4: The feud of two families

  Kyo stood opposite Iori in silence. He had known Iori most of his life and 
he knew that the blood feud between them would only end if one of them died, 
yet Kyo could not bring himself to kill a childhood friend.
  "You have quite a reputation now Kyo." Said Iori with a sinister smile. "You're 
now the King of Fighters, I'm impressed."
  "Oh cut to the chase Iori. You're not here to compliment me are you?" asked 
Kyo as he covered his face. 
  "Then die." Said Iori with a smile. He then swung his hand upwards. A purple 
flame immediately ignited and streaked across the ground towards Kyo.
  Kyo immediately jumped out of the way. At the same time, he took out his 
combat gloves and put them on. Upon landing, he turned to face Iori. However, 
Iori was already in front of him.
  Kyo immediately prepared himself for the inevitable pain that would strike 
him. Indeed, Iori clawed at Kyo's face with his fingers. Blood appeared on Kyo's 
face. Kyo ignored the pain the best that he could and shot a punch at Iori. 
Iori ducked under the punch and jumped upwards, hands outstretched and purple 
flame emitting from his right hand.
  The flames immediately engulfed Kyo and send him flying backwards and crashing 
onto the ground. He flipped upright as quickly as he could and prepared for 
counter any attack Iori was going to throw at him. He did not expect Iori to 
be standing where he was.
  With a shout, Kyo blasted a stream of flame at Iori. Iori just stood there 
as the flame sped closer to him. Suddenly, Iori thrust his arms into the air 
and crossed them. He then skidded across the ground towards the flame.
  Kyo looked in shock as Iori sped through the flame unharmed. That moment of 
hesitation cost him dearly. Iori released a fury of claw attacks on him. Each 
strike drew blood from the 'King of Fighters'.
  As the onslaught continued, Kyo thought back to his younger days. A time when 
he was carefree and happy.
  The Kusanagi and Yagami clans were enemies for over eight generations. However, 
the ninth generation, made peace with each other. They were Kyo and Iori's 
fathers. The two were good friends and their children were childhood friends.
  Although Yuki's family had nothing to do with the Kusanagi and Yagami clans, 
they were the best of friends thanks to school. However, this all changed the 
day Iori and Kyo reached the age of twelve.
  Iori's father challenged Kyo's father to a duel. A one-on-one battle to test 
each other's skill. The battle was fast and furious and there was no clear 
winner. However, Iori's father used a skill that was not suppose to exist and 
attacked Kyo's father. 
  Kyo's father was forced to use the most powerful attack in the clan of Kusanagi, 
'Mu Shiki'. The move not only killed Iori's father, it also cremated him, leaving 
no body for Iori to take back.
  From then on, the feud between the clans renewed once more. However, Yuki 
knew nothing about this. Kyo and Iori had made a pact not to fight each other 
when Yuki was around and not to tell her about the feud. Both Kyo and Iori could 
not bear seeing her hurt should she be caught in the crossfire.
  Pain brought him back to his present predicament. Iori still had not stopped 
his attack. Suddenly, Iori wrapped Kyo's head with his hands. Kyo knew that 
this was the best time to retaliate but his body was too weak and unable to 
even use a bit of flame.
  Iori pulled his head back and then faced Kyo again with a smile. "So this is 
the strength of the King of Fighters. What a weakling!" with that, purple flame 
emitted from his hands and set Kyo on fire. 
  Kyo flew into the fire, purple flame surrounding his body and then he dropped 
like a stone. Slowly, the purple flames extinguished. Iori turned around and 
slowly walked off, dropping a card as he did so.
  Hours later, Kyo regained consciousness. He looked at his hands. The blood 
had dried up and it was nighttime. 'I'd better get home.' Thought Kyo then he 
noticed the card.
  Kyo picked the card and opened it. His eyes widened with shock after reading 
the card's contents.
  'This year, the King of Fighters competition has been organized once more. 
As with last year, only teams of three will be allowed to compete. Break a spine. 
From R.'
  "Rugal?" said Kyo softly. "No, it can't be. He's dead."
  Back at the Iori's flat, Iori looked at the card in front of him. 'Come Kyo. 
Join the K.O.F competition so that I can prove to the entire world that I am 
the real King of Fighters.'

End of Chapter 4

Chapter 5: The King of Fighters '95

  Terry looked at the sky above him. It was a beautiful day. Suddenly, he heard 
shouts and screams. The preliminary rounds of the King of Fighters '95 competition 
had begun.
  He looked behind and saw two men fighting. One was a karate fighter while the 
other was using an unknown type of fighting art.
  "Hey Terry!" Terry recognized the voice immediately. It was Joe Higashi. 
Behind the Japanese was a blonde-haired foreigner. Immediately, Terry recognized 
him. He was his younger brother, Andy Bogard.
  "Sorry we're late brother." Said Andy as he reached Terry's side.
  "No problem, I just got here." Said Terry with a smile. The team was back 
together again. It was time to battle for victory.

  Robert looked on as Ryo destroyed their opposition for the first round of the 
preliminary around for the right to represent Mexico. 
  "Ryo is not at his full potential." Said Takuma as he watched his son's win 
against the second member of the opposing team.
  "What do you mean Sensei? Ryo's doing great." Said Robert.
  "He's too obsess with his need to defeat Kyo. This will lead to his downfall." 
Said Takuma.
  "Hien Shipu Kyaku!" shouted Ryo as he jumped kick his opponent. He then landed 
and did a roundhouse kick. His opponent fell to the ground, unconscious.
  "We surrender." Said the final member of the team.
  The announcer immediately jumped up onto the ring and shouted, "The winner! 
Ryuko no Ken team!"
  Ryo walked off the ring and looked at his father. Takuma forced a smile and 
then the team left to await the next battle.

