The remaining Rangers had managed to teleport to the Power Chamber where Zordon and Alpha 5 waited. "This is horrible Zordon, they've got Tanya and Adam." Said Tommy as he took off his helmet. "I am well aware of the situation Tommy but I am powerless to do anything." Replied Zordon in a grave tone. "We have to find out where they are and mount a rescue attempt." Said Billy as he went to help Alpha repair the damages caused by the Ultra Rangers' appearance. "That is impossible Billy, 90% of the systems are still down and it would weeks, maybe even months before we can complete repairs." Said Alpha. "Then, we'll use other means." Came an unknown voice. The people gathered in the Power Chamber slowly turned to face the voice. There, stood a young teen about Tommy's age, dressed in a white T-shirt and jeans. "Mark!" shouted Alice as she ran up to her boyfriend. "Hey darling, good to see you again." Said Mark as the two embraced. "Who?" asked Rocky softly. "That's Mark Anderson, the ex-Red Ranger and ex-leader of the Power Rangers 2015." Whispered Alex as Maxim went up to meet his friend. "What other means are you talking about?" asked Maxim as he shook Mark's hand. "The combined technological power of the Titan Zord and the Flash Carrier will be sufficient in scanning the Sky Base for the two captured Rangers." Explained Mark. "The Titan Zord? Here?" asked a surprised Maxim. Mark nodded a reply. "My main question," asked Zordon, "is how you entered the Power Chamber without setting off the alarms?" "That's easy Zordon," replied Mark, "I have the combined powers of the Tyrannosaurus and the White Tiger. That makes me a Power Ranger and thus I am able to bypass the defenses." "Combined?" asked Billy. "Maxwell," explained Mark, "the original Blue Ranger of 2015, merged the energies in the Tyrannosaurus and White Tiger power coins and created a new power coin. It is because of this power, that we are able to activate the Titan Zord." "Interesting." Said Billy as he nodded his head in understanding. "Can we get back to the problem at hand?" asked Tommy, obviously frustrated by the fact that he was unable to help his comrades. "No problem." Said Mark as he nodded to Opus who promptly grabbed Billy as dragged him after the older teen. Meanwhile, in a dungeon in the Sky Base, Adam and Tanya hugged one another. "You okay?" asked Adam concernedly. Tanya nodded a reply. "Where are we?" she asked as she felt her left wrist where her communicator once rested. "I think we're in the Sky Base's dungeon." Replied Adam as he felt the wall in front of him. It was made of metal and was fairly rusted. Suddenly, Adam noticed a skeletal structure lying on the floor. "One of older occupants?" asked Tanya as she looked over his shoulder. "You check in... but you don't check out." Said Adam grimly. "So this is your plan?" asked King Mondo as he looked at the two Rangers in the dungeon. "I like it." "We still need the remaining four Rangers." Said Genocide as he looked at his muck warriors. They then nodded and disappeared in five beams of energy teleportation. Meanwhile, all the teens except for Mark, Billy and Opus had returned to Angel Grove. "Don't worry Maxim, you walk Kat home, we'll take care of your Godfather." Said Alex. Maxim nodded reluctantly and prepared to escort Katherine to her home. When he turned his head, he saw Jenny. She looked a little irritated but kept quiet. "I guess someone's jealous." Chided Alice. Maxim prepared to defend himself but nothing came out of his open mouth. "Well, you better get moving," said Tommy before whispering into Maxim's ear, "take care of her." Maxim nodded and turned to Katherine. "Ready?" Kat nodded and the two walked off. The five muck warriors looked on as Rocky entered his house and the other Rangers walked off. The lead muck warrior, whose colour was purple compared to the others who were brownish in colour, nodded its head and the five creatures ran across the road to Rocky's house. The muck warriors turned into their ooze forms and dripped into the DeSantos living room. Rocky was watching television and did not notice them enter the room, nor did he hear them reform into their humanoid forms. However, he noticed them when he saw their reflections in his TV screen. "What the...?" he said as he rolled away from the five intruders. As he got up, his zeonisers appeared and he connected them and morphed into his Ranger form. "Target has upgraded," said the purple muck warrior, "caution is advised." The others nodded their heads as they attacked. "You'll not get me that easily." Said Rocky as he blocked off the attacks of three of the muck warriors. He, however, failed to avoid the remaining two's attacks. Rocky was thrown into a wall. 