"Unicron!" exclaimed Hot Rod as he began to recognize his surroundings. 
  "No! Galvatron!" Hot Rod turned his head to face the familiar voice. In the 
darkness, a blue hue appeared. Hot Rod immediately recognized it.
  "The Matrix!" he shouted as the titan appeared in front of him.
  "Nice little trinket isn't it." Said Galvatron as he aimed his fusion cannon 
at Hot Rod.
  'No, this isn't right,' thought Hot Rod as he dodged the fusion blast, 'Galvatron 
tried to get me to team up with him to defeat Unicron.'
  Hot Rod then made a leap for the Matrix. He knew that he had to get to it to 
destroy Unicron. He never made it. The blast from Galvatron blew him apart. 
  Hot Rod looked helplessly as he saw Unicron destroy his home, Cybertron.
  "Nooooo!" screamed Hot Rod as he reactivated.
  "Whoa! Hot Rod, you okay?" Hot Rod turned his head and saw Springer. Then, 
he surveyed his surroundings. He was in Metroplex, the Autobot City.
  "Oh, yeah, I'm fine Springer." Replied Hot Rod, a little shaky from his dream. 
Come to think of it, he could not even remember his dream. Yet, it made him 
scared, if only he could remember what it was.
  A battle with the Decepticons perhaps? No, it had been two years since the 
Decepticons were forced off Cybertron. Cybertron had returned to its golden era 
and the Decepticons had never been heard of again.
  Yet, could it be a warning from the Matrix? Hot Rod had returned the Matrix 
to Optimus Prime over two years ago, yet could some of its powers still be part 
of Hot Rod?
  Hot Rod contemplated those questions while walking out of the recreation hall. 
'If only I knew what was going on on the Decepticons' side.' 
  Deep space, near a planet called Micros, a gigantic scorpion-shaped cruiser 
moves towards it.
  "Alert! Alert! This is not a drill! We are being attacked by the Decepticons!" 
the alarms were sounded once the giant ship was detected.
  "This is bad, very bad." Stated Quickswitch as he looked at the screen in 
front of him.
  "There's no way we can stop it on our own. We need help." Said Stakeout, leader 
of the Micromasters Rescue Patrol, to his towering companion.
  "Affirmative." Replied Quickswitch as he keyed in some coordinates and started 
talking. "This is Micros, respond Cybertron, we are under attack by the Decepticons, 
repeat, we are under attack by the Decepticons!"
  "Soundwave," barked Galvatron, "jam their transmission!"
  "Acknowledge!" replied Soundwave as he transformed into his cassette player 
mode and released jamming waves. "Jamming sequence completed Galvatron."
  "Very good, now, the planet Micros is ours." Stated Galvatron as he released 
a sinister laugh.
  Meanwhile, on Cybertron, the transmission had reached the renewed planet.
  "Prime! You better get up here." Stated Blaster as he recorded the transmission.
  The large red, blue and silver leader of the Autobots entered the communications 
center and asked, "What's wrong Blaster?"
  "Micros is under attack and by Decepticons!" replied Blaster quite frantically, 
unlike his usual calm self.
  Optimus did not blame him. He knew that the Decepticons had been very quiet 
for the last two-terran years and this was usually cause for concern.
  "Contact Fortress, tell him to go to planet Micros with his Headmasters and 
Targetmasters." Ordered Optimus.
  "You mean Cerebros, right?" asked Blaster as he keyed it Nebulos's coordinates.
  "No, Fortress." Replied Optimus swiftly.
  The planet Nebulos, the Headmasters had separated from their Nebulan counter-
parts and the armours that once housed the alien beings became the robot counter-
parts of the Headmasters themselves. Cerebros and Spike however, decided to quit 
in the time of peace and a new Autobot was selected to be Fortress Maximus, the 
leader of the Headmasters, he was called Fortress.
  "We are receiving a transmission from Cybertron Fortress." Said Highbrow.
  "Open a channel." Replied the grey robot as he turned to look at the viewing 
  Optimus immediately appeared on the screen. "Optimus, nice to hear from you. 
How can I help you?" asked Fortress cheerfully.
  "The Decepticons are attacking Micros," replied Optimus gravely, "I need you 
and your warriors to go there and help them. The rest of us will join you shortly."
  "Understood Prime," replied Fortress, "we're on our way."
  "Thank you." Replied Optimus as he saluted the other Autobot and the transmission 
ended. "Sky Lynx, I need you prep and ready for boarding." Ordered Optimus Prime.
  "Acknowledged Optimus." Replied Sky Lynx as Optimus left the room.
  Jazz, Goldbug, Cliffjumper, Landmine, Waverider, Cloudburst, Getaway, Joyride, 
Slapdash, Sandstorm and Sky Lynx all gathered at the main launching pad.
  "Thank you for getting here so fast." Said Optimus as he transformed from his 
trailer mode to his robot mode. 
  "No problem Op, what's up?" asked Optimus's trusted second-in-command, Jazz.
  "Decepticons, they're back." Replied Optimus as the Autobots looked at their 
leader in shock.
  "Then, what are we waiting for? Let's roll!" shouted Cliffjumper.
  "Well said." Said Optimus as the Autobot forces entered Sky Lynx.
  "We're gone!" said Sky Lynx as he flew for planet Micros.
  Meanwhile, a small war was waged against the Decepticon forces and the Micro-
master factions.
  "We have to hold out until Optimus gets here." Shouted Quickswitch as he rallied 
the troops.
  "If he gets here." Muttered Big Shot, leader of the Battle Squad.
  "He'll be here, just you wait." Said Quickswitch as he transformed in his 
jet mode and streaked off to confront the enemy.
  "And if he doesn't?" Flak pointed out.
  "Then we handle the enemies on our own." Said Big Shot as he transformed into 
his tank mode and rolled off.
  Scorponok's firepower started to set the city on fire. The city's residents 
were mostly dead and all those who were not, were helped by the Micromasters 
Rescue Patrol.
  "We can't keep this up. There are just too many of them." Said Seawatch as 
he carried another Micronian away.
  Stakeout nodded and then saw Quickswitch appear. "About time."
  "Sorry, had to take out a few boogies before getting here." Replied Quickswitch 
as he transformed back to robot mode.
  "Well?" asked Fixit as he returned for more survivors.
  Quickswitch shook his head. "No one yet, but I believe that the transmission 
got through."
  "I hope so too." Replied Stakeout.
  Meanwhile, on top of Scorponok, Galvatron and two other Decepticons surveyed 
the destruction.
  "Ahhh... I love the smell of ashes in the morning." Joked Galvatron. "Dread-
wind, Darkwing, you know what to do."
  "Yes." Replied the two in unison. The two then transformed into their jet 
fighter modes and flew towards the city.
  "Galvatron! It's the Autobots!" Galvatron turned his head and saw Fortress 
Maximus entering the planet's atmosphere.
  "Perfect timing." Said Galvatron with a smile.
  "Fortress! We're nearing the... by the Primus!" Chromedome's voice totally 
silenced as he saw the massive destruction below.
  "It 's been totally wrecked!" shouted Pointblank. "The Decepticons really 
outdid themselves this time."
  "Chromedome, Pointblank, lead your forces down there. Siren, you and your 
squad will help the injured. Leave Scorponok to me."
  "Right!" shouted the three-squad leaders in unison, Siren's voice obviously 
the loudest and temporarily deafen all on the fortress.
  "Sorry." Said Siren quietly. 
  The three squads floated to the planet below. "Hosehead! Nightbeat! Take point!" 
ordered Siren in his usual loud self. The other two gave him thumbs up.
  Meanwhile, Chromedome and the other Headmasters were battling Weirdwolf and 
the Decepticon Headmasters. 
  Elsewhere, Pointblank and his Targetmasters were battling Dreadwind and Darkwing.
  In the planetary atmosphere, Fortress Maximus and Scorponok were engaged in 
a firefight. Inside the Decepticon base, Galvatron spoke to three individuals 
hidden from view in the shadows.
  "You three will raise the Decepticons to greatness." Said Galvatron and then 
started laughing. "Now go!"
  The three left the room and prepared for battle.
  Meanwhile, in the battle waged below, Quickswitch and Pointblank's forces had 
pushed the enemies to a corner. "Now, you're finish." Said Crosshairs menacingly.
  "You are wrong Auto fool," Replied Darkwing, "it is you who are finished."
  Laser fire raked the entire area, forcing the Autobots to seek cover. When 
the quartet faced their enemies, they were shocked.
  One had the head of a bat and a monstrous body. It had wings on its shoulder 
which kept it in the air. Next to it was another monster whose head was that 
of a skull with horns. Finally, the third monster had a head with a huge fin 
on top and gills on its face. All three were a size of a regular transformer.
  "What manner of vile creatures are these?" asked Quickswitch.
  "Not creatures," started the bat-like creature, "Pretenders!"

