"We're in trouble now." Said Tommy as he got up from the ground. The other 
rangers were doing the same. Somehow, the monster before them was more powerful 
than any they had ever met. The problem was, it was not metallic like the other 
Machine Empire monsters and Zordon had told the rangers that it was an incredible
threat to Angel Grove.
  "Let's use the Zeo weapons." Said Rocky as he placed his hand on Tommy's 
  "Right!" replied Tommy as he pulled out his Zeo Sword from an energy field 
that appeared in front of him. However, just as he was going to attack, an energy 
beam streaked passed him and struck the monster, destroying it.
  'Zeo Jet Gold Ranger?' thought Tommy as he turned around.
  However, it was not the Gold Ranger that stood there but five people in outfits 
similar to the Zeo Rangers. The colours were red, green, blue, yellow and pink. 
They were holding a huge five barreled cannon.
  "Who are they?" asked Tanya and everyone shrugged.
  "Looks like we got here in time." Said the wearer of the red spandex. The 
others nodded.
  "Who are you?" asked Tommy as he walked up to the five.
  The wearer of the red spandex looked at him and said, "I am the Red Ranger."

  The power chamber was lit with the ten energy beams that streaked in. "Ai yi 
yi!" said Alpha Five as he saw the newcomers. 
  Zordon's head appeared in the dimensional energizer. The five newcomers saw 
him and the Pink Ranger shouted, "Zordon! You're alive!" she (it had to be a 
she) ran up to the cylinder and hugged it.
  The Zeo Rangers looked at the pink individual and heard sobbing sounds come 
from the other rangers.
  Zordon looked down at the ranger and said, "Of course I'm alive. Who are you 
five? Why is it that you have not set off the alarms?"
  "Only people without the Zeo crystal will set off the alarm." Said the Blue 
  "Are you saying that you have the Zeo crystals?" said Adam as he raised his 
Zeoniser to show the newcomers.
  "Actually, yes." Said the Red Ranger as he showed the Zeo Rangers his right 
palm and in it, was the Red Zeo crystal.
  "Who are you?" asked Tommy, more curious than ever.
  The Red Ranger took off his helmet and there, revealed a male Chinese with 
short, black hair. "My name is Maxim Tan. I am the leader of the Ultra Rangers."
  "The Ultra Rangers?" asked Tommy. Maxim nodded.
  "How is it that you have the Zeo crystals?" asked Zordon.
  "Saga gave them to us, after you..." said the Blue Ranger but stopped short
as Maxim shook his head.
  "Saga? Here? How is I was unaware of this?" said Zordon.
  "Zordon, who is Saga?" asked Kat as she eyed Maxim extensively. 'He's kinda 
cute.' She thought.
  "Saga is an old friend of mine. How did he have Zeo crystals? It is still 
impossible that..."
  "Zordon, we are not from this timeline." Said Maxim, much to the Zeo Rangers 
and Zordon's shock.
  "Say that again," said Tommy.
  "We are from the year 2018. Zordon picked us when the rangers before us graduated 
and went on to lead their own lives." Explained Maxim.
  "Impossible!" everyone turned and saw Billy. "The rangers would never give 
up being rangers just because they graduated."
  "Mom said you were one of a kind, and now, I believe her." Said Maxim.
  "Your mom knew me?" said Billy, shocked.
  "Yes, she knew all the original Rangers like Tommy," Maxim pointed at the 
Red Ranger, "Kimberly, Zack, Jason and you."
  "Wait, what about Trini?" asked Billy.
  "Uncle Billy," said Maxim, "my mother IS Trini."
  "WHAT?!" shouted Tommy, Zordon, Billy and Alpha 5 together.      


  King Mondo looked at the figure in front of him. A figure emitted incredible 
amount of evil energy.
  "Who are you?!" demanded King Mondo as he waved his staff. 
  "I am Genocide." Replied the purple-robed figure in a monotonous voice. 
  "What?!" shouted King Mondo. "Genocide? The scourge of the universe? Why are 
you here?" 
  "Fear not King Mondo," said Genocide, "I am not here to destroy you but to 
help you destroy the bane of your existence, the Power Rangers."
  "Why should you be interested?" asked King Mondo suspiciously. No 'scourge 
of the universe' would help another without an ulterior motive.