'I need help.' Thought Rocky as he ran out of his house. Elsewhere, Maxim and Katherine continued to walk to her house silently. Katherine decided to break the silence and spoke, "Do you really hate me that much?" Maxim looked at her in shock. He thought she had not noticed. "No." he said, and he meant it. "You're lying." Said Kat as she brushed her hair out of her eyes. 'Wow,' thought Maxim as he looked at her, 'she's beautiful.' "No... I'm not." Said Maxim, more confidant than before. "In fact, I really like you." Katherine looked at him in shock. "Really?" she asked. Katherine had taken a liking to the youngster since she met him but the thought of hurting Tommy so soon after he lost Kimberly had prevented her doing something. "Yeah... well... err..." Maxim stammered, he started to turn red in the face. He was not sure whether telling her anything was good for the time stream. Maxim knew that he did not exist in this point in time and having a relationship with someone in the past, could cause a chronicle displacement and Maxim did not want that to happen. "How old are you?" asked Katherine as she tried to change the subject. "Err... 16." Replied Maxim. They reached the Hillards' home before they knew it. "Err... we're here. Be careful." Said Maxim as he started to leave. "How's about coming in? I'll make some tea and we can talk more." Said Katherine. "Sure." Said Maxim as he pressed a few buttons on his communicator and entered the house and closed the door behind him. Back at the DeSantos' estate, Rocky was getting his clock cleaned by the muck warriors. Rocky was almost unconscious when a red and white energy beam appeared. The muck warriors immediately recognized the enemy as being the Mega Ranger. "Attack greater threat!" ordered the leader of the group. "Hey, wait!" shouted Rocky as he clutched his rib. "I'm not finished with you guys!" "Don't worry, I'll take care of them." Said Mark in a tone that told Rocky why he was the leader of the Power Rangers 2015. Mark threw one of the muck warriors in a classic judo throw. Then, he did a thrust kick at the next enemy, sending it flying into a tree and smashing into ooze. He then parried a punch from another muck warrior and punched it in the chest multiple times before doing a back kick which knocked the fourth muck warrior to the ground. Mark spun around, half expecting the leader to attack him from behind. However, the muck leader was not there but instead had grabbed Rocky and was preparing to teleport away. "No!" shouted Mark as his staff appeared. The staff had odd markings on it and was made of silver and gold. Mark immediately fired a golden bolt of energy but the muck leader managed to teleport away before the beam connected. "Damn!" shouted Mark before looking back at the remaining muck warriors. He needed something to vent his anger on. 'Ouch!' thought Billy as he saw what Mark did to the muck warriors through the Viewing Globe. 'I must never get on that guy's bad side.' "Damn, they got Rocky." Said Opus as he looked away from the Viewing Globe. "But it allows us to find what they've been taken to. Have you locked the location?" "Damn! I lost it! I couldn't confirm it." Said Opus as he banged his hands against the consoles. "Then," said Billy, "I'll get captured by the enemies." "No! Let me go!" said Opus. "You're a future Ranger, you're too much of a threat. They'd never take you. I've got no powers, I'll go instead." Said Billy, full of resolve. "Look, Billy, if this is about your lost powers..." said Opus. "This isn't about my powers!" shouted Billy, cutting off Opus's sentence. "This is about helping my friends." Opus gave up trying to talk Billy out of his crazy idea. "Okay, let me tell the others." "No!" shouted Billy as he grabbed Opus's hand. "They'll try to stop me. I must do this." Billy then promptly teleported out of the Power Chamber. "Take care." Said Opus as he continued to try to locate the captured Rangers. Alpha 5 looked at him from behind the elevator door leading to the Zord hangar bay. It was at that moment that Zordon appeared in his interdimensional tube. "Where is Billy?" "He... went out." Said Opus as he continued with his job. The sage nodded