The second of the Japanese Transformers series. This centers around the Godmasters, Pretenders and Junior Headmasters. This series, to me, was the best of all the series, American or Japanese. Although the art was erratic, with three types of art; bad, medium and excellent. Although the excellent art was few and, sometimes, far between, they were worth waiting for. This series had also the most confusing and solid storyline of all. Anyway, without further ado, I will now give an overview of Transformers: Godmaster.

The story begins on an ocean-liner. It is a peaceful night when suddenly, three monsters appear and attack the people onboard. One has a bat head and wings but with a body of a human. The second had a skeleton head with horns and an armoured body. The final one is indescribable but it had fins and gills. They then destroy the ocean-liner. However, before doing so, they have a conversation of trying to get 'Metalhawk' to appear. Of course, all onboard are killed.

Shuta, a young Japanese boy is introduced, along with his father and a man called Hawk. After hearing about the attacks, Hawk realizes that he must confront the evil monsters. He tells Shuta that he is a Cybertron and has taken a human form so as to be able to mingle with the humans. Shuta does not believe him. Later, after hearing that there is another attack, Hawk decides to confront the Destrons. Shuta returns and sees Hawk in a really cool battle-armour. He then enlarges into a giant robot and then transforms into a plane and flies off. Shuta follows him on his motorcycle.

In New York, a guy is going down the lift with a girlfriend when his watch starts to blink. After the door opens he is seen running out, wearing a yellow armour. He then transforms into a robot and then into a futuristic car and drives off, leaving the police far behind. At a sea world, another man activates his black armour and then transforms into a robot and jumps into the sea, he then transforms into a submarine. Somewhere else (it was not made clear where), a red robot transforms into a plane and flies off. In the city which is under attack, Metalhawk battles the Destron monster Tentakil. He is also confronted by the three monsters, who turn out to be the Destrons, Blood, Dauros and Gilmer. Meanwhile, one of the two Tentakils attack Shuta and capture him. To avoid injuring Shuta, Metalhawk allows himself to get beaten up. Finally however, he manages to defeat the Tentakils with his sword. The three Destron Pretenders then attack and trash Metalhawk until Lander, Diver and Phoenix arrive and help save the day.

Next, the Destron leader is revealed, he is called Devil Z and is actually a glowing, pumping, organic ball which is floating in the air. He imbues energy into corpses stolen by the Destron Pretenders. However, these zombies tend to disappear after expending all their energy, so the Destrons capture a number of boys so that their life-energies can be infused into the zombies.

One of the boys is Cab, the prince from the island Karin. Metalhawk, Phoenix and Diver find out about this and battle the Destrons. Cab and Shuta become friends and joins and the Cybertrons. Meanwhile, the Destrons attack the base and kill Shuta's father.

A passenger jet from the Republic of Montaparta has a major accident due to Blood. The Cybertrons are shocked and head for Corsica to interrogate Minerva (yippee!), a kawaii girl who was among the passengers onboard. She tells the Cybertrons that a monster attacked the jet, thus confirming the involvement of the Destrons. Hawk and Phoenix decide to be on the next flight to protect Minerva, her parents and a biologist.

Suddenly, Blood attacks and Metalhawk and Phoenix fight him, while Shuta, Cab and Minerva battle a zombie stewardess onboard. The two teams manage to defeat their respective enemies. Minerva, apparently can speak Japanese even though she is blonde. When asked why by Cab and Shuta, she explains that she is of mixed heritage. One of her parents (I forget which) is Japanese while her other parent is a European. This may also explain why she is taller than the other two. She is also smarter and more mature, both mentally and physically :)

