'A life well lived,
is a life without regret.'
-Chan Heng Yip
"Oof!" shouted Tommy as he tripped and hit the floor hard. 'I've got to get
those guys to pack their stuff.' He thought as he moved Maxim's duffel bag aside.
It was then that he noticed a photograph on the floor. He picked it up and
looked at it and his face was in total shock.
It was, unmistakably, Kimberly. A little older but still beautiful nonetheless
and in a wedding gown. Next to her was an Asian toddler about five years old.
Next to him was Trini, a little older too, with another toddler in her arms.
Tommy could not help but notice that Kimberly was even more beautiful than
ever before. It also pained him to see that she was married and, most probably,
not to him.
'A photo from the future.' He thought as he placed the photo back into Maxim's
duffel bag and went off to wipe off the tears that had formed in his eyes.
'Opus is the technical one but Alice is the intellectual one.' Thought Billy
as he entered the Juice Bar. It felt odd to be there, considering that he had
already graduated and should be teaching somewhere or getting a job. Yet, he
knew that he needed to be there when the Rangers needed him.
It was then that he noticed her. Alice had been waiting for 'part two' of the
Angel Grove tour but this time, it would be Billy and Rocky who would be giving
it. True to form, Rocky was no where in sight and neither were the other Ultra
"Where're the others?" asked Billy as he sat down next to her.
"Hmmm, Maxim's having a shower after his practice." Replied Alice.
"Practice?" asked Billy.
"Well, he wants to be as good as his brother, Kirin, the White Ranger of the
Power Rangers 2015."
"Oh." Said Billy as he nodded.
"Jenny and Alex are on their way and Opus is playing around in the Power Chamber."
"Yeah, well, Rocky is late, so that leaves the two of us." Said Billy slowly,
so as not to say anything offending.
"Yup." Replied Alice as she looked at Adam practicing his Kata.
'Figures, girls are more interested in Adam. Guess that won't change in the
future.' Thought Billy.
"Life's funny, isn't it Billy." Said Alice, her eyes never leaving Adam.
"Why do you say that?" he asked.
"I mean, one person who's so optimistic in the past will have such a sad life
in the future." She said, almost sad.
"What do you mean?" asked Billy when a thought struck him. "Do you mean Adam?"
Alice just sat there looking at Adam and stayed silent.
Meanwhile, Jenny and Alex walked through the main door of the Youth Center.
"Well, what do you think about them so far?" asked Alex.
"Well, they're nice, but I can't help feel that you and the others are keeping
something from them. I mean, I'm new to the team so..."
Alex looked at Jenny as she fell silent. "Yeah, well, we can't tell them too
much about their future, it would ruin the surprises in their lives and probably
alter ours." Said Alex.
"You know Rocky? He'll get injured and be unable to get the new powers the
rangers will obtain. He'll start a dojo and be one of the most well-known martial
arts teacher in the history of Angel Grove." Said Alex.
"Oh, you mean the DeSantos dojo is his?" said Jenny.
"Yup. Remember the popular singer Tanya Sloan?" asked Alex.
"Uh-huh." Replied Jenny.
"Well," started Alex as his voice drooped to a whisper, "it's the Zeo Yellow
"What?!" shouted Jenny and then drooped her head so that no one could see who
was the person who shouted out so loudly. "But, she's... dead."
"In the future, in the future." Noted Alex as the two entered the Juice Bar.
Behind a pillar, Rocky immerged with a sad look. He had heard everything and
he knew what his immediate future would be like.
Water splashed against his face as he took his shower. It felt good, his joints
still ached from fighting King Mondo's men. Although the enemies were defeated
with relative ease, he still was not sure of their fighting techniques, which
differed from Genocide's muck warriors.
'Billy...' the thought of his mother's best male friend entered his head. He
knew what the future held for the young genius. In about a month's time, he would
be sent to Aquitar to receive treatment for his unique 'aliment'. He would then
stay there with his soulmate 'Cestria'. However, since their physiology was
incompatible, there was no possible way for them to have offspring.
