Here, is the timeline of the Power Rangers of the future. Each year is sorted into three parts. (Early, Mid and Late) Year Late 1999 - Trini gets married. She is the first Power Ranger to get married. Early 2000 - Mark Anderson, Kirin Tan and Alfred Johnson are born. Mid 2000 - Zordon returns to Earth after learning of the Dark Specter's defeat. He rebuilds the destroyed Command Center and gets Alpha 5 to care- take once more. Jenny Orswell and B.J. Wilson are born. Late 2000 - Maxwell Jacob is born. Mid 2002 - Maxim Tan is born. Late 2002 - Alice Kandy is born. Early 2003 - Magnum Lee is born. Mid 2003 - Alex Gannon and Opus Rayon are born. Late 2003 - Jenny Grove is born. Early 2005 - The Morphin' Grid is recreated by Zordon using the Zeo Crystal, which miraculously survived the destruction of the Power Chamber. Late 2005 - The Thunderzords are rebuilt along with the Tigerzord. The repair of the Shogunzords begins in the Zeo Zord Hangar Bay. Early 2007 - The 'Supernova Taskforce Flashwarriors' and the 'Alien Rangers' arrive on Earth to help the powerless Z.E.O. Rangers and children Ninja Rangers battle Master Vile. Mid 2007 - The Flashwarriors and Alien Rangers defeat Master Vile's monsters while the Z.E.O. Rangers try to harness the powers of the destroyed Flash Crystal to turn time back to normal. Late 2007 - Master Vile is defeated and time returns back to normal. Early 2010 - The U.S. Government issue a bill in which all 15-year-olds may enter High School. Only slower students will enter High School at age 16. Early 2015 - Mark Anderson migrates to Angel Grove. Lord Zedd decides its time to try to retake the Earth. He kidnaps the original Rangers as well as the Rangers from season two and three. Zordon teleports 5, 15-year-old, teens to the Power Chamber. They are Mark Anderson (red), B.J. Wilson (black), Maxwell Jacob (blue), Jenny Orswell (pink) and Alfred Johnson( yellow). He gets them to be the legendary Power Rangers. They accept and defeat Lord Zedd's monster for the first time using their powers and the Thunderzords. This paves the way for the Power Rangers: To the Future team. After five battles, Zordon notes that the Rangers are having a hard time defeating Lord Zedd's new warriors. He tells Alpha 5 to find a sixth ranger so that the White Ranger may be reborn. Alpha completes his search in time to save the Power Rangers from defeat. And thus, the sixth ranger is born. Mid 2015 - Lord Zedd is infuriated that he keeps losing to the Power Rangers because of the mysterious White Ranger. He sends a monster so that he can lure the White Ranger and find his place of origin. The other Power Rangers, who also are curious as to who the White Ranger is, try to find out too. They find out that the White Ranger comes from a small Asian country call Singapore. Lord Zedd attacks the country and only the White Ranger is there to stop it. The Power Rangers arrive to help out and the White Ranger finally reveals his identity so as not to get Singapore destroyed by frequent monster attacks. He is Kirin Tan, the son of Trini Tan, the former Yellow Ranger. Late 2015 - Lord Zedd and the White Ranger duke it out for the first time when Lord Zedd tries to destroy the Earth by igniting the Earth's core. The White Ranger wins by luck and the Earth is saved again. Tor the Shuttle Zord is brought back into action. Michael Hoke, Jason Reilly and Jazreel Manner become the Samurai Rangers after coming to Angel Grove from Stone Canyon. They obtain the power of the Samurai and obtain a Zord that looks like Ninjor. Michael becomes the Ninja Warrior, Jason; the Samurai Warrior and Jazreel; the Cloud Warrior. They help the Power Rangers battle all monsters to come. Early 2016 - Kirin's powers are stolen by Lord Zedd and he is forced to use the powers of the Dragon (Green) Ranger and the Dragonzord to do battle. However, the Dragon powers can only last 15 morphs and that is the amount of time the Power Rangers and Samurai Rangers are given to get back the White Ranger powers. The Dragon powers expire and the Rangers manage to get back the White Ranger powers. A new threat arrives on Earth and attacks Lord Zedd, turning him to stone. His name is Orgurus Koon (pronounce Koo-n) and he wants to destroy the Power Rangers. He almost kills Zordon but fails when Michael stops him. He then destroys the Samurai Rangers' powers. The Power Rangers finally defeat him by activating the Ultra Thunderzord for the first time. Lord Zedd returns to give the Rangers grieve. Alice Kandy finds out about Mark's secret identity and tells him. She becomes Lord Zedd's prime target. Later, Zordon gives her prototype Gold Ranger powers. Her Zord is Tor the Shuttle Zord. Mid 2016 - Jason and Jazreel go to Hollywood when Jason gets a movie deal. Michael is left in Angel Grove. Theresa, a friend of Alfred arrives in Angel Grove. Lord Zedd is killed by a new threat, Lord Icarus. He takes over the castle and even brainwashes Goldar, Rito and Rita to do his bidding. Jenny and B.J. go to Italy