  On the planet Earth, all was fine and as peace had lasted over two and in this 
time, not a single Decepticon attack was made. 
  Just off the border of the great Autobot City and Metroplex, Hot Rod, Arcee 
and Springer were looked at the sunset.
  "Beautiful, isn't it?" asked Arcee as the sun slowly disappeared under the 
horizon. The other two Autobots nodded in agreement.
  Suddenly, the peace was broken by the wailing of sirens. The three turned 
around and saw Red Alert appear over the horizon behind them.
  The sleek red and white car transformed into its robot mode and stopped the 
sirens. "Back to the base you three, we've got trouble."
  Space, the shuttle named Sky Lynx was flying was fast as he could to reach 
the planet Micros.
  "This is really bad isn't it Prime?" asked a grey and yellow coloured bot 
named Landmine.
  "Yes Landmine," replied Optimus, "unfortunately, the Decepticons have us at 
a disadvantage."
  "If so, the Decepticons have won the battle." Said Cliffjumper.
  "I know, yet we must do what we can." Said Optimus before standing up and 
looking at the main control panels which made up the command section of Sky Lynx. 
"ETA to Micros."
  "Another fifteen terran minutes." Replied Sky Lynx.
  "I hope we make it in time Op." Said Jazz as he continued shining his blaster.
  Earth, Hot Rod, Arcee and Springer had returned to the Autobot City and joined 
the meeting.
  "And so, the Decepticons have resurfaced once more." Concluded Ultra Magnus. 
  "We must help the people of Micros." Said Grapple.
  "I know, yet, we are at a disadvantage. The way to Micros will take at least 
2 terran days." Said Ultra Magnus.
  "Then, there's nothing we can do?" asked Arcee. Ultra Magnus nodded a reply.
  "This is bad, very bad." Said Hot Rod softly.