The Cybertrons finally have a new base at the bottom of Mount Fuji. Shuta and Cab talk about wanting to be Cybertron warriors so as to be able to battle the Destrons. Hawk then tells the two as well as Minerva to come to the base after school. Minerva expresses her desire to help the Cybertrons battle the Destrons. Hawk then gives the trio two bracelets each. He then tells them to cross their arms and shout out 'Masterforce!'. The trio obtain battle armour which gives them superhuman strength. Shuta and Cab go on to test out the armours. They then boast that they will single-handedly destroy the Destrons. Hawk then tells them that the armours are not enough. They need transtectors to become even more powerful. The vehicles are introduced to the trio. A policecar for Shuta, an fire-engine for Cab and a car version of an ambulance for Minerva. After the three combine with their vehicles, they become known as the Jr. Headmasters. Shuta ask where the armour originates from and Hawk explains that a friend of theirs, Chromedome sent them to Earth upon his request. The Jr. Headmasters meet Chromedome for the first time. However, Hawk is concerned because the Headmaster technology was stolen by three unknown creatures. Note here that Chromedome seemed to be in the middle of a battle at the time of the transmission, implying that the Cybertrons were still at war with the Destrons in space.

Meanwhile, having hear of a teenagers' grievences with a gang of thugs who beat him up along with his own gang members, Blood gives him and his two friends, Cancer and Bullhorn, bracelets and transtectors which he and the other Destron Pretenders stole from Chromedome. The trio defeat the other gang of thugs who promptly join them. The Destron Jr. Headmasters and the Seacons attack San Francisco. Hawk order the Jr. Headmasters to avoid all confrontation with the Destrons and to save people like they were originally intended to do. Shuta and Cab are put off by this but Minerva manages to rally them to do so. When trying to save a woman's child in a burning building, Shuta is attacked by all three Destron Headmasters. He tries to ignore them and is jeered at by the Destrons. Finally, the Pretenders appear and kick the Destron Jr. Headmasters' butts. Shuta finally saves the baby. After the baby has been sent to the hospital, Shutas apologizes that he was unable to save the baby earlier. Hawk tells him that it is not his fault but to keep focused on his mission from then on. I'm pretty impressed by the intergration of the Cybertron Jr. Headmasters into the team. However, I wished there was eariler mentioned of the Destron Jr. Headmasters. Also, the Destrons already had Headmaster technology, so why did the Destron Pretenders steal the technology from the Cybertrons. Some may argue that the Cybertrons have better technology but that would hold not ground as the original Destron Headmasters were Cybertrons as stated in the Headmaster series.

The next three episodes just show the different plans the Destrons used to defeat the Cybertrons. They all fail one way or the other. The episodes also show how the Jr. Headmasters help out and a nice outfit which Minerva wore. :) However, things got really serious with the introduction of the Godmaster brothers, Buster and Hydra. The Destron Pretenders hate the Godmasters as they seem to be a threat on their position. There was also the appearance of two other humans Giga (male) and Mega (female) who are the leaders of the Destron forces. The Destron Pretenders and Jr. Headmasters appear and disrupt a handgliding contest. The Cybertron Jr. Headmasters, who are competing, try to stop them. Finally, Metalhawk and the other Pretenders appear and defeat the Destrons. The Godmasters then show up and trash the Pretenders. Finally, the Jr. Headmasters help out and the Destrons all retreat. Funnily, with all the talk that humans should be destroyed, the Destron's greatest warriors are humans, as so are the leaders.

Giga and Mega order the destruction of the world's largest tidal-powered electric plant on the Bintan Island. Meanwhile, Hawk and the other Cybertrons find out that the Destron Godmasters have indestructable bodies which can reform almost immediately. They then hear about the attack on the television. The Jr. Headmasters and Metalhawk battle the Destron Pretenders while Lander, Diver and Phoenix battle the Godmasters. Metalhawk and Shuta manage to defeat the Pretenders while the other Cybertron Pretenders get their butts kicked by the Godmasters. Metalhawk, Shuta and Cab arrive to help but are defeated. Finally, Diver uses his axe and injures Buster. The Godmasters then leave and the Cybertrons win... barely.

