Optimal ducked under the energon blast unleashed by Galvatron. "Going have 
to do better than that Galvatron." Said Optimal as he swung his sabers at Galvatron.
  "Don't worry," said Galvatron as he dodged the blades, "I will."

  Packrat continued to fire sonic blast at Fractyl. However, the 'flier' was 
too agile for the Maximal to hit. Fractyl, however, had little trouble finding 
his mark and it showed on the Maximal's body.
  "Hey, bird-bot, I thought you weren't a fighter." Shouted packrat as another 
shot connected.
  "I'm not, but a loser like yourself is easy to hit." Said Fractyl with false 
bravado. He was terrified of battle and this one was no different.
  Grimlock struck Powerpinch away with his sword. The smaller Predacon looked 
at his body and saw the slash mark.
  "You damage Powelpinch, now Powelpinch kick youl solly butt to the next nebura!" 
shouted Powerpinch as an electrical charge emitted from his claw weapon and 
struck Grimlock and sent the larger Maximal flying into a bush.
  "Me hurt! Predacon pay!" shouted the Maximal in rage and charged at the Powerpinch.

  Wolfang fired another missile at Retrax but the missile exploded harmlessly 
on the Predacon's armour.
  "Close but no energon Maximal." Said Retrax as his horns glowed.
  'What is he up to?' thought Wolfang and almost instantly, his answer came, 
in the form of two electric bolts. 
  "Whoa!" shouted Wolfang as he barely managed to raise his shield in time to 
protect himself from harm. "Okay, another new surprise."

  Snarl jumped backwards as Spittor's cyber-venom ate away at the ground. "Nice 
move Spittor. I really didn't know you could do that." Said Snarl as he automatically 
reloaded his arm-cannon.
  "I'm just full of surprises in this form Snarl." Said Spittor as he jumped 
into the air.
  "Whoa! Nice jump but you can't beat me!" shouted Snarl as he shot up into 
the air. "Eat energon!" 
  Snarl released a volley of energon burst. Every shot connected with Spittor 
and the Predacon plunged towards the ground.

  "Fractyl!" shouted Galvatron as he kicked Optimal in the abdomen.
  Immediately, the flier shot two burst of energon before flying towards the 
falling comrade.
  "Got you!" shouted Fractyl as he snatched Spittor out of the air.
  "Owe you one scientist." Said a weary Spittor as he went limp.
  "Galvatron! Spittor's down! We need to get him to the CR chamber soon!" shouted 
Fractyl as he transformed into his beast mode.
  "Fine! Predacons! Time for a tactical withdrawal. Powerpinch! Cover us!" ordered 
Galvatron as he ran off, leaving a dazed Optimal Primal.
  "With preasure!" shouted Powerpinch as his claw weapon crackled with electrical 
  "Maximals! Move in!" ordered Wolfang as the remaining Maximals regrouped.
  "Hey! Who died and made him Prime?" asked Packrat as he charged at the fleeing 
  "Oh great, that's all we need, G.I. rat." Muttered Snarl. At that moment, a 
bright, white light flashed in front of them.
  "Sssllllllaaaaagggg!!!!!!" the Maximals looked in the direction of Packrat's 
voice and saw a small, black humanoid figure fly towards them.
  "Me think this will hurt." Said Grimlock as packrat crashed into his comrades.
  Once the Maximals got up, Wolfang shouted at Packrat. "Never do that again! 
Do you know that you could have been slagged?"
  "Hey, no screws no glory. That's what I always say." Said Packrat as he picked 
himself up and dusted the char of himself.
  "And he's one of us?" asked Snarl.

  Fractyl knocked on the chamber door. He was about to meet Galvatron, leader 
of the Predacon criminals and mastermind behind the theft of the golden disk.
  "Enter." Said the imposing voice.
  The door shifted away in front of Fractyl. The green Predacon slowly walked 
in. In a CR bath, Galvatron soaked himself and allowed repairs to begin.
  "Well?" asked Galvatron as he diverted his gaze from the main screen.
  "The planet does not carry any energon, unlike the previous planet detected." 
Said Fractyl.
  "What? You mean we crashed on the wrong planet?"
  "Evidently so." Said Fractyl as he slotted a disk into the computer console 
next to him.
  The main screen lit up once more and a holographic view of the solar system 
  "This is the planet we are on." Said Fractyl as one of the planets lit up.
  "This was the planet we intended to go to." Another planet lit up, it was 
almost five light-years away.
  "Great, can we get there?" asked Galvatron.
  "No... Spittor said the engine is fried, we have no possible way to return
to orbit." Said Fractyl softly.
  "What?!" shouted Galvatron as he stood up in the tank and smashed his fist 
against the side of the tank.
  "It can be repaired... if we had the right parts."
  "So, what you're saying, is that we are grounded until we get replacement 
parts from the Maximals."
  "Or, vice versa." Replied Fractyl. 
  "Be gone, I must plan our next move." Said Galvatron as he once more sank 
into the tank.
  "Of course." Acknowledged Fractyl as he took out the disk and left the room. 
Outside, Fractyl let out a sigh of relief. He had thought that Galvatron had 
known that he had deliberately deactivated Spittor so as to redraw from the 
  No matter what his affiliation, Fractyl was a scientist, he hated fighting 
and it terrified him to do battle. Even with the enemy...

  Snarl looked at the computer terminal before him. He had been reading the 
first two sentences for almost three cycles but nothing was getting in. 
  'A scientist and here I am trying to find a way to destroy instead of build.' 
Snarl then wondered what his mentor at the 'Cybertron Scientific Organization' 
would have said if he found out about this.
  "Yo Taz! You busy?" Snarl turned his head and saw Packrat.
  "Out of the CR chamber I see." Said Snarl as he forced a smile.
  "Yeah, and I'm good as new." Said the blue Maximal.
  "Cool, so what are you doing here?" asked Snarl as he typed something and 
caused the screen to go blank.
  "Yeah, I noticed that Wolfang is none too happy with me and I wanted to know 
if he talked to the giant bat."
  "Don't really know Packrat. I've been here since our return." Said Snarl as 
he turned away from Packrat.
  "I think I'm in trouble." Said Packrat as he left the room.

  "So there's nothing we can do?" asked Optimal as he looked at the report.
  "Not really. Without replacement parts, we're stuck here." Said Wolfang.
  "What about communication?"
  "Me think communication shot." Said Grimlock this time.
  "Why?" asked both Optimal and Wolfang together.
  "Communication satellite not there anymore." Replied Grimlock as he pointed 
to the roof.
  "I really didn't need to hear that." Said Optimal as he covered his face. 

  Galvatron looked at his troops. "We must take the parts needed for Fractyl 
to repair our ship. We have little time to waste on this mud-ball. We must attack 
the Maximals' headquarters and destroy them and take the parts needed."
  All the Predacons, except for Fractyl, nodded their approval. "Death to all 
Maximal!" shouted Retrax.
  "Yes! Death to arr Maximars!" shouted Powerpinch.
  "Let's move out!" ordered Galvatron as the Predacons changed into their beast 
modes and left the Predacon ship.