Maxim looked at the door and noticed that it had neither handle nor any devices 
to open it. 'Hmmm... maybe I can use my Flash Blaster to blow it open.' Thought 
  Maxim took out his blaster and shot two energy bolts at the hinges of the door. 
A huge explosion erupted in front of the ranger and sent him flying into the 
wall behind him. When the smoke cleared, the door was undamaged.
  "Crud!" shouted Maxim. Then, he raised his hands into the air and shouted, 
"Flash Cannon I!" a huge single-barreled cannon appeared on his right shoulder 
and his arms grabbed the handles on the cannon.
  A red energy beam emitted from the cannon and struck the door. This time, the 
force of the explosion caused the Ultra Ranger to fly through the already weakened 
wall behind him. "I must do never that again." Muttered Maxim as he started to 
get up. 
  After the smoke cleared, Maxim gasped in shock as the door stood in front of 
him, totally undamaged. 
  "Maxim!" Maxim turned his head and saw Alex running towards him.
  "Good thing you've arrived. I need some help."
  "What's wrong?" asked Alex as he reached Maxim.
  "This door won't budge. I've even used the Flash Cannon I." Said Maxim as he 
examined the door for cracks.
  "Let me handle it." Said Alex as his Flash Weapons, yellow crystallized sticks, 
appeared in his hands. "Yellow twin battle strike!" shouted Alex as his weapons 
glowed yellow. He then struck the Flash Weapons at the door. The subsequent 
explosion blasted him through the hole made by Maxim and into the wall at the 
far end.
  "Don't say I didn't warn you." Said Maxim.
  "But you didn't." replied Alex as he just laid on the ground.
  "Oh..." replied Maxim.
  Meanwhile, Adam and Tanya rested in the rejuvenators in the Flash Carrier. Their faces were not as pale and their blisters were disappearing.
  "They seem to be recovering." Said Billy. 
  "That's good." Said Jenny as she rubbed antiseptic on Rocky's wounds.
  "Ow!" groaned Rocky as the medicine started to take effect.
  "Quit acting like a baby." Said Jenny and chuckles could be heard throughout 
the ship.
  "Hey, it hurts." Said Rocky, trying to save whatever dignity he had left.
  "I'm sure." Said Jenny as she continued to apply the medicine.
  "What's happening on Earth?" asked Billy as he sat next to Opus.
  "Tommy and Kat seem to be fighting a new monster." Said Opus as he prepared 
the Flash Carrier for reentry. 
  The Flash Carrier's exterior started to glow red as the heat intensified around 
it. The heat shields kicked in and so did the retrorockets. The huge shuttle 
started to slow down.
  "We'll be seeing clear blue skies in three minutes." Said Opus as the ship 
continued its descent.
  Back in Angel Grove, Tommy and Katherine were fighting a losing battle against 
Genocide's new monster. 
  "I might as well kill you now." Said the monster as he suddenly expanded to 
his city-stomping size.
  "Whoa! I think we're going to need help!" shouted Katherine as she and Tommy 
looked at the huge monster.
  "Right, I need Red Battlezord power now!" shouted Tommy. 
  Within the Zord holding bay, a large, red humanoid Zord activated itself and 
lumbered out of the bay and towards its owner.
  Meanwhile, the Flash Carrier had entered Earth's atmosphere. "We made it." 
Said Alice, and added a sigh of relieve.
  "Yeah, let's get back to the Power Chamber." Said Opus as the Flash Carrier 
headed for the base of the Power Rangers.
  "Arrgh!" shouted Tommy as sparks burst from the control panel.
  "Energy levels down by 30%" said a robotic voice from the Zord.
  "Weapon systems are off-line too." Muttered Tommy as the monster continued 
its attack. "This is going to hurt."
  The Minotaur-like monster struck the Zord with its sword, causing the Zord 
to tumble to the streets below. As it did, it smashed through a building as well.
  "This, is very bad." Said Mark as he continued to watch the fight unfolding 
before him. "I think it's time the Titan Zord helped him."
  "I couldn't agree more." Mark turned his head and saw Opus walk in with the 
other Rangers.
  "Zordon, Tanya and Adam need medical attention." Said Billy as he dragged 
Adam towards the medical bed.