  The battle between the Decepticons and the combined forces of the Micromasters 
and the Autobots continued to rage on without a clear winner.
  The Targetmasters and Quickswitch continued their attack on the two new Decep-
ticons and the three unknown monsters.
  "This is getting us nowhere." Said Crosshairs as he squeezed off a few shots 
at one of the monsters.
  "I know," replied Pointblank, "but do you have a better idea?" 
  "I might." Muttered the other Autobot before resuming his attack.
  Meanwhile, the three monsters had triple-teamed Quickswitch and even with his 
six formations, he was still in deep trouble.
  Dreadwind closed in on Pointblank and fired multiple missiles at him. Point-
blank immediately transformed into his vehicular mode while his Nebulan partner 
attached himself to the top of the Autobot. 
  "You are delaying the inevitable." Said Dreadwind as Pointblank managed to 
avoid all the missiles.
  "I won't give up until my last circuit is destroyed you con." Said Pointblank 
as he swerved to avoid a volley of laserfire.
  Crosshair had his hands full fighting the other Decepticon, Darkwing. "You're 
getting on my nerves con."
  "Says you Autoslag." Chided Darkwing as he easily avoided the Targetmaster's 
laser blast. 
  "This is not good. We've got to improvise." Said Crosshair's binary-bonded 
  Crosshair nodded a reply and transformed into his all-terrain vehicular mode. 
"Hope we can get in close enough to give him a good, solid blast." Said Crosshair 
as he drove towards his target.
  Racing in at his top speed, Crosshair was just with range for a good, solid 
blast when a missile from Darkwing sent the overeager Autobot flying into the 
air. "Oof!" groaned Crosshair upon striking the ground.
  "You're dead Autoflop." Said Darkwing just as a blast struck him. Darkwing 
struck the ground in his robot form and turned his head to see who attacked him.
  "Don't move." Said Sureshot. Then, the third Targetmaster looked at his fallen 
comrade and asked, "Are you alright?"
  "Yeah," replied Crosshair as he got up, "you sure took your time."
  "Sorry, took a long time to make a good shot." Said Sureshot.
  "Rasafara rasafara." Mumbled Crosshair as he slowly walked towards the fallen 