Billy did come back to Earth, but only long enough to see his father and his
old friends. However, the waters of Aquitar were not doing any good for his
human body. Long immersion in the water had caused him to have constant headaches
and pains. It was later revealed that the human physiology was unsuitable for
the waters of Aquitar, and finally, he left and returned to Earth. He later found
a job as a laboratory helper in California. However, the effects of the Aquitian
water had permanently damaged his body and he died in the year 2011.
His thoughts then turned to his godfather, Tommy. All of Trini's teammates,
except for Billy, had the pleasure of being his godparents, thus Tommy was his
Tommy had regretted not being with Kimberly. He would finally marry Katherine.
However, his mother had told him that Kimberly had in fact left Tommy for his
own good because she feared that she would make Tommy wait too long for her and
she did not want to hurt him.
When Tommy had gotten back with Kimberly, Katherine was in the way. Tommy had
made Katherine pregnant and Tommy had little choice other than marrying her.
This broke Kimberly's heart and she married a guy named Eric. The guy ill-treated
her and finally, she got a nervous breakdown. He had deliberately kept a photo
she had taken with his mother, his brother and him, to remind him of her strong-will
and of his hate for Katherine.
It failed. He could not hate Katherine, no matter how he tried, she was too
sweet for words. He was wondering if he should just fall in love with her, but
he knew that his job came first just as the original Green Ultra Ranger knew
when he passed the Ultra crystal to Jenny so that she could take his place in
defending the Earth.
Maxim put on his yellow shirt and combed his hair. 'It's time.' He thought
as he left the changing room.
Pyramidas, the Zord belonging to the Zeo Jet Gold Ranger. It had helped the
rangers in battle and would continue to do so in the near future. However, inside
the massive Zord, an individual was not as optimistic.
Lord Trey kneeled on the floor. His unity was shattering a lot earlier than
he had anticipated and that worried him. It meant that he would need to find
someone to replace him as soon as possible. And quickly.
Suddenly, he noticed a figure looming over him. "Wha...?" was all Trey was
able to mutter before the figure plunged a knife into his body. The Gold Ranger
collapsed onto the floor and the figure walked out of the structure.
The stranger then entered the gigantic trailer that was below the Gold Ranger's
"You will lose your unity in a weeks time and the Barox hunters will kill you
before you can pass the powers to another. Because of this, the Zeo Rangers will
have a harder time defeating the Machine Empire. I have used the unity blade
to hold your unity together for about another week. Meaning that the rangers
will find out about your identity before you lose your unity. Hopefully, it will
make the Zeo Rangers' battle easier to handle." Said the stranger before entering
the trailer and driving off.
The future the Ultra Rangers know: in 1994 (approximately) Master Vile used
the Orb of Doom to reverse time on Earth. The Power Rangers were thus turned
to children and the Power Coins destroyed. Without their Power Coins, the Rangers
could no longer morph and thus used the Zeo Crystal, causing a turning point
in the history of mankind.
However, unknown to Zordon, the Power Coins that were destroyed, were not the
Ninja Power Coins, but the original Power Coins. The Ninja Power Coins were still
with Ninjor, who was in the Temple of Power.
In the year 2000, Zordon would use the Zeo Crystal to recreate the destroyed
Morphin' Grid and then, in the year 2015, he would give these coins and the
Thunderzords to the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Since the time reversal caused
everyone to not know about the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers and only of the
Zeo rangers, the Power Rangers were treated with suspicion. However, after saving
the Earth a few times, they gained the trust of the people of Angel Grove.
In the year 2017, the powers of the Power Rangers were passed to a new generation
of Rangers, Maxim and friends. After multiple battles, the Thunderzords were
destroyed and the Power Coins rendered useless.
Zordon summoned Ninjor, and the keeper of the Temple of Power gave the Ninja
Power Coins to the new Rangers who finally defeated their enemies.
In 2018, Genocide appeared and destroyed Zordon's physical body, thus throwing
him into the farthest reaches of the interdimensional vortex. Genocide then
froze Ninjor and rendered the Ninja Powers useless. Then came Saga and the Ultra
Rangers were born.