  "Meanwhile, we'll help Tommy." Said Opus and then turned to face Mark.
  Mark nodded and then shouted, "It's morphin' time!" he then took out a short 
stick from the back of his pants and placed it in front of him. "Titan Zord!"
  The Power Chamber was filled with a red and white light as Mark initiated his 
transformation. When the light disappeared, the Mega Ranger stood where Mark 
Anderson once was.
  "Let's kick butt." Muttered the Ranger as they went back to the Flash Carrier.
  Meanwhile, in the Sky Base, Alex and Maxim were still trying to open the door. 
"You know," said Alex, "I think we're looking at this the wrong way. Maybe there's 
a secret passage way in or an opening mechanism."
  "Maybe," said Maxim, "but where?" he and Alex started to feel the wall for 
any signs of a depression which could be the way of opening the door. 
  "My helmet's sensors should be able to find any depressions in the walls, hold 
on." Said Alex as he started to scan the wall.
  Minutes ticked by before Alex shouted, "Eureka! I found it!" 
  "Great job." Said Maxim as Alex pressed the button which caused the door to 
swing open.
  After grabbing the stolen zeonisers, Alex and Maxim headed back for the Jet 
Zord. "We've got to get out of here... fast!" shouted Maxim as Cogs chased them.
  "I'll hold them off," shouted Alex, "you get the Zord prep!"
  "Wait, I won't leave you!" shouted Maxim.
  "Go, I'll catch up." Said Alex as he hurled himself at the enemies.
  "Make sure you do." Muttered Maxim before running off.
  Back on Earth, the Titan Zord had reached the mini-war zone. "This looks bad." 
Said Opus as he saw the damage inflicted on the city by the battle.
  "No time to talk. Since Maxim and Alex aren't here, we can't initiate the 
Titan Ultra Zord mode but we can still go to Titan Megazord mode, so let's do 
it." Said Mark as the other rangers nodded in approval.
  "Initiating Titan Megazord sequence, now!" shouted Opus as he pressed a button 
on his control panel.
  The front part of the trailer separated from the storage compartment. The trailer 
started to fold into a ninety-degree humanoid form. Arms folded out of the body 
of the robot. The engine section folded down ninety-degrees to become the torso 
and the head appeared out of the back of the robot.
  After the completion of the transformation, the red robot did a fighting stance 
and then walked in between the two battling titans. The Titan Zord immediately 
gave the monster a solid punch. The monster then tumbled onto the ground below, 
flattening two buildings in the process.
  Tommy could not believe his eyes. Although the Titan Zord was shorter and 
relatively smaller than the Red Battlezord, it still packed one hell of a punch.
  "Finish it off!" shouted Mark.
  "I can't. My weapon systems are dead. You do it." Said Tommy. 
  "We can't! Not without Maxim and Alex!" replied Mark. The monster took advantage 
of the indecision between the two Zords and struck the weakened Red Battlezord 
to the ground. 
  It then took a wild swing at the Titan Zord with its sword. Sparks flew of 
the Titan Zord as the sword connected. 
  "Arrgh!" said Mark as sparks burst off the console. "That's what I get for 
not paying attention."
  "Tell me about it." Said Tommy as he struggled to get the Battlezord standing 
  No sooner had the Titan Zord got up, was it greeted by flames blasted out of 
the monster's nostrils.
  "Whoa! Major heat build-up!" shouted Alice as she raised the Zord's heat shields.
  "We're taking a hell of a beating. This is bad." Said Opus as he continued 
to scan the Zord's systems.
  Suddenly, explosions occurred on the monster's back, knocking it over. As the 
monster looked up to find its assailant, a red jet flew at it and knocked it 
over again.
  "Maxim! You're back!" shouted Jenny happily.
  "Was there ever any doubt?" asked Maxim jokingly.
  "Let's finish this joker." Said Alex and Maxim nodded his agreement. The two 
then teleported into the Titan Zord.
  "Let's do it." Said Mark as he teleported to the storage container section 
of the Zord. The storage container then shot up to an upright position. The back 
then opened up and arms and head appeared.
  "Ultra Titan Zord, power up!" shouted Maxim as the Zord jumped into the container. 