  Meanwhile, the space shuttle known as Sky Lynx reached the planet Micros. The 
away team stared in awe as Fortress Maximus was engaged in battle with Scorponok. 
  "Status!" said Optimus in his usual authoritative manner.
  "Targetmasters and Headmasters are engaged in battle with the Decepticon 
troops. Rescue division is helping the Micromaster Rescue Squad save civilians. 
The remaining Micromaster attack squads are battling the Decepticon attack forces." 
Reported Fortress as he continued his battle with the Decepticon base.
  "Understood, we're on our way to help them." Replied Optimus as he nodded to 
his troops.
  "We're gone." Said Jazz as the Autobots jumped out of the shuttle and towards 
the battleground below.

  Galvatron noticed the small band of Autobot reinforcements leave the newly 
arrived shuttle. Immediately, he felt Optimus Prime's presence. 
  "Prime, it's time to settle our feud." Muttered the Decepticon leader. "Cyclonus, 
Scourge, follow me, we're going to meet Optimus's forces head on."
  "Yes my lord!" acknowledged Cyclonus as Scourge rounded up his sweeps.
  The large attack force left the Decepticon base for the battleground.
  "Go Galvatron, and may Primus strike you down." Said Lord Zarak as he continued 
his battle with Fortress Maximus.

  Quickswitch flew into a building and helplessly looked on as it fell onto him. 
"Oof!" Quickswitch's voice was muffled by the debris. 
  "It's time we ended your miserable existence Autobot." Said the bat-like monster 
as he aimed his blaster at where Quickswitch laid buried. Just as he was about 
to fire, an energy blast shot passed him. The monster looked behind him and saw 
Jazz, Cliffjumper and Sandstorm charging towards him and his teammates. 
  "Not so fast monsters." Said Cliffjumper as he shot a burst of glass-gas.
  The three monsters scattered as Sandstorm helped Quickswitch out from under 
the rubble.
  "You okay?" asked Sandstorm and Quickswitch nodded his head as a reply. Also, 
the remaining Autobots had arrived on the scene.
  "Looks like you're outnumbered." Said Getaway as he, Joyride and Slapdash 
transformed into their robot mode.
  "He's right." Said the skull-headed monster.
  "No problem," said the bat-like monster, "time to show them our true powers."   
The other two monsters nodded and the three of them jumped into the air. 
"Pretenders! Separate!" shouted the three in unison.
  The 'backpacks' of the three monsters immediately opened up and three humanoids 
'jumped' out of the monsters. The three landed in the middle of the Autobot 
forces. They were Transformers as well.
  The blue robot said, "I am Bomb-burst!" and the bat-like monster appeared 
behind him.
  The black and pink robot shouted, "I am Skullgrin!" and the skull-headed monster 
appeared behind him.
  Finally, the last robot, a pink and blue robot shouted, "I am Submarauder!" 
and the fish-like monster appeared behind him.
  "We are the Pretenders!" shouted the three in unison.
  "Pretenders?" asked Goldbug as the others shook their heads.
  "Bomb-burst!" the Decepticon turned his head to see the owner of the familiar 
voice. It was Cloudburst. "I recognized your stench anywhere." Said the red 
  "Ah! Nice to see you again... partner." Said Bomb-burst and the other Autobots 
looked at Cloudburst in shock.
  "You know this con?" asked Sandstorm.
  "Know him? I live to kill him." Said Cloudburst in anger.
  "Then come and get me." Said Bomb-burst as Cloudburst rushed at him and the 
battle begun anew.



