Thanks for bothering to look at this page. It means that you have some interest in helping out continue my Beast Wars fanfic or at least curious about the request. I have found it quite hard juggling between my school work, fanfics, webpage updates and social life and have found that I need help. I enjoy the Beast Wars fanfic I have created and do not wish to see it end so quickly. So, I am asking for other writers to help me continue this work.
If you're interested, please e-mail me by clicking here. Below are a few items to be noted when you write an episode.
1. Episode 1 (official 5) will be written by me.
2. New characters to be introduced are up to you although a nice characterization is in order. It will help further fanfic writers.
3. Let's try to keep the good guy, bad guy ratio close okay?
4. True to a cartoon, no vulgar language beyond 'slag' okay?
5. Certain events in the episodes may be changed to handle the big picture I have in mind for this series. Heh heh.
6. Finally, I'd like to thank those who bother with this. ^_^
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