and then disappeared. Alex looked through the window to the world outside and thought, 'I don't belong here.' Alex turned his head and saw that the rest of the Rangers were playing a card game of some sorts but Alex decided to get some fresh air and walked out of the house. Alex thought of the happenings of the past two years. In the year 2017, he ] was chosen by Zordon and given the Red Ranger's powers from Mark. He tried to lead but found that he was better as second-in-command and left the leadership role to Maxim. In the year 2018, his Ninja Powers were 'destroyed' when Ninjor was captured and Zordon was thrown into a dimensional abyss. Saga appeared and gave them the Flash crystals. However, each crystal chose its user, not the other way around and the Yellow Flash Crystal chose him. Now, he was the Yellow Ranger, not the Red. Alex did not hate the fact that he lost his old role to Magnum, the original Green Flash Ranger who was presently recuperating from serious wounds on Aquitar and then to Opus. He actually was happy as that freed him up to do what he liked best, kick alien butt. Whether it was Genocide's monsters or Lord Icurus's, he enjoyed doing so. So, why was he feeling so restless now? 'I know why,' thought Alex, 'I need action and it isn't happening.' Alex banged his left fist into the tree beside him. He then grabbed his hand as he felt incredible pain, like when he lost to one of Lord Icurus's monsters for the first time, only that was emotional pain compared to the present physical one. "Come on Alex, join us for a game." Said Jenny gamely as she grabbed hold of him and dragged him back into the house. "Okay." Said Alex with a smile and voluntarily followed her. 'I need some action soon.' Thought the youngster before closing the door behind him. Back at Katherine's home, Maxim and Kat found out that her parents were not home. Maxim sat on the sofa and waited for Katherine to finish boiling the tea. "Need any help?" asked Maxim. "No, it's okay." Came the reply from the kitchen. "If you say so." Said Maxim as he picked up the remote for the television and switched on the TV. Katherine walked out of the kitchen with a tray in hand. All Maxim could see was how form hugging Kat's pink T-shirt was. He gave himself a slap, 'Don't let your imagination run wild.' "One lump or two?" asked Katherine as picked up a sugar cube. "Two please." Said Maxim, feeling a little awkward. Here was a person whom he tried to hate but failed to do so. Yet, now he was talking to her in her home and having wild thoughts. 'Mom would kill me.' Thought Maxim. "So, what's life in the 21st Century like?" asked Katherine before taking a sip from her tea. "It's very different from life in this time, one thing's for sure." Replied Maxim and then took a sip from his cup. "This taste great." "Thanks," said Kat with a smile, "it's my special brew." "Well, how's your relationship with Tommy?" asked Maxim, quite curious about events at that time. "Quite okay." Replied Kat softly. "Shouldn't you already know? You're from the future." "The future is never confirmed. The events of the past decide the future." Replied Maxim as he took another sip from his tea. 'She's beautiful.' Thought Maxim again. 'Oh well.' It was that moment that the phone rang. Katherine leaned towards Maxim so she could get the phone that was behind Maxim. Maxim got a good look at her attributes up-close before she picked up the phone. She then gave him a wink before she answered the phone. Maxim felt a lump in his throat. 'I wish she was wearing a loose shirt, there'd be more to see. Wait! What am I thinking?" thought Maxim. It was then that he noticed that Katherine's face became quite serious. "What is it?" asked Maxim after she put down the phone. "That was Tommy, they've found them." Replied Katherine.CHAPTER NINE: SO IT BEGINS