Giga tells Buster and Hydra that five other Godmasters crashed onto Earth. They were scattered around the planet and now is time to awaken them. Thus, the search begins. Elsewhere, a young truck driver is delivering dolphins to the seaworld Diver is working in. However, his truck stalls and he rents another one. After delivering the dolphins, the young man finds a pair of golden bracelets similar to the Jr. Headmasters'. He tries to get them off after putting them on but fails. When Diver sees the bracelets, he tells the young man to drive him to the garage where he rented the truck. On the way there, Diver tells the young man about Destrons.

The Destron Jr. Headmasters tell the Godmasters about a mysterious truck which is able to repair itself. The Destron Godmasters fly to the garage to check the truck out for themselves. Meanwhile, the young man tells Diver about how all the other truck drivers who borrowed the truck were frightened by it. Suddenly, the truck goes out of control. It then flies off a cliff and Diver jumps out and transforms into his mecha mode. Before he can reach the truck, it has crashed and is being crushed by its own trailer. Diver immediately tries to help. Suddenly, the Godmasters fly overhead and see Diver with a truck. They suspect it is the Godmaster and attack Diver in a bid to stop him from getting the Destron weapon.

Meanwhile, the young man struggles to escape the crushed truck. Outside, Diver is getting his butt kicked by the super-force the Godmasters have. Then, by accident, the young man crosses the bracelets together and activates the armour and the truck begins to repair itself. As Buster is about to deliver the final blow, the truck and human merge and transform in an almost exact duplicate of Convoy, the legendary Cybertron leader. 'Convoy' immediately recognizes Diver and uses his super-force to attack Buster and Hydra. The Destron Godmasters are unsure how to handle the new threat and retreat. Later, the young man is surprised that his wounds have healed. Diver ask his name. The young man reveals that his name is Ginrai and that he is Japanese looking for a better life in America.

Giga shows off a new weapon to Buster and Hydra, they are explosive golfballs. Giga, Mega and the Destron Godmasters discuss about the newest Godmaster joining the Cybertrons. Buster states that he remembers what the truck looks like and that they will destroy the 'traitor'.

Meanwhile, Lander arrives at the seaworld and both he and Diver try to convince Ginrai to join them. However, Ginrai jokes that he can become famous. Overall, he is unsure of what to do. Meanwhile, Metalhawk goes to Cab's treehouse and tells the Jr. Headmasters about Ginrai. Back in America, many red trucks are being destroyed thanks to Buster and Hydra. One of the truck drivers is Billy, Ginrai's good friend.

Ginrai finally sees the connection of the killings with his truck and goes out to confront the Destrons. He finds them and uses his Godmaster powers to fight Hydra while Diver and Lander, who came to help him, battle Buster. After getting punched multiple times, Ginrai turns the tables and defeats Hydra. Phoenix and Metalhawk arrive and Buster and Hydra retreat. Ginrai joins the Cybertrons. It is interesting to note that while the truck was rented by Ginrai, it became his after he found out that it was a Godmaster. Probably bought it. Go figure.

The Destron Jr. Headmasters try to find out the hiding place of the Cybertron base by following Ginrai and the Cybertron Jr. Headmasters, after Ginrai arrives in Japan to see the base. Shuta and Cab try to stop them but end up getting beaten up quite badly. Ginrai arrives and trashes the Destron Headmasters. He then captures Cancer and brings him back to the base. There, he shows Metalhawk the other three pairs of Godmaster bracelets he found in his truck. After testing them, the duo find out that the bracelets have power totally unmatched in the Universe. Meanwhile, Minerva tries to befriend Cancer but gets cut for her trouble. She still defends Cancer when Shuta and Cab try to beat him up.

Ginrai's hotheadedness shows again after he forces Cancer to tell him about the Godmasters. Minerva tells him off and finally makes friends with Cancer. Ginrai tones down a bit and soon gets Cancer talking. Cancer tells Ginrai and Metalhawk what Giga told them about the Godmasters. They were actually part of Devil Z when he crashed onto the planet. He scattered them to different parts of the planet while leaving one of them by his side. This Godmaster unit woul be given to Giga and Mega at the right time. After obtaining the information, Ginrai and Metalhawk plan their next strategy.