Its head then slotted itself into the other head and the back shielding closed 
up to cover up the entire Titan Zord.
  The huge Zord stood half a body taller than the monster and the monster was 
visibly scared.
  "Ultra Blaster! Fire!" shouted all the rangers in unison. Suddenly, a large 
beam of red energy blasted from Mars towards the Zord. The energy fused itself 
with the Zord's triangular chest plate. The Zord then blasted a huge, red energy 
beam at the monster. The monster then blew up in a spectacular explosion.
  The Rangers and Tommy teleported back to the Power Chamber in high-spirits. 
They had just won a hard fight and they wanted to celebrate. However, the sight 
that greeted them made them lose their appetite for a victory party. 
  All power in the Power Chamber was gone and most of the control panels had 
been ripped out. Zordon's tube was empty and Alpha was nowhere in sight. The 
Zeo Rangers were also nowhere in sight.
  "What happened?" asked Tommy and noticed a figure in the shadows. "Who's there?" 
he shouted and pulled out his Zeo Blaster. The Ultra Rangers followed suit with 
their Flash Blasters.
  "My name is Genocide... and this is the final battle between the Ultra Rangers 
and me." Said the figure as he shot purple electric bolts at the Ultra Rangers. 


  Maxim managed to dodge the purple bolts a split-second before they connected. 
The bolts struck the control panels behind him and blew up. The recoil from the 
explosion knocked Maxim to the ground.
  Meanwhile, the other Ultra Rangers were being levitated by Genocide as his 
electric bolts rose them to the air. They struggled, but clearly, they had never 
faced such a powerful enemy.
  Tommy immediately raised his Zeo Blaster and fired a few shots at Genocide. 
The energy bolts disappeared a few centimeters away from him. Genocide turned 
his head towards Zeo Ranger V and two laser bolts blasted out of his eyes. Tommy 
flew into a console upon impact.
  Maxim slowly got up and saw Genocide drop the Ultra Rangers to various parts 
of the Power Chamber. 
  "Where is everyone?" asked Maxim weakly.
  "How did you enter the Power Chamber?" asked Tommy as he got up.
  "One question at a time boys." Replied Genocide as a smile skimmed pass his 
face. "To Tommy's question, I can enter anywhere I want. To two-bit security 
system created by a floating head can stop me." He then looked at Maxim. "The 
Rangers teleported out before I got here. But I had the pleasure of ripping that 
annoying robot apart and sending that disembodied head to limbo." With that, 
he threw Alpha's head to the front of the two Red Rangers.
  Tommy clenched his fist and then looked up at Genocide. "You're mine!" he shouted 
as he energized his Zeo Saber.
  "No!" shouted Maxim as he grabbed Tommy. "He's too powerful for you to handle. 
I'll handle this."
  "None of you can stop me!" shouted Genocide as he let forth a volley of energy 
bolts at the two Red Rangers.
  They immediately dodged to one side. The energy bolts destroyed another control 
panel along with the viewing globe.
  "Hey! Forgot about us?" Genocide turned around and was greeted by multiple 
green fists striking him at supersonic speed.
  Genocide staggered backwards and this gave the other Ultra Rangers a chance 
to mount an attack. Alice immediately followed Jenny's lead and started stomping 
on the ground below her. 
  Usually, this would not cause anything to happen but she was wearing her Flash 
Boots and they were able to cause small-scale earthquakes. Genocide tripped over 
one of the cracks and crashed onto the floor. Opus immediately launched a barrage 
of blue shurikens and they exploded off Genocide's body. Alex then used two 
crystallized yellow sticks to strike Genocide and that sent him flying into a 
  Finally, Maxim and Tommy both slashed at Genocide and two streams of flame 
hit the alien and caused a gigantic explosion. Genocide got up like nothing 
happened and teleported out of the Power Chamber.
  "After him!" shouted Maxim as the Ultra Rangers teleported out with Tommy in 
  The two beams of light landed near the Angel Grove coal mines. The Ultra Rangers, 
with Tommy were at one side, while Genocide was at the other side.
  "It's time we ended this." Said Maxim as all the rangers raised their respective 
  A blast of six energy bolts streaked towards Genocide who disappeared a split-second 
before the beams touched him. 
