The Maximal star cruiser 'Prime Directive' continued its voyage through space 
to seek the crew of the explorer, 'Axalon'.
  The crew was silent within the massive ship. Everyone knew that the crew of 
the 'Axalon' could not have possibly survived against the type of firepower the 
Predacon ship surely had.
  "How could we believe those Preds? They're as bad as their predecessors and 
just as power hungry. We should have known that they would back stab us." Said 
the figure on the command chair, well shrouded in the shadows.
  "Hey, you can't say that, not all the Preds are bad." Said another figure 
whose brown-coloured arm was the only thing visible of him.
  "Yeah, and I presume your good old bud Megatron is one of them?" asked another 
Maximal, totally covered the shadows, sacarastically.
  "You have a problem with Megatron?" asked the brown Maximal as his blue right 
eye came into view.
  "Yeah, I have a problem with him and his entire slagging race." Said the other 
as he stood and revealed his grey and blue body.
  "Oh you do eh? I see what problem you have once I bond your servos to your 
optics!" shouted the other as he got up.
  "Shut up you two!" shouted the leader. The other two immediately fell silent. 
"This is not the time to argue. Sit down and prepare to initiate another..." 
the leader fell silent and the other two Maximals turned to look at the main 
  "By the Matrix." Muttered the grey and blue Maximal.
  "That planet is not on our star charts!" yelled the brown one as he checked 
through the files in front of him.
  "Let's check it out then." Said the leader as the starship headed for the 

  "The Maximal ship is entering cannon range." Said one of the Predacons onboard 
the Predacon ship 'Skywarp'.
  "Prepare to fire on my mark. This planet will be mine and no Maximal will take 
it away from me." Said leader of the Predacon as a glint of his red eye appeared 
from the surrounding darkness.

  The 'Prime Directive' shook as energon burst erupted on the shields. "Preds 
are over us like Insecticons on a building!" shouted another Maximal, a smaller 
size one at that.
  "Well, satisfied? One of your so-called good Preds are firing on us." Said 
the grey and blue Maximal.
  "Why you..." said the other when another explosion rocked the ship.
  "This is no time to argue! Prepare to return fire!" ordered the leader as a 
white Maximal ran towards the weapons control and activated the main guns.
  "Fire!" shouted the leader as the ship rocked once more.

  Most of the Predacons were knocked out of their seats when the Maximal ship 
returned fire.
  "Slag! That's an Autocron cruiser! It's too heavily shielded. We'll never be 
able to take it out!" said one of the Predacons.
  "Then head for the planet. We're lose them there." Ordered the leader as the 
Predacon ship streaked off.

  "... 'Prime Directive', you are ordered to cease and desist. Prepare to be 
boarded and brought back to Cybertron for judgement!"
  "They're ignoring us." Said the leader.
  "So, do we board them?" asked the brown Maximal.
  "We have no choice. Prepare for hand-to-hand combat." Said the leader as he 
pulled out his two blades.
  "Unlike the Maximals on the 'Axalon', we're all warriors. Those Preds are 
going to be sorry." Said the grey and blue Maximal as he pulled out his blaster.

  As the Maximal ship came alongside the Predacon ship, the unexpected happened. 
A shock wave emitted from the planet and struck the two ships. As the wave 
flooded the internal structure of the two ships, one word could be heard by 
both Maximals and Predacons.

  The computer came online after a period of time. It then scanned the area 
around it. The planet on which the Maximal ship had crash-landed was filled with 
life forms that was in its databanks. 
  However, there were also natural structures like trees, grass, streams, etc. 
All would hinder the movement of the Maximals.
  The word 'Solution?' appeared on the screen. Animal bodies would be fashioned 
for the Maximals to make sure that they would be able to handle the terrain. 
  One-by-one, the Maximals were lifted off their chairs and placed inside the 
many CR chambers around.
  Many cycles passed before the first Maximal immerged, in his new form.
  "What goes on here?" said the leader as he appeared in the form of a bat, a 
bluish-grey bat.
  "Looking good bat dude." Said a Tasmanian Devil.
  "Snarl?" asked the bat.
  "In the err... fur." Said Snarl as he looked at his reflection on the CR chamber 
shiny door.
  "Well, it's an improvement compared to your former form." Said a grey timber 
  "Well good to see you too Wolfgang." Said Snarl as he turned away from the 
other Maximal.
  Next, a blue rat and a white velociraptor appeared. "Well, it's an improvement 
over that hideous form I had the last time we were at planet Hasbro." Said the 
  "Me think previous form nicer." Said the velociraptor.
  "I guess your brain must be slagging ancient to think like that Grimlock." 
Said the rat.
  "Be quiet Packrat and try to figure where we are." Said the bat.
  "Oh sure Primal, let me do all the work why don'tcha ye." Said the rat who 
then headed to the controls.
  "Okay, the computer probably had a reason to give us these forms. Snarl, check 
up on these forms. Grimlock, scout the area and Wolfgang, come with me. We need 
to come up with some strategy." Said the bat as it 'flew' out of the command 

