"I feel funny." Said Cloudburst as he slowly got up. His entire physic was
covered by shadows.
"You look different too." Said Landmine, similarly covered by shadows.
"Of course. I have modified your very forms." Cloudburst, Landmine and Wave-
rider looked at the tiny, green, carbon-based life form in front of them.
"Who are you?" asked Waverider.
"Permit me to introduce myself. I am Hi-Q, the top scientist on Nebulos." Said
the Nebulan.
"Is that where we are? Nebulos?" asked Waverider as he stood to his full height.
"Yes. Also, it is imperative that you get to Cybertron. The three of you will
turn the tide of the battle to the favour of the Autobots.
"What are we waiting for? Let's jet!" shouted Cloudburst as the trio ran off.
Explosions erupted on the surface of the metallic planet, Cybertron. The
Decepticon space cruiser, Scorponok hovered over the planet and continued to
fire volley after volley of lasers at the planet.
"Autobots! Get those defenses up as quickly as possible! We need to fight back!"
shouted Ultra Magnus as the Autobots ran to various spots. Gun turrets raised
from the planet surface and began to return fire.
"See, it is only logical that the Autobots would be helpless without a leader
to lead them." Said Shockwave as the lasers struck the giant space cruiser.
"Even so, they are managing to put up a valiant fight." Replied Zarak.
"So, we will destroy them nonetheless. Anything else would be illogical. "
Shockwave then turned to face his troops. "Decepticons! Attack!" with that,
all the Decepticons flew out of Scorponok to confront the Autobots.
"Predaking destroy!" shouted the large combiner.
"Ahhh!" shouted Huffer as Predaking's foot flattened him.
"Huffer!" shouted Bluestreak as he intensified his attack on Predaking. He
had seen so many comrades die throughout the Cybertronium wars. He could bare
the fact that another comrade was gone.
"Get on him, he's sure to fall!" shouted Pipes as he tried to rally the Autobots
"Talk is cheap!" shouted Predaking as he shot a blast, scattering the Autobots.
"He's right you know." Said Smokescreen as he got up from the ground.
"Yeah, but we can't give up." Said Pipes as he renewed his assault on Predaking,
"One of those days, definitely one of those days." Muttered Sideswipe as he
fired away at Predaking with his laser rifle.
"Give up Autobots! Without a leader, it is illogical for you to triumph over
superior forces." Shouted Shockwave.
"Never Shockwave! We Autobots will fight you till our energon run out." Said
Ultra Magnus.
"And who will lead you all? You? I think not. Give up and spare your people
pain." Said Shockwave monotonous tone. He was sure that the Autobots would fall
without a leader.
"Ultra Magnus is a soldier," Shockwave and Ultra Magnus turned to face the
voice, "however, I am a leader. The Autobots are far from defeated Shockwave."
In front of the duo stood a Transformer who had not existed for two terran years,
Rodimus Prime.
"No!" shouted Shockwave as he tried to grasp the fact that his plan had fallen
"Rodimus?" asked Ultra Magnus and then a smile appeared on his face.
"It's time the Autobots fought for peace once more!" shouted Rodimus as he
squeezed a shot off at Shockwave.
The blast shot passed Shockwave and caused an explosion on the Decepticon
fortress behind him. Shockwave immediately retaliated by shooting multiple shots
at the two Autobots in front of him. "Die!"
Ultra Magnus and Rodimus Prime jumped out of the way and, after reaching some
cover, returned fire.
"This is a most interesting development." Said Zarak with a smile.
Meanwhile, the battle on Earth was going bad for the Autobots. Metroplex and
Trypticon were fighting to a standstill but the remaining Autobots' battle with
Predaking was obviously a losing one for the heroic Autobots.
"We've got to hold out!" shouted Pipes as he continued to shoot at Predaking.
"For what? There's no way we can defeat that guy!" shouted Smokescreen as a
"Maybe we don't have to. Hound!"
The green Autobot cocked his head towards the acting Autobot Earth Commander
and shouted, "Yes?"
"I need you to create a hologram of Defensor! Now!" ordered Pipes.
"Right!" shouted Hound as a blue beam emitted from his hands and created a
hologram of the strongest Autobot combiner, Defensor.
The sudden appearance of the Autobot combiner shocked Predaking and he
immediately tried to find a way to defend himself from this new threat.