"He what?!" shouted Tommy as he looked at Opus, murder on his mind. "He decided that he should sacrifice himself so that we could find the others." Said Opus, not happy about the present happenings. "Have you?" asked Katherine as she tried to calm Tommy down. "Yes." Replied Mark flatly. "He's held in the Sky Base dungeon in Section G-3. An easy to breach area." "Easy? None of the Zords can enter space." Said Tommy. "Yes they can," replied Maxim, "the Flash Carrier is capable of space travel. We used it to go to the moon a while back to rescue a friend of mine." "Right but what about the Titan Zord or our Zords, they can't enter space, right?" said Tommy as he slowly cooled down. "We'll do this alone." Replied Maxim and he nodded to Mark. He knew the ex-leader had never wanted to be a ranger since he left. Yet, he was the only original Ranger still in Angel Grove when help was needed, thus he became the Mega Ranger. Mark had made it clear that he never wanted to be in-charge anymore. Mark nodded back and Tommy nodded too, in understanding. "Bring 'em back." "I will Tommy." Said Maxim as the group left. Billy looked around his prison until he noticed the trio in a corner. "Guys?" "Billy?" Billy could barely identify Tanya's voice, it sounded so weak. "You guys okay?" asked Billy when he reached them. Rocky appeared from the shadows, "I'm fine, only a few cracked ribs... but Adam and Tanya are badly dehydrated and undernourished. They've been here far too long." "Only a few hours and this has happened to them?" Billy was utterly shocked until he noticed that the air in the dungeon was dryer than normal. "Mondo's trying to kill us by absorbing the liquid content within our bodies." "If this is true, I'll soon be affected, right?" asked Rocky anxiously. "Don't worry," said Billy, "the others will be here soon." 'I hope.' He thought. King Mondo continued to look at the Rangers trapped in his dungeon. "Maybe I shall keep Billy alive so that he can built me a few monsters." "Forget it Mondo, he'd never built any monsters for you without sabotaging them." Said Genocide as something caught his eye. Looking outside the Sky Base, he immediately realized what it was. "Mondo, we have company." Jenny looked at Maxim and asked, "So, how was your talk with Miss Hillard?" "Why?" asked Maxim as he piloted the Flash Carrier towards the Sky Base. "Just curious." Lied Jenny as she inspected her instruments. "Someone's jealous." Joked Alex. "Am not!" shouted Jenny in protest. "Sure, sure, whatever." Said Alex as he waved her away. "Alex, stop bullying Jenny." Said Alice in her usual commanding tone. "Yes ma'am." Said Alex as he was taken aback by the most senior of the Rangers in the Flash Carrier snapping at him. "I'm sorry Jenny." "You're forgiven." Said Jenny as she nodded in thanks to Alice. Alice winked in reply and checked the radar screen in front of her. It was empty, the enemy did not know that they were coming. She then turned to look at Jenny and then at Maxim. There was no denying the attraction they had for each other. Since Jenny came into the lives of the Ultra Rangers, she and Maxim had some kind of chemistry going but the two never made it obvious. Alice then smiled to herself, she suddenly remembered that Maxim's brother, Kirin, had a girlfriend called Jenny who was the original Pink Ranger of the Power Rangers 2015. 'Wow, wouldn't it be a coincidence if Jenny and Maxim got together?' thought Alice. Alice then turned her thoughts to Mark, her boyfriend on Earth. She had accidentally came across the fact that Mark was a Power Ranger. She then told him she knew. From that day on, she became a prime target for Lord Zedd's attacks. Mark also did his best to prevent her from finding out who the other Rangers were. In the end, Zordon decided to give her prototype Gold Powers created out of the Morphin' Grid, although not as powerful as the original, still quite formidable, and she became one of the Rangers. From that day on, she and Mark had a whirlwind relationship, which ended in Mark and her getting engaged. She was three years younger than Mark but that did not disturb them. Now however, Alice was not so sure. Mark was in Angel Grove University now and would soon move to Los Angeles. Alice was afraid that her relationship with Mark would end up like Tommy's relationship with Kimberly. She trusted Mark but she did not know whether she could trust herself. Alice's thoughts were broken when the radar detected multiple blips in the air space in front of them. "Incoming!" shouted Alice. "Later than I expected." Muttered Maxim as he began to make evasive maneuvers. The gigantic rectangular looking cruiser started to slowly spin as the Quadra fighters started firing at the Flash Carrier. "Alex! Aim in the middle of their formation and spilt them up!" ordered Maxim. "No problem boss!" acknowledged Alex. "Alice! I want to know how the Quadra fighters split up!" "Right!" replied Alice. "Opus! Raise shields!" "Done!" shouted Opus. "Jenny! Make sure the energy systems hold out, I don't want a failing system!" "On it!" said