In the later period of the same year, the Ultra Rangers launched an attack
on Genocide's base and freed Ninjor by accident. Ninjor had lost his memory
and crashed in Stone Canyon. Six teens from Stone Canyon High School found six
rings, which have the Ninja Powers within, and became the Ninja Rangers. Although
leaderless, they have managed to defend Stone Canyon and their newfound powers
from Genocide. Now, they face their greatest challenge, King Mondo.
The Power Chamber, 2018.
The time rift that Saga created had saved the Ninja Rangers as well as the
Ultra Rangers and now, the Ninja rangers had to battle King Mondo's forces.
"It's incredible that so much can change because of one person dying." Said
Kangwu, the White Ninja.
"Yes," replied Saga, "but one person can be enough."
"So, what do we do?" asked Bob, the Blue Ninja.
"We have been unable to contact the Blue Senturion or the Aquitian Rangers,
so you will have to do battle against King Mondo's invading forces until time
returns to normal." Said Alpha 5 as he pressed a few more buttons on the control
"Enter the "Hall of Entiquity" and we will plan out our strategy." Said Saga
as he disappeared from his usual place in the interdimensional tube.
The Ninja rangers, Alpha and Ninjor stepped into an elevator and descended
to the battle room below the Power Chamber.
What is the "Hall of Entiquity"? Well, when the original Command Centre was
built, the Power Chamber was built below it. The Hall of Antiquity, in turn,
was built below the Power Chamber. It is the ultimate strategy centre. It was
created by Zordon and Saga and could only be activated by either the Ultra Crystals
or Saga.
As the rangers, Alpha and Ninjor entered the hall, the rangers could not help
but gasp in awe at the grandness of the new base of operations. In front of them
was a round table with five seats, each for one Ultra Ranger. The glass circle
in the middle of the table glowed and Saga appeared within it.
"Rangers, make yourselves comfortable, I am sorry that we do not have enough
seats for everyone." Said Saga as Alpha and Ninjor walked to the control panel
next to the table. All the Ninja Rangers, except Kangwu the White Ninja, sat
"The Machine Empire's present base is on Earth now in the city called Metallica,
previously known as New York. You will have to work your way into the base and
destroy the main reactor before the inhabitants know you're there." Said Alpha
5 as full schematics of the base appeared.
"If we find King Mondo first?" asked Loden the Black Ninja.
"We take him down then." Replied Anthony, the Red Ninja, coldly before getting
off the chair. "Okay, let's move out!" ordered Anthony as the other Rangers
"It's time to Ninja!" shouted the Rangers in unison as they aimed their rings
in front of them.
"Ape Zord!" shouted Anthony as his Ranger suit engulfed him.
"Frog Zord!" shouted Loden.
"Crane Zord!" shouted Janet the Pink Ninja.
"Wolf Zord!" shouted Bob.
"Bear Zord!" shouted Sebastian the Yellow Ninja.
"Falcon Zord!" shouted Kangwu.
The six rangers stood in the 'Hall of Entiquity' in their Ranger garb and shouted
in unison, "Ninja Rangers!"
"Let's roll out!" shouted Kangwu as the Rangers ran to the outside of the Power
Chamber and to their Shark Cycles. The three vehicles rolled off to the city
of New York.
The Shark Cycles were greatly superior to the ones the original Rangers used.
The Red Ninja had his own cycle, yet the Blue and Pink Ninjas shared theirs
and the Black and Yellow Ninjas shared theirs through side compartments connected
to the bikes. The White Ninja was overhead in his Falcon Zord.
"This is Kangwu, you will not believe what I'm looking at here."
"What?" asked Loden, the Ninja Rangers all knew that Kangwu had an incredible
view of the city ahead and also of the incredible carnage.
"It's bad, very bad." Was the reply.
The Ninja Rangers had never seen such chaos in their lives. The city was ruined,
there was almost nothing left of the once great city. All that stood in the ashes
of the city was the Machine Empire's Sky Base, lodged firmly to the surface of
the gone city.
"Kangwu, you know what to do. All of you, follow me." Said Anthony as the
Falcon Zord prepared for its attack run on the Sky Base.
The Falcon Zord flew at the Sky Base with its new laser turrets blasting at
it. All the Zords had been modified to make sure the Rangers had an edge over
their enemies.