  Optimus looked at the battle that unfolded in front of him. The Decepticons 
obviously had the upper hand. The Decepticon force outnumbered the combined 
forces of the Autobots and the Micromasters by a large margin. 'This is bad.' 
Thought the Autobot leader when he noticed a large group of Decepticons heading 
his way.
  The lead Decepticon landed in front of Optimus. It was Galvatron, the Decepticon 
leader. "Hello Optimus, it's been awhile."
  "Yes it has." Replied Optimus. He knew that Galvatron was the rebuilt version 
of Megatron. He only had every little chance of battling Galvatron because not 
long after his return, the Decepticons were defeated and sent off Cybertron.
  "You must be wondering what took me so long to make a return." Said Galvatron 
as Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps surrounded Optimus Prime.
  "Yes, I do." Replied Optimus calmly.
  "Well, I've been laying low for the past two years so that I could make the 
ultimate battle plan to destroy you infernal Autobots." Said Galvatron as he 
stroked his chin. "Then, I found out that you were trying to get the inhabitants 
of Micros to join you. I knew that if they were allowed to do so, then the war 
would surely shift to your favour. So, I'm going to eradicate all the inhabitants 
of this planet."
  "You'll never succeed Galvatron, as long as I'm here to stop you." Said the 
Autobot with fist clenched.
  "That's right, that's why we end our feud here and now." Replied Galvatron 
as he raised his clenched fist to eye-level.
  "I take it you're challenging me to a duel." Said Optimus as his eyes narrowed.
  "Like that many years before Optimus." Acknowledged Galvatron and the other 
Decepticons scattered to give way for the battle to begin.
  'If I beat Galvatron, the Decepticons may flee. I must beat him and end this 
war for good.' Thought Optimus as his laser rifle appeared in his right hand. 
"Let's begin Galvatron."
  "Ha! Call me Megatron, Prime!" shouted Galvatron as he lunged at the Autobot leader.
  Cloudburst knew the battle was not in their favour. Although they outnumbered 
the Pretenders, they fought in incredibly fluid motion. Each Pretender and its 
'shell' fought like one entity, which was essentially. This made it hard for 
the Autobots to win. 
  Bomb-burst's pretender shell kicked Landmine to the ground. "Oof!" Landmine 
landed on his butt. He then got up and unleashed a volley of laser blasts.
  One of the blasts managed to hit Skullgrin's arm that was too close to Bomb-
burst Pretender shell. Skullgrin roared in pain while his Pretender shell stopped 
its onslaught on Joyride.
  "That's it!" shouted Cloudburst, "The Pretender takes all damage inflicted 
on the Decepticons. Ignore the shells and get the Decepticons!"
  Immediately, the Autobots turned their attention to the trio of Decepticons. 
Volley after volley of laser fire streaked towards the Decepticons and the 
attention of the Autobots were only broken so that they could defend themselves 
from the invincible Pretender shells.
  It was not long before the three Decepticon warriors could not withstand the 
onslaught of laser fire. "I propose we get out of here before we get fried." 
Said Submarauder. Bomb-burst and Skullgrin nodded their agreement.
  "We need back-up here." Said Skullgrin into his comlink.
  Almost immediately, the Decepticon Targetmasters appeared and released a volley 
of laser fire at the Autobot forces. The Autobots immediately seek cover to 
avoid getting blasted to atoms.
  "Watch out," said Jazz, "looks like we got bandits where we don't want 'em." 
  "Well, that's bad." Said Sandstorm as he blasted a few shots overhead to try 
to hit one of the Decepticons. However, all his shots missed.
  Soon, the two Decepticon jets, Darkwing and Dreadwind appeared and added bombs 
to the array of armaments that were been blasted at the Autobots. 
  Meanwhile, back at the battle between Optimus Prime and Galvatron. Both Trans-
former leaders' weapons were on the ground. It was a test of brute strength that 
would decide the outcome of the battle.
  "Oof!" Optimus struck the ground hard as Galvatron gave him a punch. Optimus 
looked at his chest-plate and noticed the hole where his front glass panel used 
to be. He then got up just in time to be knocked down again by a body tackle 
from Galvatron.
  As metal pieces flew through the air due to the impact, Optimus gave Galvatron 
a backhand that sent the Decepticon leader reeling back. Optimus then pressed 
his advantage by adding a few more punches to the Decepticon leader's face.
  "Arrgh!" shouted Galvatron as metal struck against his optic circuits. "You 
will pay for that Prime." Galvatron uppercut the Autobot leader's head. Optimus 
struck the ground with a metallic 'thud'.
  Optimus then used his right leg to sweep Galvatron off his feet. Galvatron 
struck the ground hard as well. The two Transformers then slowly got up. The 
strain was starting to get to them. 
  Suddenly, Optimus transformed into his vehicular form and rammed into Galvatron, 
knocking him off his feet and into a wall. There, Optimus tried to crush the 
Decepticon with pressure.
  The strain showed on Galvatron as he grimaced in pain. He then punched a hole 
through the top of Optimus's vehicular form. Optimus transformed back and rolled 
around in immense pain. The hole had just missed his head compartment by a few 
  "You have grown weak Prime." Said Galvatron as he slowly stood up.
  "You are no worst for wear Galvatron." Said Optimus as he got up. "It is time 
we ended this." Galvatron nodded his agreement.