Jenny. "Let's kick metallic butt!" shouted Maxim as an energy beam blasted into the middle of the fighter squadron formation. The Quadra fighters immediately spilt up into two groups. "Sector G-2 and F-9!" shouted Alice. "Opus! Take the Aerial Zord and take out the fighters in G-2!" "Consider it done." Said Opus as he disappeared into the hangar section of the Flash Carrier. "Jenny! Pilot the Heli Zord and attack F-9!" "No prob!" acknowledged Alice as she gave Maxim thumbs up. "Be careful and don't push it." said Maxim just loud enough for Jenny to hear. "I will." Replied Jenny before leaving. The two side bay doors of the Flash Carrier opened and the two Flash Zords flew out of them and prepared to engage the enemy. Meanwhile, the Flash Carrier continued on its way to the Sky Base. Jenny could not help but think, once again, how she got into such fights with intergalactical enemies. It started two weeks before. She had gone to Angel Grove from her birthplace of Chicago. She met her best friend Magnum when she entered the Angel Grove High School. She came across Magnum's dual identity by accident. He had been heavily injured by a monster, which later gave the Ultra Rangers a hard time. Zordon told Jenny that he needed a temporary Green Ultra Ranger to help the Rangers and she took over the mantle, thus, she became the Green Ultra Ranger. Now, she had to fight off over twenty Quadra fighters and then meet up with the other Rangers at the Sky Base. 'How do I get myself into these things?' she thought once more before engaging the enemies. Opus blasted the Quadra fighter in front of him to smithereens before swinging to the left to avoid enemy fire. 'Just over a dozen left to go.' Thought Opus before he recalibrated his targeting systems. He did not really want to fight. He was a scholar, much like his idol, Billy Cranston. However, he never got a chance to meet the genius as he died in 2011, yet he met him now and was working alongside him. He actually managed to meet his idol and meeting him taught Opus that he needed to fight on to protect the people of Earth, no matter what his personal feelings were, they were secondary compared to protecting innocents. Opus swerved to the right and came up behind one of the Quadra fighters. He fired a volley of energy bolts which destroyed the fighter almost immediately. 'This is for you Billy.' "I'd advise you to attack the Flash Carrier, but I think you have your own plans." Said Genocide as he saw the Flash Carrier continue its approach to the Sky Base. "Quite right." Said the machine king as he gave Klang some orders. "Don't fail me this time." Said King Mondo as Klang left. The Flash Carrier docked next to the Sky Base. "Odd, you would think that they already knew we were here." Said Alice. "Yeah, it's too quiet. I don't like it." Said Alex as he placed his left hand on his blaster. "We know that we are just above the dungeon, so be careful." Said Maxim as the trio ran towards an elevator. Upon entering the elevator, the elevator automatically went down one level. "A trap... definitely a trap." Muttered Alex. As the elevator door opened, the Rangers saw the captured Rangers sitting at a corner in the dungeon cell. "You okay?" asked Maxim as Alice and Alex stood behind him to guard his rear. Billy replied in a croaked voice, "I'm a lot better than the others. Adam and Tanya need medical attention." "The Flash Carrier has the facilities." Said Maxim as he blasted the cell open. Billy walked out, besides being a white pale, he was fine. Adam, however, was looking really bad. He had blisters all over his face and looked dehydrated. "Tanya? Rocky?" asked Maxim. A look of concern on his face. "Rocky's a lot better and is helping Tanya out." Replied Billy as he left with Adam and Alice. Rocky walked, even more pale-looking than Billy. Tanya looked very dehydrated and her eyes had lost the usual sparkle in them. "Alex! Move 'em out! I'll be right behind you!" ordered Maxim. Alex gave him a thumb up and started to help the two out. Outside the Sky Base, the Ultra Zords had been victorious over the Machine Empire's Quadra fighters and were on their way to meet the others. "Hey! Isn't that the Flash Carrier?" asked Jenny. "Yes, it is, and it's floating away from the Sky Base. Something is wrong." Said Opus as the two Flash Zords increased their speed and zoomed towards the Sky Base. "Sithspawn!" cursed Alex as he saw the Flash Carrier float away. "Well, that is