"Now!" shouted Pipes as all the, still-active, Autobots fired their weapons
at full-charge at one point of Predaking's body.
The resulting explosion caused Predaking to disengage and five Decepticons
were seen in the place of the giant.
"We've got them now." Said Pipes in a triumphant tone.
Rodimus jumped out of the way to the laser blast discharged by Shockwave.
"You can't shoot to save your diodes!" shouted the Autobot leader.
"I will deactivate your systems!" shocked Shockwave.
Meanwhile, Sixshot had Ultra Magnus pinned to one of the control centers of
"Prepare to meet your manufacturer." Said Sixshot.
"Not yet!" shouted Ultra Magnus as he shot both his shoulder missiles at Six-
shot. Sixshot immediately jumped to one side and this gave Ultra Magnus the
chance to renew his attack on the Decepticon.
The Decepticon Pretenders were having a field day with the Autobot forces.
Their near-impregnable outer shell gave them an advantage against the Autobot
"This is too easy." Said Bomb-burst as his Pretender shell knocked Inferno
into a building. Bomb-burst then shot a volley of laser blast at the downed
"Yeah, how I wish for some challenge." Said Skullgrin as he tore Broadside
into two pieces with his bare hands.
"Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it."
"Cloudburst?" said Bomb-burst as he turned his head. In front of him stood
a giant human wearing red and white body armour and a blue helmet.
"Bingo." Said the giant as he punched Bomb-burst in the face. Bomb-burst's
Pretender shell then stopped moving and was knocked down by a few Autobots.
"I'm coming Bomb-burst!" shouted Skull-grin as he ran to help his partner.
Immediately, a human wearing yellow, red and grey armour appeared in front
of him and gave him a good kick. Skullgrin's Pretender shell then stopped moving
Submarauder and his Pretender shell flew into a building thanks to the timely
arrival of a human wearing a black armour and a white helmet.
"Pretenders." Muttered Bomb-burst as he looked up at the three giants.
Shockwave reeled after Rodimus's fist had connected to his head. Immediately,
the Decepticon leader fired multiple shots at the Autobot leader.
"Meet your manufacturer!" shouted the Decepticon in exasperation.
"Never!" shouted Rodimus as he aimed his laser rifle at Shockwave and released
a volley of laser beams at him.
Part of Shockwave's body-armour flaked off under the intense laser fire that
bombarded him. Part of his exoskeleton was revealed.
"You may have won this time Rodimus but I will be back!" shouted Shockwave
as he flew into the air. "Decepticons! Retreat!"
"I'll be waiting Shockwave." Said Rodimus as he ceased fire.
The Autobots cheered as the Decepticons returned to Scorponok in full retreat.
The massive mechanical scorpion flew away from the planet Cybertron as the
Headmaster cruiser continued to shoot at it.
"It's okay Fortress, they've been beaten." Said Rodimus and the cruiser known
as Fortress Maximus ceased its assault.
"It's good to have you back Rodimus Prime." Said Ultra Magnus as he shook the
hand of the new Autobot leader.
"I almost didn't come back. It took a great Autobot to tell me that I was
needed and now, I know." Said Rodimus.
Ultra Magnus nodded and smiled. He then looked up into the space that surrounded
Cybertron and mouthed, "Thank you Optimus, thank you very much."
Ultra Magnus settled down into the command chair in Autobot City. Rodimus had
entrusted him with the safety of the Earth and Ultra Magnus was adamant in being
Pipes entered the command center and saluted Ultra Magnus. "Status?" asked
Ultra Magnus.
"The Predacons did a lot of damage and a few of the guys are in the repair
bay. We... lost Huffer."
"I know." Said Ultra Magnus, sadness laced his voice.
"The Predacons also managed to escape but we managed to damage them good as
well as Trypticon."
"How's Metroplex?"
"He'll be okay. First Aid is working on him right now." Replied Pipes.
"Good, keep me informed." Said Ultra Magnus as he turned back to the console.
Pipes saluted and left the chamber.
Counterpunch knew that the Decepticon base was on Earth but no matter how he
rechecked very bit of data in the files, he could not find its location.
"Counterpunch, what are you doing?" asked Cyclonus as he spotted the blue,
orange and black Decepticon at the main computer.
Counterpunch turned his head and gave a smile. "Diagnostics." He replied and
shut off the screen. "All clear. Better check on the big cheese." With that,
he walked out of the room and left Cyclonus on his own.