Multiple explosions appeared on the huge craft, but no visible damage was seen.
Suddenly, multiple energy bolts streaked at the Zord from the Sky Base.
"Whoa!" shouted Kangwu as he swerved his mecha to avoid the blast. "So, you
wanna play rough eh?" muttered the White Ninja as he pushed a button.
The massive white Zord shifted to a straight 90-degrees position with its head
and wing tips pointing towards the target.
"Fire!" shouted Kangwu as he pressed the activation stud on his flight stick.
The eight missiles streaked towards the Sky Base and scored direct hits.
Inside, the five remaining Ninja Rangers had entered the Sky Base and were
heading for the main reactor. On the way, some Cogs attacked.
"These are called what, again?" asked Bob as he kicked a Cog aside.
"Cogs, you know, 'cost of goods sold', we learnt that stuff in accounts class."
Replied Janet as she punched one of the Cogs in the head and then did a thrust
kick on one that was trying to ambush her.
Meanwhile, in the main control tower, King Mondo looked at the damage statistics
furiously. "Who is attacking us?!" he shouted as steam blasted out of his head.
"People calling themselves the Ninja Rangers." Replied Klang as he continued
looking at the small battle being waged in the lower levels of the Sky Base.
"I did not rid myself of one bunch of Rangers so that I could battle another!
Send Silo to dispose of them!" ordered King Mondo.
"Of course sire." Replied Klang hurriedly before running off.
'Thwang!' Kangwu jolted as his Zord took a hit. 'This is not good.' He thought.
'I hope the others are having more luck than me.'
'Boom!' The Yellow Ninja was sent flying into one of the walls.
"Ha! Ha! Ha! I scrape you yet!" shouted Silo as he armed another missile.
"Not this future!" shouted Anthony as he jumped into the air. "Ninja Saber!"
he shouted as his Ninja Power Weapon appeared. He slashed the robot right through
the middle and just stood there as the bot exploded in a beautiful display of
"Let's go!" shouted Loden as the Rangers ran off.
"Argghhh!" shouted Kangwu as sparks burst from his Zord's control panel and
onto him. 'This is bad. Another hit... and I'm a goner.' Thought the White Ninja
as he looked at his stats screen and saw that he lost one of the engines.
Anthony looked up at the huge generator in front of him as it hummed. "Just
waiting to be destroyed." Said Sebastian as he propped his hand on Anthony's
"Then, let's do." Said Anthony and the five Ninjas stood at attention.
"We, the Rangers of Earth call upon the great Shogun Zords!" shouted the Ninja
Rangers in unison as they brought their hands together.
"Red Shogun Zord!" shouted the Red Ninja.
"Black Shogun Zord!" shouted the Black Ninja.
"White Shogun Zord!" shouted the Pink Ninja.
"Blue Shogun Zord!" shouted the Blue Ninja.
"Yellow Shogun Zord!" shouted the Yellow Ninja.
With that, the five statues in the Temple of Power disappeared and appeared
behind the Ninja Rangers. As massive as the Zords were, they were no way larger
than the Sky Base's engine.
"Log on!" ordered Anthony as he jumped into the control center of his Zord.
"Right on!" shouted the remaining Rangers in unison and they all jumped into
their respective Zords.
"Time to bring this sucker down." Said Sebastian as he pressed a button on
the control panel. The Yellow Shogun Zord punched the reactor and caused sparks
to appear.
"My, oh, my! Those pesky Rangers are destroying the main reactor." Said Queen
Machina as she saw sparks burst off the reactor.
"Klang! Stop those Rangers!" shouted King Mondo as he saw how desperate the
situation was.
"Sire," started Klang with a sigh of resignation, "it is too late." His sentence
was punctuated with an explosion.
"NO!!!!!" screamed Ninjor as he saw his young charges disappear in an explosion
that even the Zords could not survive.
The Power Chamber was silent except for the sobbing sounds coming from the
great sage.
Meanwhile, at the site of the destroyed Sky Base, one lone figure stood from
the rubble. Kangwu surveyed his surroundings. His Zord was totaled and his suit torn badly. Not to mention a broken arm.