bad." Muttered Billy weakly. "We're not out of the game yet." Said Maxim as he caught up with the group. Numerous Cogs were behind him. "Hey! Where's the hatch?" "Out there." Said Alice grimly as she pointed at the window. "Oh crud." Said Maxim as he turned to face the Cogs. Suddenly, a thought struck him. "Flash Jet Zord! To me now!" shouted Maxim into his communicator. The front hatch of the Flash Carrier opened up and a red jet fighter streaked out of the opening. It headed for the Sky Base at a speed that exceeded the Flash Aerial Zord and the Flash Heli Zord. Meanwhile, King Mondo could not help but smile as he saw the Ultra Rangers struggling to fight off the Cogs and protect the weakened Zeo Rangers. "I guess this plan needed my personal touch, eh Genocide?" "No, the Ultra Rangers probably have a back-up plan. I've battled them too long not to know their tricks." Said Genocide as three flashes of light got his eye. 'Like those.' He thought. The Jet Zord fired a plasma blast at the sealed hatch of the Sky Base. "Hold your breath!" shouted Maxim as the Jet Zord warned him two seconds before the explosion. The Rangers and the Cogs were immediately sucked out of the Sky Base and into the vacuum of space. The Jet Zord, Aerial Zord and Heli Zord immediately started to pick up the scattered Rangers. "Jenny! Opus! Get everyone back to the Flash Carrier!" ordered Maxim as he began to do docking procedures with the Sky Base. "What about you and Alex?" asked Jenny. "We're going to get the zeonisers." Said Maxim. "Alright! Action!" shouted Alex with glee. "Okay, but be careful." Said Opus as the other two Zords flew off. "Duh!" said Alex as he got off the Jet Zord. "Where do we look boss?" Maxim activated his energy scanner within his helmet. "Level B-13." "Alright, we're gone." Said Alex as the two ran off. "Told you." Said Genocide with a chuckle. "Grrr... Klang! Send some Cogs to level B-13 and send some Cogs to stop those interlopers!" ordered King Mondo as smoke appeared from his head. "Yes sire. At once sire." Said Klang as he ran off. The Cogs appeared without warning and immediately attacked the two Rangers. "Go ahead Maxim, I'll hold them off." Said Alex. "I won't leave you." Said Maxim as he knocked away a spear and then kicked the owner aside. "You don't have a choice." Said Alex as he gave one of the Cogs a jumping spinning kick, sending it flying into a group of Cogs. Maxim nodded and ran off down the corridor. Some of the Cogs pursued him. Meanwhile, Alex continued his battle with the metal soldiers. "Twenty Cogs have been stationed at what the zeonisers have been kept sire." Said Klang as he returned to the bridge. "Well done Klang." Replied the Machine King. "A lot of good it will do." Said Genocide. "I don't see you doing something about it." Said King Mondo, obviously angered by the purple-clad alien. "I have. Even as we speak, a monster of mine has attacked the remaining Zeo Rangers, Tommy will die." Said Genocide. The red-clad Ranger slammed into a wall which knocked the wind out of him. "Tommy!" shouted Katherine as she ran to her fallen leader's side. "Can't handle the pressure eh?" asked the monster as it continued its advance on the Rangers. It looked like a Minotaur, but had a broadsword as a weapon instead of the usual club. It's horns and torso were made of metal and its eyes had a sinister look to them. "I can handle it, but can you?" rebutted Tommy as he took out his Zeo Laser Pistol and fired at the monster. The blast deflected off the monster harmlessly. "That the best you can do Zeo weaklings?" taunted the monster. "Well, that's just prime." Muttered Tommy. Meanwhile, in the Power Chamber, Alpha and Mark were trying to find the monster's weakness. "This monster's weakness is so hard to find!" exclaimed Alpha. "Imagine what it was like when we battled monsters Alpha." Said Mark, trying to sound humorous but failing poorly. "I don't see why you can't just go and help them." Said Alpha as he continued to check the scanners. "There are reasons." Muttered Mark. He had valid reasons. The Mega Ranger powers were essential to activate the Titan Zord. Without it, the Zord would not work. However, when Maxwell created the Mega Ranger powers, he could only make them exist for a limited number of transformations. If Mark morphed too many times, the powers would be gone. "I hope they are good ones," said Alpha totally unconvinced, "because Tommy and Katherine are in deep trouble."