for the World Peace Summit. Michael and Theresa take over their places in the Power Ranger team. Goldar is killed in a battle between him and the Red Ranger. Scorpina, angered by Goldar's death, tries to kill the Red Ranger. She fails and is killed by the Gold Ranger instead. Goldleon is created to replace Goldar. Late 2016 - The remaining original Rangers graduate and must pass their powers on to another group of Rangers as they have less time to spend on being superheroes. The new rangers are Maxim Tan (white), Alex Gannon (red), Opus Rayon (blue) and Magnum Lee (yellow). Alice, Michael and Theresa stay around to help this new team of Rangers. Lord Icarus finally manages to destroy the Thunderzords and Zordon sends the Rangers to the Temple of Power to obtain the Ninja Powers and Ninja Zords. The Rangers get them and Alice becomes a backup member for the team, as she has no Zord. Early 2017 - Lord Icarus revives Serpentera with Rita's help. It attacks Angel Grove and badly damages the Ninja Zords. Titanus and the Dragonzord are brought back to action to help the Zord-less Power Rangers. Zordon then reveals the whereabouts of the most powerful Power Zords in the known Universe, the Shogunzords. In a battle with Serpentera, the Shogun Megazord manages to take away the weapon system activator from the evil Zord thus rendering it weaponless. Lord Icarus immediately tries to get it back but fails. Once the Ninja Zords return, the Ninja Megazord is controlled by Maxim when he links up the Falcon Zord to it. In the final battle between the Power Rangers and Lord Icarus, the Dragonzord and Titanus are des- troyed but the Rangers manage to defeat Lord Icarus and Rita and her minions are freed from him. Rita then plans to do what her late husband could not, take over the Earth. Mid 2017 - Michael and Theresa contemplate early retirement when Michael must go to Australia to join his family. Theresa, who by now has become his girlfriend, is not too happy about it. She decides to study in Australia to be with him. Meanwhile, a new threat streaks towards Earth and is picked up by Zordon and Alpha. However, they do not wish to give the Rangers extra stress and decide not to tell the Rangers. Much to their subsequent regrets. Late 2017 - Rita is killed by a lightning bolt. Rito and Goldleon are brainwashed by the new threat, Genocide. He immediately gains access to the Power Chamber through the Viewing Globe. He then hurls Zordon to the farthest reaches of the interdimensional vortex and freezes Ninjor, thus leaving the Power Rangers powerless and mentor-less. Genocide then begins his plans for world domination. Meanwhile, an old friend of Zordon arrives on Earth and enters the Power Chamber. He then tells the ex-rangers that he is called Saga, the protector of the planet Flash. He then decides to help the Rangers and tells them of the great power of the Flash Crystal, the life essence of the planet Flash. He then introduces the 'Hall of Antiquity' to the Rangers. There, Michael and Theresa confirm their plans to retire. The remaining rangers are given sub-components of the Flash Crystal called 'Flash Changers'. There are ten 'Flash Changers' in existence and the remaining five belong to a group called the 'Supernova Task- force Flashwarriors'. The Power Rangers are then turned into the Ultra Rangers, the new protectors of the planet. The Rangers were as followed, Maxim (red), Magnum (green), Alice (pink), Opus (blue) and Alex (yellow). After defeating Genocide's first monster, Genocide decided to destroy the main Flash Crystal so as to render the Ultra Rangers powerless once more. The Ultra Rangers manage to stop him but the Flash Crystal is slightly damaged. The Flash Zords are then presented to the Ultra Rangers. Early 2018 - The Flash Zords are defeated for the first time and the Titan Zord is presented to the Rangers thanks to the mysterious Mega Ranger. At first, Maxim thinks the Mega Ranger is Kirin, his brother, however, it is later made apparent that the Mega Ranger was someone else, Mark Anderson who is studying in Angel Grove University. The Ultra Rangers mount an attack on Genocide's castle. They are defeated but manage to free Ninjor by accident. Ninjor has amnesia and ends up in Stone Canyon. The Ninja Rangers are born, much to Genocide's anger. The Ultra rangers know nothing about their exis- tence. Magnum's childhood friend, Jenny Grove comes to Angel Grove from Chicago. Magnum is then injured by Genocide's monster and is sent to Aquitar to recuperate from his injuries. Jenny takes over his place. Mid 2018 - The timeline becomes distorted and the Earth is changed in such a way that Earth belongs to the Machine Empire. Saga immediately creates a time-rift to protect the Ultra Rangers, Ninja Rangers, Ninjor and Alpha 5. The Ultra Rangers are then sent to the pass (1996) to save the Zeo Rangers. (The Rangers are successful and everything returns to normal. However, Genocide was not killed and continues to give the Ultra and Ninja Rangers hell.)