  "I... like this form." Said the green crocodile. 
  "Yes, but it is primitive, isn't it?" Said the green pterodactyl.
  "I guess it is Fractyl." Said the green crocodile. "At least, however, it gives 
us suitable movement capabilities on this planet."
  "I guess." Replied Fractyl, demurely.
  "What in the Inferno am I?" shouted a green, shell-covered, giant bug.
  "Why don't we ask the computer Retrax?" offered Fractyl.
  "The slagging computer did this to me and you think I'm just going to let it 
get away with it? I'm slagging it now!"
  "Don't be so hasty." Said a blue toad as he appeared.
  "Hasty! Hast... Spittor, is that you?"
  "Yes, so Retrax, be calm. If there is anyone who should be destroying the 
machine, it should be me."
  "Predacons, Predacons. The computer gave us a form to better suit our needs. 
Don't get upset." Said the crocodile. "I believe it is better to find out more 
of our surroundings and if those blasted Maximals are on whatever planet, we're 

  "Hmm... very interesting." Said Snarl as he hit a button with his claw. "Primal, 
this is Snarl."
  "Go ahead Snarl." A voice replied Snarl through the intercom.
  "We have robot modes." Said Snarl.
  "Why, I never would have guessed." Said Wolfgang sarcastically.
  "Oh, get die-casted or something." Retorted Snarl.
  It was then that Grimlock entered the chamber from his recon mission. "Planet 
not like anything me ever see." Said Grimlock.
  "Any energon readings?" asked Packrat.
  "Me not sense any energon. Me think that planet has no energon." Replied the 
white velociraptor.
  "He think?" mused Packrat and Snarl laughed.
  "Anyway, it seems that these animal forms we have..." said Snarl into the 
  "Animal?" asked Primal.
  "Yup. Anyway, these animals have been in the Maximal computer databanks for 
centuries. Even before the end of the great war." Continued Snarl.
  "From which planet?" asked Wolfgang, sounding a bit serious.
  "Don't know. The information was locked up by the Maximal Elders." Replied 
  "The important thing is that such a planet exist and has been visited by 
Transformers. We can be found." Said Primal.
  "This is incredible!" shouted Fractyl as he soared through the skies. "I've 
never felt anything like this before!"
  "Flactyr is getting on ma nelves." Said Powerpinch as he crawled on his under-
  Spittor shook his head. "I'll never get use to the fact that Powerpinch pronounces 
'r' as 'l' and vice versa." Said Spittor to Retrax.
  "I'm not to crazy about his logic chips either. I think they fried." Said Retrax.
  The crocodile turned his head and nodded. "I agree that Powerpinch has many 
screws loose. However, it is important that he be around. His destructive power 
will help us destroy the Maximals."
  "If they're here boss. I mean, we don't even..." Retrax stopped mid-sentence 
as he saw a white velociraptor walk pass them.
  "Are there suppose to be dinosaurs on this planet?" asked Spittor as he noticed 
the velociraptor.
  Fractyl landed and said, "Not to my knowledge. There should be no dinosaurs 
in existence except for my dinosaur form."
  "Maximal." Hissed the crocodile.

  "I don't know but it seems that there isn't a bit of technology on this planet." 
Said Wolfgang.
  "Agreed. It is most primitive." Said Primal as he flew overhead.
  "Even so, there seems to be no sign of any intelligent life." Said Snarl as 
he sniffed at the ground. "This sensation is new. Smelling... I believe it is 
  "Yes, it also called breathing."
  "How do you know Grimlock?" asked Snarl.
  "Me just know." Replied Grimlock and immediately kept quiet.
  "Wait." Wolfgang gave the harsh warning and stopped in his tracks.
  "What's wrong?" asked Primal as he hovered over the group.
  "I... smell metal. Predacon." Hissed the grey wolf.

  The crocodile crawled to the other side of bushes, only to be met by a bat. 
The crocodile looked up but totally ignored the bat.
  It was not long before the other Predacons, in beast mode, entered the clearing 
and saw other animals. All except the velociraptor.
  "Where is that Maximal?" asked Spittor as he looked around.
  "Right here! Optimal Primal Maximize!" shouted the bat and organic parts folded 
to reveal metal parts. In less than half-a-cycle, a blue robotic figure brandishing 
two sabers stood in front of the Predacons.
  "Primal!" shouted the crocodile.
  "That voice... Galvatron!" shouted Primal.
  "Predacons! Terrorize!" shouted Galvatron as he transformed into his robot 
mode and pulled his gun from his back.
  "Maximals! Maximize!" ordered Primal as the other Maximals leaped into action.
  "Packrat! Maximize!" shouted the blue rat as his organic shell pulled back 
to reveal his robotic parts. The rat head became his chest. Packrat then pulled 
out his sonic blaster.
  "Retrax! Terrorize!" shouted the bug and transformed into his robotic mode. 
Retrax's head then appeared from his chest.
  "Snarl! Maximize!" shouted the Tasmanian Devil as his head split into two and 
became his legs. His jaw became his chest and his tail became his photon cannon.
  "Fractyl! Terrorize!" shouted the pterodactyl as his wings folded away and 
his head flipped out. He then activated his shoulder cannons and stood ready 
for battle.
  "Wolfgang! Maximize!" shouted the wolf as he stood up straight. He arms folded 
out as his organic fore legs shifted away. His animal head split into two to 
reveal his head.
  "Spittor! Terrorize!" shouted the toad as his hind legs transformed into his 
arms. A new set of legs appeared with his previous fore legs shifted onto his 
back. The legs then rose again as Spittor targeted his enemies.
  "Grimlock! Maximize!" shouted the white velociraptor as he jumped out of hiding 
and started to fold to reveal his robot mode. He then pulled out his sword and 
spinning slicer.
  "Powelpinch! Tellolize!" shouted the smaller bug as he folded into his robotic 
form. He then pulled out his tail and it became his weapon.
  With the last transformation, the battle was joined...