Shockwave continued to stare at the screen in front of him. It showed Rodimus's
face. "I hate that Autobot! The Autobots would have fallen if not for him!"
shouted Shockwave as he banged his fist against his 'throne'.
Sixshot walked towards Shockwave and nodded. "True, if it wasn't for him,
the Autobots would have fallen."
Shockwave got off his golden throne and snarled. "I will destroy him and then,
the Autobots will fall easily. Even now, my minions prepare to take over Earth."
Sixshot looked on and thought, 'Just keep thinking that.'
Counterpunch ran to the exit. 'If Shockwave is preparing to take over the
planet Earth, Ultra Magnus must be informed.' Thought the Autobot spy.
Upon reaching the exit, he flew off in the direction of the Autobase, the
secret Autobot communication center.
Rodimus stood in front of the assembly of Autobots. After getting the signal
from Kup that all the Autobots were present, Rodimus began his speech.
"Fellow Autobots! You all know that the Decepticons have begun their bid to
take over the Universe again. Their main target is Earth but only a small force
protects that planet. The only thing we can do is create a better means of
transport to our second home."
The Autobots began to discuss the matter among themselves. Xaaron, one of the
few remaining elder Autobots, took the podium and began his speech.
"Grapple and Hoist have decided that the Space Bridge would be the best means
of transport to Earth and so, Hoist will arrive on Cybertron to design the
Space Bridge here while Grapple constructs the Space Bridge unit on Earth."
The Autobots nodded their approval. Rodimus then stood up and said, "Help
them complete the Space Bridge as quickly as possible and ensure the safety of
With that, the Autobots roared their approval and the crowd disperse.
Ultra Magnus listened to Punch's information with worry. "Although I don't
know where the Decepticon base is, I can confirm that it is on the planet Earth."
Ultra Magnus keyed something into the computer and waited for an answer.
Punch's communication screen shrunk and was placed at the far-left bottom corner
of the screen.
"There have been no Decepticon activity and all energon activity have been
limited to Autobot City." Said Ultra Magnus.
"They could be masking it. Come on Ultra Magnus, send scouts out. You have
to find out where the Decepticon base is."
"And I will. Keep up the good work Punch and inform Rodimus about these
recent events. Magnus out." Said Ultra Magnus as the screen blanked out.
"Jazz, I need you to group the Autobots and make a wide sweep of the planet.
Keep this as discreet as possible." Said Ultra Magnus into the inter-comm.
"The whole of Earth?" asked Jazz incredulously.
"Yup, we may have a critical situation." Replied Ultra Magnus.
"Understood I'll contact the other Autobases." Replied Jazz as he logged out.
The Autobot shuttle entered the Earth's atmosphere and slowly descended onto
the Autobot City.
"Well, there's Earth." Said the giant clad in red armour.
"Err... you mean Autobot City right?" asked the giant in yellow.
"Yes." Answered the red giant as he keyed in something into the computer.
"Autobot cruiser in vicinity." Said Teletran Three in its usual electronic
"Understood, let it in Teletran." Said Ultra Magnus as he got off his chair
and walked off to the hangar.
"Has Ultra Magnus flipped?" asked Sideswipe as he drove side-by-side with
"Can't tell Sideswipe but you have to know that defending Earth is not an
easy job." Replied Jazz as his scanners continued to scan the area for Decepticon
"Does the big 'bot know how big this planet is? Even all the Autobots in the
Universe couldn't scan this place in time if the Decepticons wanted to take
over the planet." The red car then accelerated and shot pass the white racecar.
"Hey! Come back here!" shouted Jazz as he accelerated too.
"All is going as planned. Only Magnus and Metroplex guard the Autobot City
Lord Shockwave." Said the shadowy Transformer into his communication band.
"Good. Continue with the good job my spy." Replied Shockwave as the communication
"Yes, and you will have to pay me dearly in energon." Said the spy to no one
in particular. He then walked off to join the other Autobots.
"It's good to have you here Cloudburst, Landmine and Waverider." Said Ultra
Magnus as he greeted the three human giants.
"It's good to be here." Replied Cloudburst as he walked up to shake Ultra
Magnus's hand.
"Where are the other Autobots?" asked Landmine.
"They are out on a mission." Replied Ultra Magnus.
"All of them?" asked Waverider.