However, the thing that saddened Kangwu most of all, was the fact that his
friends were gone. "Maxim... we're counting on you." Said Kangwu as he looked
at the stars above him.
"Finish him!" Rocky groaned as Sub-zero froze his own character. What made
it even worst was the fact that his opponent was Alex who had never played the
game before.
Sub-zero then broke Rocky's character into two equal parts. "Fatality!" moaned
the machine.
"Ha! Beat you for the 28th time." Laughed Alex as he continued playing against
the computer.
"What can I say Rocky, you suck." Said Maxim jokingly.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." mumbled Rocky as he walked over to the rest of the Ultra
Rangers who were chatting with Billy.
"Your inventions are some of the best the world has ever known." Said Opus
as Rocky entered within earshot.
"Yeah, well I had a lot of help from some alien friends of mine."
"The Aquitains?" asked Alice as she took another sip from her drink.
Billy nodded a reply and smiled. He never felt more alive. He always wanted
to know whether his inventions would help mankind and now, thanks to teens from
the future, he did, and he knew it.
The Ultra Rangers, along with Billy and Rocky, had gone shopping in the Angel
Grove Shopping Complex, a shopping paradise and any girl's, especially Jenny's,
dream shopping center.
Now, the seven teens were resting and Alex and Maxim were at a nearby arcade
trying ancient games like Mortal Kombat III, Street Fighter Alpha, etc.
Meanwhile, in space, King Mondo was contemplating his next move against the
"We must split up the two Ranger teams. Together, they are invincible." Said
King Mondo and Genocide nodded in agreement.
"Yes, and I have the best way to do it." He said with a smile and teleported
to Earth.
Meanwhile, Alpha reactivated the Viewing Globe. "Yes! Zordon! I got the Viewing
Globe back on line."
"Good job Alpha." It was then that the alarms decided to sound.
"Ai ya ya ya ya! Someone or something has landed in Angel Grove!" shouted
Alpha as he ran around in circles.
"Can you contact the Rangers?" asked Zordon.
"I will try." Replied the small robot.
The Viewing Globe lit up and showed a tall green figure looking at the grassy
ground with its scaly head. It then lifted up its hands up into the air with
its fingers aimed towards the ground.
Suddenly, lightning appeared and struck the ground. Slowly, humanoid figures
appeared and started to move.
"He's made his own warriors..." said Zordon slowly as the screen suddenly reverted
back to static.
"Ai ya ya ya ya! What do we do Zordon?!"
"I don't know Alpha," replied the interdimensional being as he slowly turned
his head, "I don't know."
Meanwhile, at the Angel Grove High School.
Adam continued his practice as Tommy walked in. "Hey, Adam, come here will
"What's up?" asked Adam as he stopped doing his 'Kata'. Tommy just pointed
to his communicator.
As Adam and Tommy reached a clearing and out of sight of the nearest person,
they prepared to teleport. However, they never got a chance.
Actually, Adam never got the chance as Tommy's features melted away and were
replaced by that of a muck monster.
"A trap." Muttered Adam as his Zeonisers appeared.
However, just as he was about to morph, two more creatures appeared beside
him and grabbed his arms. "Let go!" shouted Adam as the third muck monster gave
him a solid punch to the head and knocked him out.
"One down... four to go." Muttered the creature and the foursome teleported
Tommy entered the Juice Bar and immediately noticed that Adam was not practicing
his 'Kata', in fact, Adam was not even in the Juice Bar.
Tommy then a let out a sigh, he wanted to talk to Adam and ask his opinion
on the teens from the future. However, Adam was not around so Tommy left.
Suddenly, Katherine appeared. "Hi Tommy." She said cheerfully.
"Hi Kat." Said Tommy with a forced smile. He then decided to ask her how she
felt about the Ultra Rangers. "Hey, Kat, what do you think about the Ultra Rangers?"
asked Tommy casually.
Kat looked at him and replied, "I think they're great. Especially Jenny, so
much like Kimberly. However, I notice that Maxim is a little cold towards me."
"No, no, no. I mean, do you think they're genuine?" asked Tommy, a little
"Yes, totally." Replied Kat.
Suddenly, six muck warriors appeared and surrounded the two teens.