  "Okay, so that didn't work." Said Alex as he withdrew his blaster.
  "Nothing you do can defeat me you pathetic humans!" shouted Genocide as raised 
his hands into the air and blasted electricity into the air.
  "Yeah, but maybe we can." Genocide turned to see the Mega Ranger with the Zeo 
Rangers and Alpha 5.
  "What, that stupid robot? I destroyed him."
  "You destroyed a decoy. Do you think we didn't know what you were planning?" 
said Alpha 5. Genocide blasted a bolt of energy at the little robot. The bolt 
was deflected immediately by Mark.
  "I don't think so." Said Mark as he raised his staff to point at Genocide.
  Genocide looked at the ranger in anger. "You oldie... I'll destroy you yet."
  "When hell freezes over." said Mark as he shot a blast at Genocide. 
  Genocide immediately blocked it. Just then, a five-coloured energy blast streaked 
towards him. Genocide barely raised an energy shield to block the beam. He saw 
the Ultra Rangers holding up the Flash Cannon. He muttered a curse just a split-second 
before an energy beam with two energy balls struck him in the back.
  Genocide struck the ground with such force that the ground below him cracked. 
He immediately turned around and saw the Zeo Rangers with the Zeo Blaster in 
Tommy's hands. "How you like that?" asked Adam before taking back his Zeo weapon.
  "I'll kill you all!" shouted Genocide. With that, purple electric bolts surrounded 
him and made him grow to gargantuan proportions. 
  "Whoa!" shouted Maxim as he and the other Ultra Rangers jumped out of the way 
of the tyrant.
  "I think we need the Flash Zords... now!" shouted Jenny as she regained her 
  Maxim nodded his head and the five rangers shouted in unison, "We need the 
Flash Carrier, now!" 
  The Flash Carrier immediately appeared from thin-air, like it always did. 
"Let's rock!" shouted Maxim as he and the other Ultra Rangers immediately ran 
into the gigantic cruiser.
  Meanwhile, Tommy and others regrouped. "We've got to help them!" shouted Tanya.
  "None of you are in any condition to help them." Said Mark as he looked at 
the Flash Zords merge to form the Flash Megazord.
  "We've still got to try." Said Tommy as he raised his right hand into the sky. 
"We need Zeo Zord power, now!"
  Immediately, the supposedly destroyed Power Chamber slowly lowered into the 
lower depths of the Command Center and the real Power Chamber lowered from the 
roof area. Zordon then appeared in his interdimensional tube.
  In the Zord hangar bay, the five Zeo Zords immediately sprang to life and headed 
for the coal mines. 
  Meanwhile, the Flash Megazord pulled out its Flash Saber out of its shield 
and slashed at Genocide. Genocide immediately ducked under the blade and placed 
his hand on the gigantic Zord's body. Suddenly, a purple bolt of energy struck 
the mighty Zord and send it flying into the stone wall behind it.  
  "Systems down by 20%!" shouted Jenny as sparks burst from the control panels.
  "Shield is down!" shouted Opus as he got off the floor and back into his seat.
  "We lost the sword!" shouted Alex as he looked out of the cockpit.
  "He's coming at us!" shouted Alice as she saw Genocide walk towards their 
damaged Zord.
  "Just one of those days." Muttered Maxim.
  Genocide lifted the Flash Megazord into the air and threw it onto the ground 
below. Sparks burst from the Megazord upon impact.
  "Whoa!" shouted Maxim as sparks burst from his control panel. "Status!"
  "We've lost 70% of the systems!" shouted Jenny in reply.
  "Hull damage!" shouted Opus.
  "Weapon systems are out!" shouted Alex.
  "Need I bother?" asked Alice and Maxim shook his head.
  "We're in some hot soup now." Said Maxim as he tried to get the Megazord back 
onto its feet.
  Genocide lowly walked up to the crippled Zord and said, "In the future and 
in the past, I'll never see the last of you. However, here is where you die!"
  "I think not!" shouted Tommy as the Zeo Megazord gave Genocide a punch to the 
  "Your pathetic Zord is even weaker than the Flash Megazord." Said Genocide 
as he got up. "Do you think it could hurt me?"