"Let's go in. I'll explain then." Said Ultra Magnus.
Shockwave looked at three creatures through his monitor screen. Known to only
a few Decepticons, these three creatures were in fact, the strongest Decepticons
around. They were not only Decepticons, they were Pretenders.
"Are you prepared to destroy Autobot City?" asked Shockwave as he waved his
only hand at the trio.
"Anytime you wish us to do so boss." Said Skullgrin as he polished his grey-
coloured blaster.
"Go, the city is only defended by Metroplex and Ultra Magnus. The three of
you can handle that idiot of an Autobot Commander, it is only logical. Trypticon
will deal with Metroplex. Your victory has already been calculated and it would
be illogical if you lose." Said Shockwave as Trypticon transformed from city
mode to tyrannosaurus mode and flew off in the direction of Autobot City.
"Only the three of us?" asked Submarauder.
"Yes... or are you afraid?" said the shadow behind Shockwave.
"Who's there?" demanded Bomb-burst.
"It is I." Said Sixshot as he stepped out into the light.
"We are never afraid, as long as we get to scrap some Autobots at the same
time." Said Skullgrin as he knocked Bomb-Burst to one side.
"You idiot! What are you doing?" demanded Bomb-Burst as he gave Skullgrin a
knock on the head.
"Stop joking and get to work." Ordered Shockwave and the three Decepticons
left the hidden Decepticon base for the Autobot City.
"Do you think it is wise to have a base on Earth where the Autobots could
easily find it?" asked Sixshot once the Pretenders were out of earshot.
"The chances of the Autobots finding this base is 1/100,000,000. It would be
illogical for them to even be close." Replied Shockwave as he left the command
"It is only a computer on legs, how can you expect him to lead the Decepticons?"
asked Lord Zarak once Shockwave was out of sight.
"He will, oh, he will." Replied Sixshot and his face contorted into what seemed
like a smile.
"Alert! Alert! Decepticon, name, Trypticon has entered vicinity of Autobot
City!" screamed the digital voice of Teletran three.
"By Primus, what is going on?" exclaimed Landmine.
"I don't know but I'll check." Replied Ultra Magnus as he ran out of the room.
"Wait! Magnus! It could be... a trap." Said Cloudburst as the Earth Commander
ran out of earshot.
"You think it is a trap?" asked Waverider as he turned to face his Pretender
"It could be. Let's wait here and see what happens." Said Cloudburst as the
he sat down slowly.
Ultra Magnus ran up to the Command Center and was greeted with multiple laser
blast on the laser-proof glass.
"Trypticon!" shouted Ultra Magnus as the enormous purple robotic Tyrannosaurus
attacked the extension of the Autobot City, Metroplex. Immediately, the white
base transformed into its towering humanoid mode and gave Trypticon a punch to
the jaw.
"Crush Metroplex!" boomed Trypticon as purple bolts of laser energy launched
from his mouth at the white giant.
"You and what army?!" retorted Metroplex as the lasers exploded harmlessly
on him.
"Metroplex! We're too close to the city. Keep the battle to the mountainous
area or humans will be hurt!" ordered Ultra Magnus. With that, he activated the
automated defenses of the orange city.
"I understand and will comply." Replied the gigantic white Autobot. He then
ran towards Trypticon as the laser turrets of the Autobot City started to target
the Decepticon.
Metroplex then lifted the gigantic Decepticon into the air and threw him
towards the mountains. All the time, the laser turrets of the Autobot City continuously blasted at the creature.
Meanwhile, the three Decepticon Pretenders landed on the Autobot City undetected.
Bomb-Burst then used his laser rifle to blow a robot-sized hole at the side of
the city.
"Let's move before Ultra Magnus gets suspicious." Said Bomb-Burst as the
remaining Decepticons followed him in.
Cloudburst stood up as he heard the explosion. "Someone's breached the defenses."
"Should we check it out?" asked Waverider as he too got up from his seat.
"Yes, I think we should." Replied Cloudburst as the three giant humans ran
out of the waiting room.
Meanwhile, Ultra Magnus was monitoring the battle in the command center.
Metroplex had managed to get Trypticon to the mountainous area and the defenses
were slowing the massive purple dinosaur at bay.
Suddenly, the door behind him exploded and the three Decepticon Pretenders
entered the room, lasers blazing.
Ultra Magnus ducked behind his chair and pulled him rifle out of sub-space.