"What are these things?" asked Kat.
"I don't know but it's morphin' time!" shouted Tommy as his zeonisers appeared.
The duo crossed their arms and began their morphing sequences.
"Zeo Ranger 1! Pink!"
"Zeo Ranger 5! Red!"
Immediately, the Pink and Red Rangers took the place of Katherine Hillard and
Tommy Oliver.
Meanwhile, Tommy's distress signal reached Rocky and Billy. "What's wrong?"
asked Alex as he saw their concern looks.
"Tommy's in trouble." Replied Rocky as he ran off.
"I'd better teleport back to the Power Chamber." Said Billy.
"That won't be possible." Said Maxim as he grabbed Billy's arm.
"What? Why?" asked Billy as the other Rangers looked away.
"The storm that caused our Zords to arrive have already totally scrambled all
tech in the Power Chamber." Replied Opus.
"Then Rocko can't teleport to help them." Said Billy softly.
"He actually still can." Said Opus. "Through us."
"You'd better join them. I'll see you guys later." Said Billy, sadden by the
fact that he could not help the Rangers in any way.
"Right." Said Maxim as he and the other Rangers ran off.
Rocky had just morphed by the time they caught up with him. "Hey, I can't
teleport." He said.
"Don't worry, we can." Said Maxim as the five Rangers placed their Flash Changers
"Flash teleport!" they shouted in unison. At once, the five crystals on the
Flash Changers started to glow and then, the glow engulfed the six Rangers and
then, they were gone.
The six appeared in front of the Juice Bar, all morphed and ready for action.
"Where are they?" asked Rocky anxiously.
"They're in that direction." Said Opus as he pointed towards some trees.
"How convenient." Muttered Alex. "Why can't we enemies in deserted areas
as well?"
"Probably bad luck." Replied Maxim as the six Rangers ran to aid their comrades.
As the six reached the clearing, they saw that Tommy was fighting two muck
warriors, but Kat was nowhere in sight. "Tommy! Where's Kat?" asked Maxim as
he ran to aid him.
"She got carried off in that direction!" said Tommy as he pointed towards the
"I'll go help her." Said Maxim as he kicked one of the two muck warriors aside.
"Right. I'll go help you." Said Alex as more muck warriors appeared.
"Just like bunnies, eh?" said Opus.
"Yup." Acknowledged Alice as she attacked one of the muck warriors.
Meanwhile, Maxim and Alex had reached the area where Kat was fighting the other
four muck warriors. "Alex, cover my left flank." Ordered Maxim as he jump kicked
one of the muck warriors.
"Right, right, whatever." Said the former Red Ranger as he ran towards the
muck warrior that was attacking Kat.
Kat was handling herself very well and was managing to block attack after
attack. However, with the help of Maxim and Alex, she managed to make a comeback
and attack her enemies.
"Zeo Shield Attack!" shouted Kat as she charged towards one of the muck warriors
while being engulfed by pink mist. The muck warrior melted on contact and disappeared.
"Well done." Said Maxim as he punched the muck warrior aside.
"Couldn't have done better myself." Said Alex as he gave his enemy a roundhouse
"Thanks." said Kat happily and failed to see the remaining muck warrior sneak
up behind her. It grabbed her and started to drag her away. "Help!"
Maxim turned and saw the events. "Flash Saber!" he shouted and jumped into
the air.
A red, long crystal formed in his right hand. "Saber slash!" shouted Maxim
as he slashed towards the muck warrior. A streak of flame appeared and sliced
the muck warrior in two and it then dissolved.
"Thanks." Said Kat as she let out a sigh of relief.
"My... pleasure." Said Maxim, who was feeling a little awkward at that moment.
"Hey, we've managed to defeat those pest." Said Rocky as he entered the clearing.
"Right!" said Maxim cheerfully as he broke his gaze. "I wonder what they were
up to."
Suddenly, Billy entered the clearing. "Hey guys, we have a problem."
"What is it Billy?" asked Tommy as he saw his friend panting.
"Tanya... and Adam... have been captured... by the Machine Empire." Said Billy
as he continued panting.
"Oh no!" said all the Rangers gathered there.
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