  "Oh, let's just say, it will really help my future." Replied Genocide with 
a smile.    
  Meanwhile, at the Power Chamber.
  "You're Trini's son?" exclaimed Adam.
  "Who's Trini?" asked Tanya.
  "The original Yellow Ranger." Replied Katherine.
  Maxim finally decided to speak. "I'm Trini's younger son. Whether you believe 
me or not, it's not why we are here. In fact, we have another reason." 
  "What is that?" asked Rocky.
  "We have to stop the destruction of the Power Rangers." Replied the Yellow 
Ultra Ranger.
  "Wait a minute," said Katherine, "who are you guys anyway?"
  "Oh, let me introduce the other rangers." Said Maxim, suddenly embarrassed 
by the fact that he lost his manners.
  One by one, the rangers took off their helmets. "This is Opus. He's our technical 
specialist." Said Maxim as he pointed at the Blue Ultra Ranger.
  Next, he pointed at the Pink Ultra Ranger, "This is Alice." The brown-haired 
beauty nodded at the Zeo Rangers.
  Then, he pointed to the Green Ultra Ranger, who to the surprise to the Zeo 
Rangers, was a girl. "This is Jenny, she's new to the team."
  "New to the team?" asked Tommy.
  "She's helping out while a friend of ours is recuperating from some injuries."
Explained Maxim.
  "And finally, Alex." Maxim pointed at the blonde-haired youngster in yellow
  "Why is it you are here?" asked Zordon as he continued to eye the Ultra Rangers.
  "Saga sent us here after our enemy, Genocide, traveled back in time." Replied 
  "Genocide?" muttered Zordon, "How is it he managed to go back in time?"
  "A long story." Replied Maxim as he looked away.    
  "Anyway," said Alice, who until now had been silent, "Genocide believed that 
if he destroyed the Power Rangers before we appeared, he could easily take over 
the Earth."
  "So," started Opus, "he used stray interdimensional energy to create a time
rift in which he travel back in time." 
  Softly, Billy mumbled to Zordon, "Zordon, there is no way this Genocide could 
have gotten interdimensional energy unless you..."
  "I know Billy." Replied Zordon softly.
  "But why to this era?" asked Alpha 5.
  "Because of the time distortion caused by... what's his name... oh yah, Master 
Vile." Replied Opus. "Due to the destruction of the power coins, time was pretty 
much distorted when everything returned to normal."
  "So, if what you say is true," said Billy, "you're trying to prevent Genocide 
from destroying us."
  "Actually, we failed to do so." Said Alex.
  "What?!" shouted the Zeo Rangers in unison.
  "Let me explain." Said Maxim as he made a calming motion. "We had no idea 
that Genocide returned to this time to destroy you all, so, we did nothing. It 
was later that we found out that the time rift was changing. To protect us, 
Saga created a dimensional tear, which separated us from the actual time 
continuation. This allowed us to plan our strategy and also made sure we did 
not forget who you were."
  "What about the rest of the world?" asked Adam with the utmost concern.
  "The Machine Empire is now in charge." Replied Jenny with tears in her eyes.
  "What caused all this to happen?" asked Rocky.
  Maxim turned to face Tommy and said, "The death of Zeo Ranger V."
  Meanwhile, in the year 2018. "Alpha, we must contact Dimitria." Said a majestic 
figure in the tube that once housed Zordon.
  "But Saga," said a familiar looking robot, Alpha 5, "the Dimitria of this 
time zone knows nothing of us as she and Alpha 6 never came to take over our 
places. She doesn't even know who T.J, Carlo, Justin, etc are!"
  "You are right Alpha, if only we could contact the Blue Senturion, we could 
have a chance to fight of the enemies until the Rangers return."
  "Ai ya ya ya yaaa." I hope they're okay." Said the little robot as it shook 
its head.
  "Don't worry Alpha, I'm sure they are."


  In the still of the night, an electrical storm began in Angel Grove.
  "Ai ya ya ya yaaaa!" shouted Alpha in despair. "All the instruments are going 
crazy Zordon."
  "I know Alpha, I suspect this storm is more than what it seems." Said Zordon 
  Zordon was right for in the middle of the storm, an electrical blast struck
the pavement below. In its wake was a lone figure in a ranger costume with one 
knee against the floor. As he got up, his suit shone in a golden hue. Suddenly, 
he disappeared in a beam of red and white. It was at that moment, the storm 
ended almost as soon as it begun.