'It was a trap.' Thought Ultra Magnus. He then started to return fire.
Outside the Autobot City, a lone figure stood in the shadows of the shade
provided by the nearby rocks.
The figure then dashed towards the city and blasted down the door there. It
then entered the city to do its unknown mission.
"Decepticon Pretenders!" shouted Landmine as his laser rifle appeared from
sub-space in his hand. He then took aim and squeezed off a few shots at the
The lasers bounced off the Pretender shells and the Decepticons returned fire
on the trio of Autobot Pretenders.
"So, the Autobot Pretenders are on Earth eh." Said Bomb-burst as he separated
from his pretender shell and raised his two arm lasers and added his firepower
to his pretender shells.
"Yeah, and we're going to kick your metallic ass back to the Decepticon base."
Mocked Landmine as his robot body separated from his pretender shell and he
then transformed into his vehicle mode and raced towards the Decepticons, lasers
raking the entire area.
Ultra Magnus then chose this time to fire both his shoulder missiles at the
Decepticons. The explosive powers of the missiles were too much for even the
Decepticon Pretenders and they were knocked into the wall behind them.
Immediately, the Autobot Pretenders charged at the three Decepticons with
their weapons. Landmine then ran towards Ultra Magnus while his Pretender shell
battled against the Decepticons.
"You okay?" asked Landmine as he kneeled beside the larger Autobot.
"Fine, we have to get the Decepticons out of here before they do any real
damage." Said Ultra Magnus as he covered his left shoulder with his right hand.
Landmine nodded and raised his laser rifle. "Let's slag 'em."
Metroplex was thrown backwards as Trypticon's claw struck him. "Give up?"
asked the massive robot dinosaur.
"In your dreams." Replied the white giant as his blaster appeared from sub-
space. He then let loose a volley of 'photonic' energy at the enemy.
Trypticon was pushed back by the energy beams that struck him. With a roar
of pain, Trypticon released a volley of laser fire from his mouth at Metroplex.
Metroplex rolled away from the laser fire and then continued his attack on
Inside the Autobot City, the Decepticon Pretenders were no match for the
Autobot Pretenders and Ultra Magnus. Also, the other Autobots were on their
way back to the base. The Decepticons had to escape.
"We will be back!" shouted Bomb-burst as he merged back with his Pretender
shell and the trio blasted a hole through the roof. Bomb-burst then lifted the
other two Pretenders out of the base.
"Hey! Don't run away!" shouted Landmine as he continued to fire on them.
"Forget it Landmine, they're gone." Said Ultra Magnus and Landmine ceased
After the other Autobots returned to the Autobot City, Ultra Magnus gathered
them in the assembly hall.
"Today, I made a decision that almost destroyed Autobot City. I was foolhardy
and was not using my mind when I sent you all to scout for the Decepticon base.
I plan to step down as Autobot Commander and get someone to replace me."
The entire assembly murmured among themselves until Pipes spoke up. "I believe
that is a mistake Ultra Magnus. There is no one here more qualified to lead us."
The other Autobots roared their support for what Pipes said.
"But... I made a great error."
"Who doesn't? We all make mistakes Magnus. You have a great burden that no
one else here has. You did what you thought was right. It may have been a
mistake, but your diodes were in the right place." Said Pipes.
Cloudburst nodded and Ultra Magnus smiled. "Thank you Pipes." Muttered the
giant Autobot.
Meanwhile, the figure that entered the base earlier continued to lurk the
corridors of the Autobot City. It is not known who or what the figure is, but
only time will tell...
Hot Spot looked at his surroundings and knew that it was the dirty work of
the Decepticons. "Can't they leave these humans alone?"
"The injured have been shifted out Hot Spot." The blue Autobot looked down
to see the longtime friend of the Autobots, Spike Witwicky.
Hot Spot then nodded and spoke, "This is the third time the Decepticons have
attacked a power plant and we were unable to prevent it." Spike nodded.
"Something is wrong, how could they have known where the Autobots would be?
It's like they know our every move." Said Spike as he noticed Blades and Groove's
"No Decepticons, and they made off with a large quantity of Energon... again."
Said Groove as he saluted his leader.
"Again... like the other two sites. I wonder..." muttered Hot Spot.
Dirge slowly took a cube of energon out of his storage compartment and popped
it into his mouth. "Ahhh... that felt good."
