Episode 4 :
Pearl Garden was a sumptuously decorated airport restaurant, with window
walls, crystal chandeliers, lit candles and an exquisite atmosphere. Near a
secluded corner of the restaurant, a couple sat there with adoring eyes while
a lifeless pianist performed his art soullessly in the background. Shinnosuke
and Akari sat cross the table, their eyes never taking off each other. Shinnosuke
had been on an assignment for a fortnight and the two lovers had too much too
say to one another which could not be expressed in simple words. Instead, they
simply locked eyes with one another. Just as Shinnosuke started to reach out
and take her hand, a waiter appeared and the romantic moment was abruptly broken
up. Both flushed in embarrassment and Shinnosuke feigned a look of helplessness
and said, " Why do waiters always choose the wrong time to serve?"
Akari stifled a giggle.
" Are you getting along fine with your studies at University?" Shinnosuke
downed his cup of iced coffee.
" Oh, it's fine. The lecturers are really friendly and the people there
are nice too. How's your assignment?"
" Everything went as planned," Shinnosuke shrugged, " But it's highly
" Mmm" Akari pouted a little. Although she understand her boyfriend was
uncomfortable with disclosing anything about his mission, she could not curb
her curiosity. " Oh, I also invited a friend along for the dinner, she should
be here soon."
` "A girl?"
" Hai, but don't get any funny ideas!" Akari gave him a warningly look.
" She's a friend from Hokkaido. We were in the same grade school before my family
came to Tokyo. She came to Tokyo to further studies."
" I won't dare!" Shinnosuke grinned wickedly and sipped his coffee.
" Oh, don't tell her you work as a police."
" Police?" He looked offended. " I'm a GHOST agent!"
" Hai! O mighty agent!" Akari could not resist giggling. " She is ...
prejudice against police officers, especially those working in secret government
Shinnosuke shrugged indifferently, muttering dark thoughts to himself.
" Just say I'm your boyfriend."
" And, I also invited Ranma-kun to join us."
Shinnosuke raised his eyebrows, taken by the sudden news. " Nani?"
"Why?" Akari asked in a plaintive voice.
" Nothing." Shinnosuke smiled faintly. I wonder would he make it, he
thought silently, taking another sip.
Ranma drove his gleaming silver McLaren through the lighted streets of
New Tokyo City, immersed in his thoughts. As the McLaren skidded to the right
and turned a corner, a girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of the
vehicle's path. Ranma wrenched the steering wheel and stomped the brakes, bringing
his automobile several inches before the girl. Ranma anxiously stepped out of
his vehicle and found himself facing an outraged young lady. " Gomen! Are you
" Don't you know how to drive?" She retorted angrily, her back facing
" Of course I know how to drive! I..." Ranma caught his breath as the
angry lady turned to face him. " Aya?"
Akane gave him a queer look. " What are you muttering about!" She exploded.
" You better be more careful next time you drive on the road!" With a disdainful
sniff, Akane began to walk off.
" Wait!" Ranma called out suddenly, not knowing why.
" What do you want?" She asked warily.
" Uh, can you tell me where's the Pearl Garden?"
" It's around the corner, down the street."
" And where can I find a car park?"
" Can't you see the sign?" Akane pointed to a neon-lit board which said
free parking space. " Do you live in Tokyo or not?"
Ranma smiled disarmingly. " Arigato gozaimasu!"
" I wonder where's Ranma-kun?" Akari looked anxiously at her watch for
the sixth time.
" He's always late; that's no big surprise," Shinnosuke muttered, finishing
his fourth cup of cappuccino. " And it seems your friend is also absent. . ."
Akari made a face and peered at the glass entrance . " He's here!"
A familiar gentleman with long black ponytail, in a silver coat over
a black T-shirt, waved to Akari and quickly made his way to their table.
"Gomen, I'm late." He apologised as he sat down, ordering a drink.
" It's alright, you just get to foot the bill." Shinnosuke grinned,
punching Ranma's shoulder.
" No problem," Ranma smiled, then he noticed Akari was still looking
around. " Is there someone else?"
" Hai. She's probably lost her way . . ."
Then a lithe girl with long hair abruptly popped into existence beside
the thrio. " Gomen Nasai! I'm late!" Then she saw Ranma. " It's you!"
" Konbanwa," Ranma faked a salute.
" You know her?" Akari asked.