  Next morning, the five rangers from the future stayed at Tommy's home. Tommy 
had graciously 'given' his room to the two female members of the team while 
he and the other rangers slept in the living room.
  "Good morning all." Said Jenny as she walked down the stairway. She was wearing 
a red T-shirt and pink shorts.
  "Good morning." Mumbled Maxim as he scratched his head. He then gave a great, 
big yawn.
  'I wonder if Trini does that when she wakes up' thought Tommy. 
  Maxim was wearing a green T-shirt with polka dot boxers.
  "Maxim, if I wanted to see the ugly side of you," started Alex, "I would have 
gotten glasses."
  "Huh?" said the whole assembly together.
  "Never mind." Said Alex as he started to eat his cornflakes.
  The six sat silently as they ate their breakfast when the phone rang. "I'll 
get it." Said Tommy as he ran out of the kitchen to answer the phone.
  "So, what do you think?" asked Opus as he arranged his yellow T-shirt.
  "Well, he's kinda cute." Stated Alice as she finished the last piece of her 
  "Uh huh, and what is Mark going to say when he finds out that he lost out to 
a guy over twice his age?" said Alex.
  "Very funny." Said Alice and punched Alex in the arm.
  "People, people, let's focus." Stated Maxim. "Saga sent us here for a reason. 
We have to protect my godfather."
  "Yeah, we know Maxim. As it is, we all don't exist in the future because of 
his death." Said Opus.
  "You know, if Master Vile hadn't screwed the timeline so badly, we would never 
have this problem." Said Alice.
  "Good point. We would have detected the tear created by Genocide a lot earlier."
Replied Opus as the others nodded.
  "Hey guys," said Tommy as he entered the kitchen, "that was Kat, she wants 
to give you guys the tour of Angel Grove in the 20th Century."
  Maxim visibly cringed at the mention of Kat but recovered quickly enough for 
Tommy not to notice.
  "That sounds great." Said Alex smilingly.
  "Yes, most educational."
  "I want to see 20th Century fashion!" stated Jenny as the rest of the team 
  "Wait, I just thought of something, if you guys are from the future, then your 
  "Don't worry Tommy, Alpha prepared outfits for us which will suit this century."
Said Alice as she stood up. "Let's get changed." 
  "I'll join you." Said Alex cheekily.
  "Don't even think about it." Said the two girls simultaneously.
  "Okay." Said Alex in mock disappointment as Tommy, Maxim and Opus started 
  "Is he always like this?" asked Tommy.
  "Most of the time." Replied Maxim as he walked towards the living room.
  The six teens entered the Juice Bar. Maxim was wearing a black jacket with 
a white T-shirt and jeans. Alex wore a blue T-shirt and black pants. Alice was 
wearing a red T-shirt and jeans. Opus wore a blue polo shirt and jeans while 
Jenny wore a pink shirt with yellow slacks. 
  They looked like regular teens except for the huge 'watches' they wore on 
their wrist.
  "Aren't those, well, going to give your identities away?" asked Tommy.
  "In the future, these 'things' are regularly seen." Replied Opus.
  "Well, in the past, they're going to look weird to onlookers." 
  The group looked at the origin of the voice and saw Billy.
  "Hi." Said Maxim with a smile.
  "Yeah, hi." Replied Billy. He was still a little skeptical about the Ultra 
Rangers origins.
  "Hi everyone." Said Kat in a cheerful voice. "You all ready for my guided 
  "Yeah!" said four of the five future teens. Maxim kept very quiet.
  "I'll look around on my own." He finally said.
  "What?" said his teammates.
  "I want to look around this place on my own." He repeated.
  "Fine," said Kat cheerfully, "we'll meet you here for lunch."
  "Right." Muttered Maxim before leaving the Juice Bar.
  "What's with him?" asked Tommy.
  "You don't want to know." Replied Alex as the small group walked off.
  Maxim walked to the High School. He would study there, in twenty over years 
time that is. He looked at the school, he looked really different than from 
its future counterpart. It looked ancient but nice. Maxim smiled to himself 
and continued walking.
  Meanwhile, on the moon.