Thrust turned to his comrade and shook his head. "We're not suppose to eat
any energon. If Sixshot found out, you'll be with your manufacturer in a micro
"Well," started Dirge, "Sixshot isn't here and who cares? That psycho-bot is
nuttier than a storage center of Autobot junk."
"Well, he's still our..." Thrust stopped in mid-sentence as Cyclonus's voice
shook the secret Decepticon base.
"We have another job... Dirge, Thrust, Stunticons and Predacons, come for
briefing immediately."
Dirge and Thrust immediately ran out of the chamber.
Rodimus looked at Ultra Magnus's report. The Decepticons had taken a sizable
amount of energon and had done so at times that the Autobots were nowhere near
the attacked power plant.
"How is it that they know when the Autobots would not be in the area?" wondered
Rodimus out-loud.
"Could there be a mole?" asked Emirate Xaaron. The golden Autobot had once
advised Optimus Prime and it seemed only fitting that he advise the present
Autobot leader.
"Would have been easily found Xaaron. I do not believe that an Autobot would
betray his own." Said Rodimus and shaking his head at the same time.
"What about Punch?" asked Xaaron. "Optimus was always worried that Punch would
finally give in to his Decepticon programming."
"No, I refuse to believe that." Said Rodimus.
"Anyway, Punch is on Charr. There is no way he could alert the Decepticons
on Earth." Interrupted Kup.
Xaaron turned to face the old Autobot but did not rebut. He knew most of the
Autobots did not trust him nor even liked him but he knew they needed him
"Whoever it is, we have to find him pronto so I'm going to Earth."
The whole panel of Autobots there looked at Rodimus in shock. "You can't leave
Cybertron, not with all the work that has to be done." Said Xaaron.
"Sorry kid, but I have to agree with Xaaron, you can't head to Earth now."
Said Kup.
"Yes, the Space Bridge project is too important at the moment." Said Hoist.
Rodimus shook his head. "I've made up my mind. Jazz will hold the fort while
I'm gone." With that, Rodimus left the room.
"Our mole has given information on the next Autobot guard roster and our spy
has confirmed them so you all are ready to go." Said Cyclonus.
"Who is this mole and the spy for that matter?" asked Motormaster.
"That's for me to know and you, to never find out." Said Cyclonus with a
smirk. "All you need to know is that they are somewhat reliable."
"So, what's the plan?" asked Dead End as he leaned against the wall.
"The usual. Convert the energy to energon and take all of the energon you
can make back to the base and avoid conflict with the Autobots."
"I hate this! We are warriors! We should be battling the enemy, not running
around like thieves!" shouted Razorclaw and the other Predacons roared their
"I have to agree with Razorclaw." Said Motormaster.
Cyclonus nodded. "I understand how you all feel but you know that the Autobots
outnumber us almost 4 to 1. If we do not find a way to change this number
drastically, the Decepticons cannot survive." The Predacons' roars stopped
"We must not see what we want but instead what the whole Decepticon army needs."
Said Cyclonus.
"Enough of this, let's just get on with the job." Said Dirge as the group of
Decepticons left.
Scrapper looked at the plans lay out before him. Shockwave was a genius, or
at least an architectural genius to have come up with the construct that was
presently being constructed by the Constructicons.
"How are we doing?" asked Mixmaster as he continued mixing a new batch of
bonding solvent.
"Just fine. Don't worry Mixmaster, this structure will be remembered by
Decepticon descendents for centuries to come." Replied Scrapper.
"What shall we call it?" asked Hook as he lifted some metal rods.
"The Inferno." Replied Scrapper with a glimmer in his optics.
Sandstorm and Broadside were unsure what the situation was but the SOS sounded
fairly desperate.
"Decepticons just don't know when to quit eh?"
"Did you ever expect them to Sandstorm? I mean, they started the whole dang
civil war in the first place." Said Broadside as he continued to keep pace with
Sandstorm in his jet mode.
"Well..." Sandstorm stopped short his sentence upon seeing two fighter jets
streak towards them.
"Cons!" shouted Broadside as purple laser fire filled the air.
"What was that about not engaging the enemy Dirge?" asked Thrust as he targeted
Sandstorm who had transformed to Dune Buggy form.
"Heh, just to give the others time to return to the base." Said Dirge as he
fired a plasma missile at Broadside.