  With that, Genocide blasted the Zeo Megazord with an energy bolt. The Zeo 
Megazord flew through the air and crashed onto the ground below.
  "That was bad." Said Adam as he checked the status screen.
  "Well?" asked Tommy as he tried to get the Zord upright.
  "We lost all power. The Zord is dead." Said Adam.
  "Then, so are we." Said Katherine and looked on as Genocide pound the circuits 
out of the Flash Megazord.
  "We're losing it." Said Alex as he grabbed onto the control panel so that he 
would not fall out of his seat.
  "What tipped you off?" asked Maxim in mock humour. 'We're not going to survive 
this.' Thought the leader of the Ultra Rangers.
  "We've got to help them." Said Tanya as she frantically pressed the useless 
buttons on her control panel.
  "How? Our Zord is wrecked and can't even get up." Said Rocky. 
  "Help me use the Titan Zord!" shouted Mark through the intercom.
  "Can we?" asked Tommy.
  "I guess. The Zord only needs me to power it. You guys can help initiate the 
transformation sequence." Replied Mark.
  "Let's do it guys." Said Tommy as the five Zeo Rangers teleported to the Titan 
  "Alright! Let's get ready to rumble!" said Mark. "I always wanted to say that."
  The Titan Zord immediately initiated its transformation sequence. As this was 
going on, Genocide was about to give the Flash Megazord the final blow.
  "It's been fun. However, it's time for you all to die." Said Genocide and then, 
he gave a maniacal laugh.
  "Well, I never thought it would end like this." Said Maxim.
  "Yeah, I thought we'd make it. Looks like we've failed everyone... including 
Zordon." Said Alex grimly.
  Suddenly, a punch sent Genocide flying off to one side. "Huh? Who?" growled 
the Scourge of the Universe.
  There, helping the Flash Megazord to its feet, stood the Titan Zord, in battle 
mode. "Time to play 'Kick the Alien's butt'." Said Tommy. 
  "We need time to recalibrate the systems Tommy. You're going to have to hold 
him off for a while." Said Opus.
  "Don't make too long of a while." Said Tommy as the Titan Zord charged into 
  "Oh, this is going to hurt." Said Genocide softly. The Titan Zord threw itself 
at the alien and send him flying into a small valley. Boulders, as big as Genocide's 
little finger, started to fall on him. "You're pay for that."
  "You and what army?" asked Rocky in mock horror.
  "Me and this army!" shouted Genocide as he split into fifteen different forms 
of himself.
  "Me and my big mouth." Said Rocky.
  "Only one of them is real. We've got to find out which one!" shouted Opus as 
he began scanning for Genocide.
  Meanwhile, all the fifteen Genocides attacked the two Zords at the same time. 
Sparks flew as every single electric bolt connected with the two machines.
  "Whoa! Feels like everyone of them is real!" shouted Adam as sparks burst from 
the Titan Zord's control panels.
  "Maybe they are." Said Tommy.
  "Right... Genocide must have separated his body's integrity, allowing to transform 
into fifteen weaker, yet solid states." Said Opus.
  "If that's true," said Katherine, "doesn't that mean, we can attack every single 
one of them?"
  "Yup." Replied Maxim smilingly.
  Immediately, the Zords started to swing punches at the Genocides that surrounded 
them. Because they were weaker than when combined, the punches easily connected 
and felled them all.
  The fifteen Genocides then merged back into a single Genocide. He lay on the 
ground, obviously injured.
  "Time to finish this." Said Mark as the Zeo Rangers initiated the Ultra Titan 
Zord transformation sequence. 
  The Ultra Titan Zord stood towering over the weakened alien. "Lock on and fire!" 
ordered Tommy and the Ultra Titan Zord shot a huge energy blast at Genocide, 
and he blew up in a spectacular explosion.
  "We did it!" shouted Maxim as the Ultra Rangers saw the demise of their enemy.
  Suddenly, an explosion rocked the coal mines. An electrical appeared and caused 
electric bolts to strike the Zords. An earthquake occurred and cracked appeared, 
swallowing the Flash Megazord and then the Ultra Titan Zord. All the rangers 
then lost consciousness just as another massive explosion occurred.