  Cloudburst screamed in pain as his right arm was sneered off by an explosion. 
Landmine immediately ran to his side and blasted at the Targetmasters. He turned 
to survey the battleground. 
  The two Decepticon jets had been knocked for a loop and were lying on the 
ground, damaged to an inch on their lives. 
  The Autobot Targetmasters and Pointblank were battling the Decepticon Pretenders. 
They were too preoccupied to help the remaining Autobots battling the Decepticon 
  "Well, this is bad." Said Goldbug as he ducked under a volley of laser blast.
  "There's got to be a way to blast them." Said Waverider. 
  Suddenly, Sandstorm came up with a plan. "Give me some cover fire. I'll transform 
and whack 'em from the air."
  Getaway, Joyride and Jazz gave a thumbs-up while the Autobots prepared to 
unleash a volley of laser fire.
  "Now!" shouted Jazz and the Autobots immediately unleashed energy bolts into 
the air. The Targetmasters avoided most of the shots and all those that did hit 
caused minimal damage.
  Meanwhile, Sandstorm transformed into his helicopter mode and hovered into 
the air, unseen by the enemy.
  Suddenly, Sandstorm appeared behind the enemies and blasted away with his 
laser turret. The fifteen shots directly struck each opponent and all three 
Targetmasters spiraled to the metallic ground below.

  Optimus and Galvatron started to strangle each other. The only difference was 
that they were trying to pull out each other's head. Finally, Optimus changed 
his left hand into an energy axe. He slashed Galvatron's chest-plate, causing 
the Decepticon leader to fall backwards. 
  Galvatron, in retaliation, ripped out a handful of circuits from Optimus's 
chest-plate. This made Prime grimace in pain. Optimus then kicked Galvatron in 
the abdominal area, creating a hole and exposing some circuits. Galvatron roared 
in pain.
  Galvatron staggered backwards and covered the hole with his right hand. "You 
shall pay for that Prime."
  "Send me the bill." Replied Optimus in a monotonous voice. This was no time 
for jokes.
  Galvatron and Optimus stood only feet away from each other. Both were ready 
to release their final blows on each other. The servos in their exoskeletons 
could be heard churning. Finally, the two released their final blows. Metal 
smashing against metal could be heard.

  Hot Rod straightened suddenly. Arcee noticed and asked, "Are you okay?" she 
placed her hand on his rigid shoulder.
  "Optimus..." muttered Hot Rod softly. He then kneeled down suddenly and shouted 
loudly, "Optimus!"