The Cybertrons release Cancer but not before placing a tracer on him. Not long after his release, Cancer meets the Destron Headmasters and Godmasters. Hydra 'hears' the tracer signal and destroys it. Shuta and Cab jump into action while Minerva is prevented from going into battle due to a gun being pointed to her head. Hydra easily defeats Shuta and Cab. Ginrai arrives and attacks Hydra. He is knocking Hydra senseless when he notices Buster with Minerva as a hostage. Hydra uses the advantage to return a little revenge on Ginrai. However, Cancer saves Minerva and Ginrai defeats Hydra. The Destrons then go into full retreat. Ginrai then makes up his mind to search for the remaining Godmasters.

While in Japan, Ginrai finds a trailer with the ability to repair itself and it becomes his trailer. Upon returning to America, Ginrai exposes his identity so that others with wierd dreams would call him through the television station which he appeared on one of their shows. The Jr. Headmasters tell Giga and Mega and the Godmasters mobilize. Ginrai is attacked by Hydra and Buster and trick into fighting in the city. The citizens thus fear him. Even his colleagues distrust him. Finally, Ginrai feels guilty for causing damage to the city. Hydra and Buster then pound him and even send two of the Seacons to finish him off. However, Lander and Diver arrive in time to save Ginrai. While Lander and Diver battle the Seacons, Ginrai lures the Destron Godmasters out fo the city and promptly defeats them. Lander explains the situation to the citizens. Diver then tells Ginrai that he is the new leader of the Cybertrons. Meanwhile, in the Destron base, the Seacons along with their leader, show off their new transformation to Giga and Mega. They merge to form King Poseidon.

While trying to save some kids who have been kidnapped by the Destrons, Diver ends up getting captured. Thanks to one of the kidnapped kids, Diver manages to send a supersonic signal to the seaworld and the dolphins try to go to the signal. The Cybertrons promptly follow.

The Cybertrons immediately go into battle with the Destrons. Ginrai finds the kids and Diver. He then activates his transector and defeats Wilder as well as freeing Diver. While transporting the kids to safety, Ginrai is attacked by King Poseidon and is getting smashed all about. Meanwhile, the Destron Pretenders have been defeated and only the Destron Headmasters are left. They also retreat. Meanwhile, King Poseidon is trying to crush Ginrai with his foot. Suddenly, Ginrai starts to glow and his trailer flies towards him and knocks King Poseidon down. Ginrai then merges with his trailer to form Super Ginrai. He defeats King Poseidon.

Letters arrive for Ginrai in the television station. Ginrai sees one of interest and opens it. Inside, a teen called Lightfoot writes of a dream in which he sees the same robot every night for three months. After much enquiry, Lightfoot tells Ginrai that he now owns a car which was completed on the same day as his own birthday. Ginrai decides to check out the car. After testing the car, Ginrai gives a pair of Godmaster bracelets to Lightfoot who then merges with the car to become another Godmaster. The duo then defeat the Destron Pretenders and King Poseidon.

Having found out where the special metal which was used to create Lightfoot's transector was found, the Cybertrons go to the Canadian mountains. There, they meet Ranger, a man who had decided to live in the mountains. Minerva sees Ranger with Bullhorn and suspects that Ranger is a Destron. The Cybertrons are forced to hold up in Ranger's cabin after a thunderstorm destroys their temporary quarters. There, Minerva tells Shuta and Cab about what she suspects of Ranger.

While Lander, Metalhawk, Ginrai and Lightfoot are talking to Ranger, Ranger tells them that a rock spoke to him. The Cybertrons go to the stables to see this rock and Ginrai and Lightfoot's bracelets glow as do the rock. Ranger gets a pair of bracelets from Ginrai and they fit. However, the Destron Jr. Headmasters attack and take the rock. Lightfoot and Ginrai give chase. Ranger sees his horse get seriously hurt and decides to go after the Destrons with a shotgun (?). Ginrai manages to get back the rock but is attacked by the Destron Godmasters. Ranger appears and Ginrai tells him how to use the bracelets. The transector is released from the rock and becomes another Godmaster. After defeating the Destrons, Ranger joins the Cybertrons.