  Katherine slowly opened her eyes. She could not remember what had happened 
just a few minutes ago. "Tommy, Alpha?" she said, obviously confused by her new 
  "Mum? Are you okay?" Katherine looked up and a young girl, looking much like 
herself, looking at her.
  "Mum? Who are you?"
  "Mum, don't tell me you can forget your own daughter? It's me, Kimberly." Replied 
the girl.
  Slowly, realization appeared on her face. It had been a dream, the Ultra Rangers, 
Genocide, the Flash Zords... and Maxim. "Oh yeah, it's just that I had the weirdest 
dream, that's all."
  "Well, can I go out with Jimmy then?" asked the girl.
  "Jimmy? Oh yeah, Adam and Tanya's kid. Sure." Said Katherine.
  "Great!" shouted Kimberly as she ran out of the house.
  "She's a great kid isn't she?" Katherine turned around and faced her husband, 
  "Yeah, she is." Replied Katherine.
  "Shouldn't we get going? We're going to be late for reunion." Said Richie as 
he took out her coat.
  "Oh yes!" shouted Katherine. "It's the first time we're going to see Kimberly 
and Tommy since their marriage."
  "Yeah, it was a great wedding, wasn't it?" 
  "Ours was infinitely better." Said Katherine with a smile before giving Richie 
a kiss.
  "Yeah, it was."
  In the car, Katherine just looked out of the window silently. She was doing 
her best to remember the dream she had. It was so real, especially for the feelings 
she had for Maxim. But, sometimes, dreams felt real.
  It was then that the radio took Katherine out of her thoughts. "The newly formed 
Ultra Rangers," said the commentator, "have once again destroyed another one 
of the monsters that have frequently plagued our beautiful city."
  "Did he say Ultra Rangers?" asked Katherine.
  "Yeah, you read about them in the papers yesterday, remember?" said Richie.
  "Yeah." Replied Katherine with a smile. 'Maybe that's why I dreamt about them.' 
She thought.
  Upon arrival, Tanya, Rocky and Adam greeted the duo. "Hey, you're pretty early." 
Said Rocky.
  "Yeah, we didn't want to be late for the return party of that pretty pair." 
Said Richie with a smile.
  "Well, it's great that they got married, we've been waiting a long time for 
it." Said Billy as he walked up to meet the group. 
  "It's amazing how they got back together." Said Tanya.
  "Yeah, well, I'm glad they did. If not, I'd never have met this charming lady 
I have the honour of calling my wife." Said Richie.
  Katherine blushed and then smiled. "Where's Trini and Richard?" she asked.
  "They should be here soon. Since they migrated to Angel Grove from Singapore 
a few months back, they've been pretty busy." Said Adam.
  "Yeah, we haven't even met their kids." Said Billy as he winked to the other 
  Katherine looked dumbfounded. If Billy winked, did it mean that they knew of 
the Ultra Rangers? Maybe, it wasn't a dream. It was the year 2017, Maxim was 
a Power Ranger. His brother, Kirin was in Los Angeles.
  "Here they come." Said Adam. 
  Katherine turned back to face the oriental family that entered the restaurant. 
"Hey, I've seen that kid before." Said Richie.
  "You have?" asked Katherine.
  "Yeah, I see him with some other youths that come to my Juice Bar." Replied 
  "Really?" asked Katherine with a smile.
  "Hi Richie, it's been a while." Said Trini as she shook the hand of her old 
friend. She then went on to hug Billy. "How are you?"
  "I'm great." Said Billy was a smile.
  "They aren't here yet?" asked Richard as he placed the box he was carrying 
on the table.
  "What's that?" asked Tanya.
  "Oh, a present we bought for them." Replied Trini.
  Katherine walked up to the youngest member of the group. "Hi? What's your name?" 
she asked.
  "Maxim." Replied the youngest as he smiled to her.
  "Nice to meet you, I'm Kat." 
  "I know, I've heard a lot about you from my mother." Replied Maxim.
  "I hope they're all good things." Said Katherine jokingly.
  "Always." Replied Maxim and the two then chatted until Tommy and Kimberly appeared, 
and then, the festivities began...



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