  "So what you're saying is that you have created a monster with which you will 
destroy the rangers with?" asked King Mondo.
  "Yes." Replied Genocide. "However, I sent it here some time earlier than me 
and have lost track of it."
  "Would it be, by any chance, a reptilian looking monster?" asked Klang in his 
usual Scottish accent.
  "Well, it was destroyed by another bunch of rangers."
  "What?! Another bunch of rangers?!" shouted King Mondo.
  "Would they by any chance have crystals on their helmets?" asked Genocide.
  "Yes, they did." Answered Klang.
  "The Ultra Rangers." 
  Maxim looked in shock as a bunch of metallic foot soldiers lumbered towards
him. They had appeared out of cracks in walls and the sky.
  "What?" muttered Maxim as the creatures banged their chest.
  Suddenly, the two in front of him looked at him. Their heads split into two
through the middle. Then, blue energy bolts flew towards him.
  "Whoa!" shouted Maxim as he jumped out of the way of the bolts of energy.
  "Zordon!" shouted Alpha 5 in the Power Chamber.
  "What is it Alpha?" asked Zordon concernedly.
  "The leader of the Ultra Rangers is being attacked."
  "Contact the rangers."
  "It is not possible Zordon. The electrical storm knocked out our communications 
and teleportation." 
  Back at the alley, Maxim was being punched and kicked all over the place. 'If brother ever saw me in this state, he would have a fit.' He thought.
  Suddenly, one of the COGS threw him against a wall giving him some breathing 
  "Alright!" he shouted. "Time to kick butt."
  Then, he crossed his arms with his left arm overlapping his right. "I need 
the power of FLASH!" he shouted as the crystal on his 'watch' shone.
  Suddenly, the crystal emitted a flash of light which engulfed him. Soon, a 
red coloured warrior stood in his place. 
  "Shut goggles!" he shouted as his visor appeared and covered his eyes.
  "Red Ultra! Power of Mars!" he shouted as he went in a fighting stance.


  "So, what you're saying is that you guys became the first rangers to use the 
Morphin' Grid?" asked Kat as the seven teens sat at the Juice Bar. They had just 
finished the tour and the four Ultra Rangers, Kat, Billy and Tommy were enjoying 
drinks made by Ernie.
  "Well, chronological wise, yes. But we all know that you were the first although 
no one knows now." Replied Opus.
  "So, what happened to Ninjor and the Ninja powers?" asked Billy.
  "Well, Ninjor joined us in battle against Lord Zedd for some time until Genocide 
appeared and we obtained the powers of the Flash crystal." Explained Alice.
  "You guys do know that I have no idea what you're all talking about, right?" 
asked Jenny as she sipped some more of her ice lemon tea.
  "Sorry." Said Alice.
  "It's okay but when do we go shopping?" asked Jenny. 
  "We don't." said Opus as he looked at his watch.
  "What?" asked Alex as he stood behind Opus.
  "Maxim's in trouble, let's go." Said Opus as he got off the chair and went 
towards the door.
  "What's happening?" asked Tommy as he followed them.
  "Maxim's fighting some weird metallic creatures. We're going to help him." 
Said Opus before turning to Kat. "Protect Tommy when we're away." Kat nodded 
in response.
  "We need the power of FLASH!" shouted Opus as the four future rangers crossed 
their arms with their left arm over their right.
  Four separate burst of light engulfed the four rangers and soon, they were 
in their respective uniforms.
  "Shut goggles! Power of Mercury!" shouted Opus.
  "Shut goggles! Power of Saturn!" shouted Alice.
  "Shut goggles! Power of Jupiter!" shouted Jenny.
  "Shut goggles! Power of Venus!" shouted Alex.
  "Let's go!" ordered Opus as four white cycles appeared from nowhere. The rangers 
got on to the motorcycles and rode off.
  "Let's follow them." Said Tommy and his zeonisers appeared.
  "But Tommy, it could be dangerous." Stated Kat.
  "I know but if I have to die, I'd rather die in battle."
  "But the rangers said you would die in battle." Billy pointed out.
  "Oh well." Said Tommy with a shrug. "It's morphin' time!" 
  Kat gave a sigh and activated her zeonisers and placed her left arm horizontally 
against her right arm. Tommy did the same.
  "Zeo Ranger 1! Pink!" shouted Kat as her costume wrapped itself around her.