  "Decepticons! Retreat!" shouted Zarak. He then looked at his instruments and 
smiled. His plan was forming as expected.
  Landmine looked in astonishment as he saw the Decepticons retreat. "They had 
us on the ropes. What made them give up?"
  "Maybe they have already gotten what they wanted." Replied Quickswitch as he 
transformed from his jet mode to his bot mode.
  As the Autobots tried to figure out what to make of this battle, the Rescue 
Patrol arrived at where Optimus and Galvatron had battled.
  "Is that who I think it is?" asked Stakeout as he transformed from his police 
car mode to his bot mode.
  "Optimus." Said Seawatch softly.
  There, in front of them, was the inactive form of both Optimus Prime and Galvatron. 
The two greatest leaders laid... inactive for what would surely be an eternity.



  Sky Lynx entered Nebulan airspace with his precious cargo, the corpse of 
Optimus Prime. The valiant leader of the Autobots was deactivated along with 
his long-time nemesis, Galvatron.
  "This is Sky Lynx, permission to land on Nebulos." Said the Autobot heavy-
heartedly. He had known the Autobot leader since his resurrection and both of 
them had destroyed the 'hate-spores' that nearly caused the death of all the 
humans, Transformers and Quintessons. 
  "Acknowledge Sky Lynx, we're sadden by the news." Said Stylor, the ex-binary 
partner of Chromedome.
  "It's okay..." said Sky Lynx, although it was not true.

  Hot Rod had arrived on Cybertron upon the confirmation of Prime's death. He 
wanted to get to Vector Sigma. It was there, he knew, that he would be able to 
find the way to bring back the leader of the Autobots.
  In his vehicular form, he raced down the corridors that led to Vector Sigma. 
"Optimus! If you hear me, answer me!" shouted Hot Rod.
  Silence. No one answered him. Finally, he reached the main core of Cybertron, 
within Vector Sigma. Hot Rod transformed into his robot mode. "Prime?" 
  The huge vessel known as Scorponok flew towards the planet Charr. "Galvatron 
is dead, who should be our new leader?" asked Weirdwolf. 
  "I name myself the leader of the Decepticons." Said Zarak. He had planned for 
a long time to get rid of Galvatron and now that he was gone, he knew that the 
leadership of the Decepticons would surely be his. How wrong he was.
  "No, I think it is only logical that I be the new leader." Zarak turned to 
face the voice. There, stood the purple form known as Shockwave. 
  "I second that." Zarak turned once more and saw that Sixshot had given his 
support to Shockwave. That was bad. Sixshot was one of the most revered Decepticon 
and most of the Decepticons would surely join them.
  "I agree." Said Cyclonus. He had wanted to name himself leader of the Decepticons 
but with heavy-hitters like Shockwave and Zarak in the bidding, he knew that 
he would not stand a chance.
  "It is settled, Shockwave will be the new leader of the Decepticons." Said 
  "I disagree!" shouted Zarak and was about to give his reasons when Shockwave's 
right arm, which was also his weapon, leveled at his head.
  "And what would be your reason for disagreeing." Asked Shockwave.
  "None..." replied Zarak. He knew that only his fellow Nebulans would support 
him but that was not enough, he needed all the Decepticons to support him.
  "So leader," asked Long Haul, a Constructicon, "what's your first command?"
  "We attack Cybertron. Without a leader, the Autobots will stand no chance. 
That is only logical" Said Shockwave as all the Decepticons cheered. Only the 
Nebulans kept quiet.

  "How long has he been in there?" asked Ultra Magnus.
  "I don't know." Replied Kup.
  "He's been in there a long time. Believe me Ultra Magnus." Ultra Magnus nodded 
at Springer's words. Hot Rod had gone into the core of Cybertron to seek answers 
of Optimus's demise and perhaps bring the legendary leader back to the land of 
the living.
  'Hurry up Hot Rod, I have a bad feeling about the future.' Thought Ultra Magnus.