"This is Broadside to Autobot City. We're under attack!"
Rodimus walked out of the Autobot shuttle and was greeted by Ultra Magnus and
the Pretenders.
"Enjoying your stay?" asked Rodimus lightheartedly as he shook Cloudburst's
"Well, we did get to see Metroplex in action and blast Bomb-burst a new
disposal unit. Yup, it was fun." Said Cloudburst as the five Autobots laughed.
"Was?" asked Ultra Magnus as the laughter subsided.
"Oh, didn't they tell you?" asked Rodimus as he turned to face the Pretenders.
"We kinda forgot in all this excitement." Said Landmine with an uneasy smile.
"About what?" asked Ultra Magnus when Hound rushed out to the Autobots.
"A Decepticon structure has been detected!" shouted the green Autobot.
"What?!" shouted five Autobots in unison.
The Constructicons slotted in the last batch of energon into the 'Inferno'
structure. The structure had been lifted out of its underground domain onto
the surface so that the Autobots would find it.
"So, what did happen to those two Triple-Changers?" asked Drag Strip.
"Heh, heh, you don't want to know." Replied Dirge with a smile.
"The Autobots have detected this structure." Said Soundwave in his monotone
"As Shockwave expected." Said Bomb-burst as he and the other Pretenders
entered the complex.
"Now, we wait for the fun to begin." Said Motormaster with a smile.
All the Autobots, except Sandstorm and Broadside, had arrived at the coordinates
of the Decepticon structure.
"What is that?" asked Rodimus as he scanned the complex with his in-built
"It seems to be an energon storage facility Rodimus." Said Perceptor as he
transformed back to his robot mode.
"Ultra Magnus, take a small group and find out what is in that complex."
Ordered Rodimus as his visors disappeared.
"Affirmative Rodimus." Said Ultra Magnus as he walked towards the group of
"So when do we get to see this masterpiece in action?" asked Long Haul as he
tapped against the controls.
"When the Autobots are in range. You know that an energon surge would drain
at a quarter of the energon supply. We need to conserve." Said Scrapper as he
continued looking at the radar.
"How's about we just flush our quarry into..." Headstrong's sentence was cut
short by the wail of alarms.
"A group of Autobots coming in from the south side. About 12 of them." Said
"12? Ultra Magnus must be overconfident." Mused Drag Strip.
"Probably wants to test our defenses. Nonetheless, let's take this chance to
test our new toy." Said Bomb-burst.
"Heh, heh, this is going to be fun." Said Mixmaster as he pressed a button.
The energon storage container started to churn and glowed a light purple.
Suddenly, an explosion could be heard.
"What's going on?" asked Pipes as the complex started to glow.
"Don't know, but be careful." Said Ultra Magnus.
Suddenly, a purple ripple erupted from the structure and washed over the 12
Autobots but stopped about twenty paces from the main Autobot group.
The twelve Autobots rolled around in pain as purple sparks erupted from their
"What's happening?" asked Sideswipe in agony.
"Energon overload... systems shutting down." Said Ultra Magnus as he tried
to stay active.
"Can't... go on." Said Pipes as he fell to the ground, in stasis lock.
"Go... to stasis... lock." Said Ultra Magnus before finally flopping over.
"Yes! There goes a bunch of those losers!" said Hook as the other Decepticons
"Oh, Shockwave will be so happy when we report this to him." Said Mixmaster
as he clapped his hands.
"What in blazes was that?" asked Cloudburst as he saw the twelve Autobots go
"An energon surge capable of deactivating even the strongest Autobot." Replied
Rodimus. "This is bad. If the Decepticons perfect this weapon, we are goners."
"There's got to be a way to destroy that thing." Said Landmine.
"I have a theory." Said Perceptor.
"Go on." Said Rodimus.
"The energon surge would only be capable to affect fully metallic life-forms.
The Pretenders are partially organic in nature and should not be totally affected
by the energon surge." Said Perceptor.
"Are you sure?" asked Waverider.
"Without the necessary test and data, I am unable to answer your designated
question." Replied Perceptor.
"It's a risk we have to take." Said Cloudburst as he prepared to enter the
radius of the energon surge range.
"You sure?" asked Landmine as he grabbed Cloudburst to hold him back.
"Do we have a choice?" asked Cloudburst.
"Guess not. Let's move!" said Landmine as the three Pretenders headed towards
the structure.