  "Zeo Ranger 5! Red!" shouted Tommy and his suit appeared as well.
  "Good luck guys." Said Billy.
  "Right." Said Tommy as the Zeo cycles appeared. The two rangers rode off.
  Meanwhile, Maxim was battling the COGS and winning. He had already fell five 
of the twelve COGS and he had the remaining ones on the ropes. 
  "Flash saber!" shouted Maxim as he grabbed his flash blaster. He then turned 
the hilt and straighten it. He then pulled out of the blaster and a blade formed 
at the top of the hilt. He then used the blade to attack the COGS.
  "He's making scrap out of my soldiers!" screamed King Mondo.
  "Yes, I know." Said Genocide.
  "Well, send a monster down."
  "No, I think you should send one instead."
  "What?!" shouted King Mondo as he struck his staff at Klang, knocking him 
  "The Ultra Rangers are used to my monsters so let's use yours." Said Genocide.
  "Ah, strategy, how sound." 
  Meanwhile, the other rangers had arrived and together battled the COGS and 
winning easily. 
  "These guys aren't so tough." Said Alex as he kicked one of the COGS into a 
  "Yeah, they're too easy to defeat." Said Jenny as she punched one of the COGS 
into some trashcans.
  Suddenly, an energy blast struck the pavement behind, sending her flying into 
Maxim who had just thrown a COG into a dumpster.
  "Jenny, are you okay?" he asked and the Green Ultra Ranger nodded. 
  "What was that?" asked Alex and the answer came in the form of a punch. The 
Yellow Ultra Ranger flew into the air and crashed into a pile of dismantled 
  As the rangers regrouped, they saw a silver metallic creature with a missile 
launcher on its right arm.
  "One of King Mondo's creatures no doubt." Said Opus.
  "That's right rangers, the name's Scraper and I'm going to scrap you." The 
creature said and fired a missile at the Ultra Rangers.
  "Whoa!" shouted Maxim as he pulled Jenny out of the way.
  Opus, Alex and Alice jumped out of the way as well but crashed into some 
  "We've got to destroy this freak!" shouted Alex as he got up.
  "Right!" shouted Maxim. "Assemble Flash Cannon!"
  "Right!" shouted the rangers in unison.
  Each ranger pulled out a giant cannon and placed it on their shoulders. Maxim's 
cannon was the largest. Then, the rangers combined the cannons together and a 
five-barreled cannon was formed. 
  Opus and Jenny kneeled under the cannon well Alice and Alex stood at the sides 
of the cannon and Maxim stood behind the cannon.
  "Alex! Target lock!" he ordered.
  "Right!" shouted Alex as he targeted the monster and when the computer registered 
a lock, the cannon powered up.
  "FIRE!" shouted the rangers in unison.
  The cannon barrels started to spin and five streams of energy, each coinciding 
with the colours of the rangers suits, blasted out of it and struck the metallic 
monster and it exploded in a huge fireball.
  It was just then that Kat and Tommy arrived. "Darn, we missed out on the action."
Said Tommy.
  "Oh don't worry Red Ranger," said King Mondo from his base, "there'll be more 
excitement coming up. Klang, now!"
  "Yes, oh vicious one." Said Klang as he hurled Orbus at the remains of the 
  Suddenly, the monster enlarged and stood towering over the rangers.
  "Oh boy." Muttered Alex.  
  "Whoa! Looks like one of King Mondo's monsters!" shouted Tommy as he pressed 
a button on his communicator.  
  'Beep beep beep beep beep beep!' Rocky immediately looked at his communicator 
and at his two friends, Adam and Tanya. They were in the Juice Bar and now an 
emergency had come up.
  "Go ahead." Said Rocky as Adam and Tanya huddled closer to Rocky so as to 
make sure no onlookers would suspect anything.
  "Yo Rocko." Came Tommy's voice through the communicator.
  "Get over to the alley near Angel Grove High."
  "Right." Said Rocky and ran out of the Juice Bar with Adam and Tanya in tow.
  Outside and out of sight from an prying eyes, Rocky shouted, "It's morphin'
  "Zeo Ranger 2! Yellow!" shouted Tanya.
  "Zeo Ranger 3! Blue!" shouted Rocky.