" He almost knocked me down!" Akane place her hands on her hips, her
tone filled with daggers.
Ranma shrugged with an impudent grin. " It was an accident. Besides,
you are still in one piece, right?"
Shinnosuke groaned. Somewhere along the line, Ranma had learnt exactly
how to antagonise beautiful young women.
" Why you arrogant! Pig-headed! ..."
Both Shinnosuke and Akari looked back and forth as the newly acquitted
pair started bickering and screeching at each other ( although it was Akane who
did most of it) , trading insults with one another. Their little exchange caused
quite a commotion as soon the whole restaurant was silent save the enraged
remarks of these two. Everyone was staring imperceptibly, or openly at them,
wondering whether had the ceiling had just collapsed on them. The fight ended
with Akane sitting down, fuming in anger.
" Well, I'm glad that's over." Shinnosuke whispered to the nodding Akari.
He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. "Menu please!"
After their orders were taken, Akari began to introduce her friend to
Shinnosuke and Ranma. " Guys, this is Akane Tendo. She's from Hokkaido and
currently studying in New Tokyo University."
" Onegai shimasu," Akane inclined his head.
" Onegai shimasu," Ranma and Shinnosuke did the same.
" And this is Shinnosuke-san and Ranma-san," Akari pointed out.
Akane gave Akari's boyfriend a friendly smile and bestowed Ranma with
a contemptuous glare as he pretended to look away.
" Oh, dinner's here!"
As everybody began their meal , Akane asked, " Shinnosuke-san, what is
your current occupation?"
" Oh, I'm a GHOS ... ST!!!" He stammered as Akari suddenly stepped on
his foot.
" Huh?"
" I'm a . . . . teacher." Shinnosuke winced slightly, staring ominously
at Akari.
" Oh, and that baka ?"
" Same." Ranma answered without hesitation.
" A teacher?" Akane stared in disbelief. " I never heard of a teacher
keeping long hair!"
" Oh, he's a University sports teacher!" Akari said hurriedly, "They
don't care much about appearances there," She cast a warning look to Ranma to
keep quiet.
" Is it?" Akane gave Ranma a disdainful sniff, as he answered with a
silent toast.
" Ah, Akane, are you going back to the Tenth Avenue later?"
" Hai."
" Good! Ranma-san can give you a ride home!" Akari suggested cheerfully.
" Nani?!" Akane stood up suddenly while Ranma nearly choked on his drink.
The ride back was silent. The unlikely pair were both unusually quiet
and introspective. Her cheek resting on her left palm, Akane stared pensively
at the night scenery of the gleaming city.
" I'm sorry for what happened just now."
" For the dinner or the accident?"
Ranma grinned. "Both, if you find the food terrible."
" No, it was wonderful," Akane smiled, having second thoughts about this
impudent rascal. " Arigato."
There was a brief pause. " Are you really a teacher?"
" Hai."
" Does Tokyo University allow their lecturers to keep long hair?" Akane
inquired innocently.
" I'm only work as a relief." Ranma laughed. " Besides, you also keep
long hair."
Akane smiled. This baka is not so bad after all, she thought to herself.
" Where do you live?" She asked again.
" Fifth Avenue, Daily Estates."
" Oh? Isn't that supposed to be a private estate?"
Ranma shrugged. " I didn't notice. It does have a great view of the
Tokyo park though. Besides, I don't get to live there often."
" I hate to be alone." Ranma replied silently, his face a sudden mixture
of loneliness and perhaps, a little sadness. For the briefest moment, Akane
felt this familiar feeling, as she knew this man was hiding his pain and loneliness
beneath his arrogant and indifference manner. She felt that in some other time,
some other place, she had once heard the same words.
" We're here."
The car pulled over and Ranma pressed a button and the door opened for
" Thank you for sending me back." Akane alighted and stood beside the
" Anytime," Ranma nodded. " Turn in early."
" Oyasumi," Akane turned and ran upstairs.
Ranma drove his car slowly down and pulled over at the end of the lane.
He stepped out of his McLaren and looked upwards. He could see the lights of
Akane's apartment was on and her silhouette pass briefly behind the tinted glass
window. Ranma folded his arms and sat on the boot of his car, thinking to himself
" What am I doing here?"
Ranma gave a bemused smile, slid into his car and started cruising through
the streets of Tokyo.