While searching for the next Godmaster, the Cybertrons hear of a new transformer. This transformer is called Sixknight and he has six powerful transformations. He tells the Destrons that he is seeking the most powerful transformer in the Universe so that he can defeat him. Mega tells him about Ginrai and Sixknight goes off to challenge him. He attacks a city and Metalhawk, Diver and the Jr. Headmasters mobilize to prevent further destruction. Sixknight then goes on to defeat Metalhawk and Shuta. Ginrai finally arrives and then battles the wanderer. After a short fight, Ginrai gains the upperhand. Blood then captures Minerva and tells Ginrai to lose to Sixknight. Sixknight then goes on to beat the stuffing out of Ginrai. Ginrai does not fight back and Sixknight starts to get suspicious. Suddenly, Minerva shouts out to Ginrai to fight back and forget about her. Sixknight sees her and finally figures it out. He tells Ginrai that he is stupid to be so concern for a human. He then goes on to threaten Blood and Gilmer with his guns pointed to their heads. They release Minerva and the duel begins anew. Ginrai wastes no time and merges with his trailer to form Super Ginrai. He uses Heaven, Soul and Earth energy to defeat Sixknight. He then reveals that he is a human, to Sixknight's surprise.

Finally, the last bracelet is given away. This time, it is to a race-car driver by the name of Roadking. His car could repair itself and it belonged to his teacher. The Destron Headmasters go to a cafe which is owned by Roadking's teacher. After being thrown out, they go on to destroy the town. Meanwhile, Roadking has an accident but his race car repairs itself prompting Shuta to contact Ginrai thus Roadking is given the bracelets. After hearing about the attack, Roadking goes to the town and in his Godmaster mode, along with the Cybertrons, manage to defeat the Headmasters and Seacons.

Sixknight makes a welcome return. When the Destron Jr. Headmasters attack a city, Sixknight goes on to stop them but not before being told by Ginrai that the human spirit is indominable once they have something to protect. Sixknight easily trash the Headmasters. Browning, a small robot given to Cancer by Mega ask Minerva to help Cancer. Minerva uses Browning to blast Sixknight with colourful gas and allowing the Destrons to escape. Sixknight tells Minerva that it was good that they had escaped as he did not want to kill them in the first place.

The next few episodes become predictable as the Cybertrons stop all the evil plans of the Destrons so I won't go into them. Instead, the coming of a new Godmaster is where I will restart my overview. Metalhawk's old friend, Grand Maximus (recoloured Fortress Maximus) arrives on Earth and tells the Pretenders that the Destrons on Earth and contacted the Destrons in space and will plan a battle plan to take over the Earth. The only way the Cybertrons can destroy this plan is to create a secret weapon called Godbomber. It is a truck which will merge with Super Ginrai to form the ultimate weapon. Odd thing here. For all intents and purposes, Grand Maximus IS Fortress from the Headmaster series. However, he has a human body. The toy was a Pretender shell so one can assume that he has the ability to be a Pretender.

Lah, lah, lah... oh, we're back... O.K. back to the overview. Anyway, a movie producer ask Ginrai to act in a movie as the stuntman of the hero. Ginrai agrees. He is told to drive his truck through a field of landmines. He does not know that there is another one placed by Buster and it blows up in Ginrai's face. The Destrons attack but are repeled by Ginrai and are almost killed if not for Giga and Mega appearing in their new transectors. Giga's is a tank while Mega's is a fighter jet. They then merge to form Overlord, the most powerful Godmaster and go on to trash Super Ginrai. They then leave him for dead. Ginrai, however, survives the almost fatal beating. An interesting point here is that Ginrai can disconnect from his Godmaster unit even if it is in robot mode.

Here is the end of the first part of my overview of the Masterforce series. I will add the next part as soon as possible. Hope you enjoy the remainder of my webpage.

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