  "Zeo Ranger 4! Green!" shouted Adam. 
  The three Zeo Rangers arrived on their Zeo Cycles in time to see the monster 
try to stomp on the Ultra Rangers.
  "We've got to help them." Said Tanya.
  "I agree, we need Zeo Zord power now!" shouted Tommy.
  At that moment, "Maxim, I'm sick of jumping around. Let's get this beast!" 
shouted Alex.
  Maxim nodded in agreement. "Alright! Flash Carrier! To us now!" he shouted 
into his communicator.
  Suddenly, an electrical storm began and a hole in the sky appeared. Moments 
later, a large space ship of some sort appeared and the electrical storm disappeared. 
The Ultra Rangers immediately teleported into the ship.
  Meanwhile, at a hidden compound just outside Angel Grove, five huge vehicles 
known as the Zeo Zords launched out to seek out their users.
  Meanwhile, in the Flash Carrier, the Ultra Rangers sat on their respective 
  "Initiate Ultra Zord sequence." Ordered Maxim as he and his seat disappeared 
into the floor. He was followed by the other rangers.
  Meanwhile, the Zeo Rangers had entered their Zords.
  "Zeoniser crystal! Power up!" ordered Tommy as he placed his zeoniser crystal 
into the activation pod.
  "Zeoniser crystal! Power up!" shouted the other rangers in unison as they 
placed their crystals into their activation pods.
  As the Zeo Zords started to merge together, the Flash Carrier's top hatch 
opened and a red fighter jet flew out. Its side hatches opened next and another 
fighter jet, blue this time, appeared from the left pod and a pinkish white 
helicopter appeared from the right. These hatches then closed as the front part 
of the carrier opened up revealing a black twin-drill vehicle and a yellow tank.
  "Flash crystal! Maximize!" shouted Maxim as he pulled the crystal on his helmet 
out and placed it on his control panel.
  "Flash crystal! Maximize!" shouted the other rangers as they placed their 
flash crystals on their own control panels. 
  "Flash Megazord initiated!" an electronic voice could be heard.
  The five Flash Zords flew into the air. The Tank Zord folded and connected 
into the Drill Zord. The Aerial, Jet and Heli Zords then flew into positions. 
The Aerial and Heli Zords connected to the sides of the Tank Zord while the 
Jet Zord connected to the top. The Jet Zord then folded to form the chest plate 
and head.
  Inside the cockpit of the Flash Megazord, the rangers sat in their respective 
places. Red Ultra in the middle, Pink Ultra to his left, Blue Ultra to his right, 
Yellow Ultra behind Pink Ultra and Green Ultra behind Blue Ultra.
  "Flash Megazord! Power up!" shouted the Ultra Rangers as their Zord landed 
on the ground below.
  Meanwhile, the Zeo Megazord was battling the monster. The monster was trashing 
the Megazord and sparks began to fly around in the cockpit.
  "This is bad." Said Adam as sparks came bursting out of his control panel.
  "Yeah, we could sure use some help." Said Kat. And then, as if to answer her 
wish, the Flash Megazord punched the metallic monster aside.
  "Yo guys! Need some help?" asked Maxim as the Flash Megazord stood beside the 
Zeo Megazord.
  "Sure could!" shouted Tanya.
  The monster got up from the ground and shouted, "Oh boy, a two for one scrap!"
  "It's you who's going to be scrap!" shouted Rocky. "Zeo helmet 3!"
  The helmet of the Megazord suddenly disappeared and was replaced by another 
resembling a pyramid. Beams then streaked out of the helmet and lifted the 
monster into the air.
  "Let me down!" shouted the monster. "I'm getting air sick here!"
  "Sure, no problem!" replied Rocky as the beams disappeared and the monster 
came tumbling down.
  "Time to end this!" shouted Maxim as he pressed a button on the control panel. 
"Flash blaster, power up!" ordered Maxim as the Megazord grabbed the blaster 
on the right side of its waist.
  The Zord then fired two blasts at the monster. Two thunderous explosions were 
heard before the monster blew up in a third one. 
  "It's over." Muttered Maxim as the other rangers gave a sigh of relieve.
  "No!" shouted King Mondo. "That was one of my best monsters."
  "Obviously not." Muttered Genocide as he looked at the Earth below him. "Soon, 
very soon you will be mine."


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