  The Headmaster headquarters, Fortress Maximus, slowly moved towards its 
destination, Cybertron.
  Fortress sat on his chair. "Chromedome, status."
  The field leader of the Headmasters turned to face the new Headmaster leader. 
"We'll arrive on Cybertron in thirty terran minutes." 
  "Good." Acknowledged Fortress. He had second thoughts about leaving Getaway 
and company on Nebulos but he knew that they needed medical attention, if not 
they would cease to exist.
  It was that moment that Pointblank entered the command center. He looked up 
at the Headmaster leader and nodded his head. Fortress acknowledged with a smile.
  "We'd better get to Cybertron soon, I'm anxious to find out what Xaaron is 
up to." Said Pointblank.
  Fortress and the other Headmasters nodded. Xaaron is the only remaining Autobot 
councilor since the Cybertronian wars ended after the Autobots retook Cybertron. 
"Me too. I wonder who will be the new Autobot leader."

  Pipes stood in front of the Autobot City computer, Teletran 3, and wondered 
what would become of the Autobots. Optimus's recent demise meant that the Autobots 
were leaderless. Who would lead the Autobots to victory against the Decepticons?
  Suddenly, the Autobot City rocked with an explosion. Pipes immediately checked 
the radar sensors. Two huge figures immediately appeared. "Visual!" ordered Pipes.
  The screen in front of him came alive with laser fire as the Autobot City's 
automatic defenses engaged both Trypticon and Predaking. "By the Matrix." Muttered 
Pipes in shock.
  Normally, these two Decepticons would prove no problem for the Autobots, 
however, most of the Autobots had gone to Cybertron to decide what to do about 
the leadership of the Autobots, leaving only a handful of Autobots on Earth.
  "Autobots! Scramble! We are under attack!" shouted Pipes as he ran out of the 
control room to engage the enemies.
  Outside, Metroplex had begun to engage Trypticon in one-on-one combat. Also, 
most of the remaining Autobots had begun to engage Predaking.  
  "Pipes! This is really bad! There's no way we can challenge Predaking! He 
could destroy us without taxing a circuit!" shouted Bluestreak to the temporary 
leader of the Autobots on Earth.
  "I know, but we have to hold him back." Said Pipes with determination in his 
  "Let's hope we can do so." Said Swerve as the white and blue Autobot continued 
blasting Predaking with his laser blaster.

  Scorponok neared its destination and the hum of its weapons being primed for 
battle could be heard by all within the gigantic cruiser. 
  Shockwave got up from his 'throne', which gave him an overview of the control 
center, and of Zarak, who he greatly distrusted. "Weirdwolf, status." Said the 
purple Decepticon.
  "Our weapons are primed and ready. All systems are go and all Decepticon 
warriors are ready for battle." Replied the Headmaster.
  "Good. Soon, either Earth or Cybertron, will be ours!" with that, the new 
Decepticon leader laughed maniacally.

  Hot Rod stared straight into the transparent form of Optimus Prime. "Prime, 
is that you?"
  Optimus nodded his light blue head. "Yes it is Hot Rod. What are you doing 
  "We need you Prime. The Autobots will lose to the Decepticons without you." 
Said Hot Rod.
  Optimus shook his head. "One day, I will rise to lead the Autobots once more, 
but now is not that time. You will carry on in my place." Said Optimus as Alpha 
Trion, Optimus Prime's creator, appeared in his own ghostly form.
  "But I am unworthy." Replied Hot Rod.
  "Nonsense!" boomed Prime, "Was it not you who led the Autobots to victory 
against the Decepticons in my absence?"
  "But I had the Leadership Matrix, now it does not exist."
  "No Hot Rod, the Leadership Matrix only confirmed your role as leader of the 
Autobots. It was you who made the decisions in battle, not the Matrix. You are 
a great leader, it was the Matrix that gave you the added confidence to see 
those orders through."
  Hot Rod stood that, thinking about the logic of Prime's words. "Now," said 
Alpha Trion, "it is time for you to accept the mantle of leadership."
  With those words, Alpha Trion and Optimus Prime transformed into two orbs of 
light and started to circle Hot Rod. Then, with blinding speed, they entered 
the body of the young Autobot. Light flooded the chamber as Hot Rod's body grew 
larger and his colors became lighter.
  "In the darkness, stands a hope of light," Optimus's voice filled the room, 
"arise Rodimus Prime and lead the Autobots in their time of darkness."
  With that, the light disappeared and Rodimus Prime stood in the place of Hot 