  Mai's fan struck her opponent directly in the groin, thus knocking him out 
  The announcer immediately jumped onto the stage and shouted, "The winners! 
The Heroine Team!"
  Mai immediately shouted, "Me bouncy!" With that, she opened her fan and erected 
her body suddenly, causing her breast to bounce up and down.
  "Good job!" shouted Yuri happily and high-five with Mai.
  'They've grown stronger.' Thought King with a smile. "Great show of ninjitsu 
Mai." Said King.
  "Thanks." Said Mai with a smile.           

  Kim immediately sidestepped away from his opponent before striking the poor 
man's head with a roundhouse. Blood flowed out of the man's mouth as he struck 
the ground. Kim Kaphwan rubbed off the sweat from his forehead before raising 
his hands in victory.
  "The winners! The Taekwando Team!"   

  Clark managed to grab his opponent with a strong grip. His opponent immediately 
knew that this match was over.
  "Super Argentina Backbreaker!" with a shout, Clark threw his opponent into 
the air. He threw with such force that his opponent was unable to flip away 
from him and thus landed perfectly on his shoulders. Upon landing, the opponent 
immediately got acquainted with the ring floor after Clark slammed him in.
  "Oh right!" shouted Ralf as foam flowed out of the poor man's mouth.
  "Don't be too happy," said Heidern "remember why we are here in the first 
  Ralf nodded and then, thoughts of the event four months returned to him. Clark, 
Heidern and him returned to being Special Force Operatives. However, four months 
ago, an invitation to compete in the K.O.F. '95 competition reached them.
  Heidern initially ignored it until he saw the name of the organizer. The letter 
R was enough for Heidern to suspect that the organizer was Rugal, and thus, 
the team that represented Brazil a year ago was ready for the competition.
 "The winners! The Ikari Team!" shouted the announcer.

  "Psycho ball!" shouted Athena and a red ball of psycho energy towards her 
  "Arrgh!" shouted her opponent as the psycho ball struck his abdomen with 
incredible pressure. He kneeled and then fell unconscious on the ground.
  "The winner! The Psycho Team!" shouted the announcer.
  "Great shot Athena!" shouted the people from the crowd.
  Athena smiled and waved to her fans. Kensou smiled at the love of his life, 
although Athena herself was unaware of this. 
  "Great fight!" shouted Kensou to Athena.
  "Thanks." She replied with a smile."
  The audience chanted 'Athena' until they disappeared into the locker rooms.

  The audience gasp in shock as they saw the final member of the Judo Team got 
carried unconscious out of the arena. His teammates and his own blood covered 
the entire ring.
  Suddenly, laughter could be heard. It belonged to the person who utterly 
destroyed his opponents. Iori Yagami, of the Yagami Team.
  At the sidelines, Billy Kane covered his face. "Why am I teamed up with such 
a psycho?" he muttered.
  "Because he is a useful psycho." Replied his other teammate, Eiji.
  "If it wasn't for my godfather's orders, I would help gotten other teammates." 
Said Billy Kane as he lifted his staff and walked off.
  "Yeah, if it wasn't for Mr. Big, I wouldn't even be here." Said Eiji as he 
disappeared in a cloud of mist like a ninja usually would.
  Iori stood on the ring until the last of the audience left. He looked at the 
sky and said softly, "Kyo, I await for the chance to kill you. Don't you dare 
lose before we meet." With that, he walked back to the combatant rest area.

  Kyo somersaulted towards his opponent and landed before him. He then gave his 
opponent a roundhouse kick. The man struck the ground. He tried to retaliate 
by sweeping Kyo but Kyo jumped over the sweep and landed with a punch to the 
man's face.
  Kyo then threw him over his shoulders onto the ground. The man was dizzied 
by these continuous attacks and slowly staggered to his feet. With a shout, 
Kyo released a flame, which streaked towards the unfortunate man.
  The man burst into flames as the fire hit him. The man finally fell unconscious 
onto the floor. Kyo wiped off the sweat from his brow. "Are you burnt yet?" he 
asked mockingly.
  "The winners! The Hero Team!" shouted the announcer as Kyo walked towards his 
  "Good job Kyo." Said Benimaru with a smile. 
  "Thanks." Replied Kyo, then he looked at the results on the main screen. Iori's 
team had made it to the finals in the bid to represent America in the K.O.F 
competition. 'Till we meet again.' Thought Kyo as he and his teammates walked 
towards the rest area.

  "Tiger Kick!" Joe immediately struck his opponent in the face with his knee. 
His opponent struck the ground with a 'thud'.
  As his opponent slowly got up, Joe dashed forward and then swung his right 
arm up in an uppercut motion. However, the punch did not connect, instead, a 
mini-hurricane shot out of the space between his opponent and his arm.
  The hurricane engulfed his opponent and send the man flying into the air and 
then, crashing back to the ground.
  "Yah!" shouted Joe as he kneeled down with his hands in the air.
  "The winners! The Garou Densetsu Team!" shouted the announcer.
  "Yeah! We're on the road to final victory!" shouted Joe. Terry smiled in the 
End of Chapter 5